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How come Poles like Russians but not Germans?

mafketis  38 | 11092  
13 Mar 2018 /  #181
Germans have the reputation for being arrogant and condescending to nearly EVERYBODY

nearly? my impression is that Germans are only happy when they're antagonizing everyone around them
Lyzko  44 | 9736  
13 Mar 2018 /  #182
Well, guess you've proven my point.

I lived for practically a total of a year-and-a-half in Germany, as many here on PF already know, and would have had my ego merrily bruised on almost a daily basis had I not the tough hide of perfect German, plus a naturally thick skin to people who just love playing psychology with those whom they perceive as "weaker":-)

Never visited Russia, but during my albeit brief sojourn in Poland, I never noticed this attitude towards strangers as I did in Germany.
Rather refreshing in this respect, Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11092  
13 Mar 2018 /  #183
y ego merrily bruised on almost a daily basis

An old joke, in the US if youaccidentally bump against a stranger on the sidewalk you both apologize (unless you're in NYC in which you sue each other)

In Germany, you're outraged at impertinent cheek of the clod who just had the temerity to get in your way.
Lyzko  44 | 9736  
13 Mar 2018 /  #184
:-) I agree.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2018 /  #185
Germans have the reputation for being arrogant and condescending to nearly EVERYBODY, not only the Poles!

Germans and Poles are very direct and don't beat around the bush like Anglos do. The perceived "arrogance" your are talking about is simply a cultural difference; nothing more. In Australia it's the Americans who are considered arrogant and loud. There goes your theory... :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5103  
13 Mar 2018 /  #186
It's true that Germans and Poles are both direct but I don't think many Poles have that arrogance so often shown by Germans.

I would never accuse Australians of arrogance but in my experience they are much louder than Americans.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2018 /  #187
I don't think many Poles have that arrogance so often shown by Germans.

You only think it's arrogance, but it's not. That was my point.

in my experience they are much louder than Americans

Only when they are drunk... :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5103  
13 Mar 2018 /  #188
Point taken TheOther.

And you are right about Australians too,but Australians do spend a fair bit of time drunk... :-)
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Mar 2018 /  #189
It is The Russian state that we Poles hate and are fearful of and nothing has changed there.

Don`t worry. All Russians with whom I talked contemplate only of England as of new Russian gubernia.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #190
London is sometimes called Londograd due to all the wealthy Russians living there

Poles look towards Germans more favorably than Russians, which is sad imo but understandable. Both Germany and Russia have been at war with Poland for 1000 years on and off. Nonetheless, there's more animosity towards Russia because of the behavior of Soviet soldiers during WW2 and the crushing of any democratic initiatives during the PRL years. Poland was under Russia's control far longer than Germany's and even during WW2 Russians treated Poles far worse (even though they were the supposed 'liberators') than the Wehrmacht and Nazis. Plus, Putin acted aggressively in Ukraine and stoked division between Ukrainians and Russians. He does the same thing in Estonia which has a large Russian population to divide the people. It's quite sad as I'd much rather have Poland and Russia and all Slavic countries to be united and have a good relationship. Poland and Russia can gain a ton from each other if there were reconciliation and peace. However, it is unlikely that will happen anytime soon. Anti-Russian sentiment is regularly used by Polish politicians for cheap political points with nationalists.
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Mar 2018 /  #191
Interesting. We Serbs when naked on the beach and when penis twisting and swinging freely around (you know what I mean), we call it `landaranje`... those twisting moves of free d***. So, by those movements entire spectacle of night swimming got its name `landaranje`. ``We go to landaranje``, people speaks (Idemo da landaramo).

Point is, maybe old Slavs (ie Sarmatians) who were natives of the region named London after landaranje.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #192
Well london and uks politics do seem to be one giant circle jerk between limousine liberals, shampoo socialists and muslim apologists - and even muslims with ties to radical salafi/wahabi groups like sadiq khan. Even the tories are awful.

Uks best chance was with nigel farange. Atleast he managed to push brexit through although rhe eurocrats are doing everything to stall the process amd make things as difficult as possible for uk to leave.

Please back to the topic
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Mar 2018 /  #193
Topic? Yes, topic. Poles as Slavs of course likes Russians and not Germans.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #194
Crow it's actually the opposite. Poles have a far better relationship with Germany than Russia. There's tons of Poles working in Germany but very few in Russia - most of the Poles in Russia are descendants of those who were exiled to Siberia during Stalin's time and settled there. Poles don't like Merkel nor the far left policies of hers that have brought a deluge of migrants upon the entire continent, but nonetheless Germany is viewed as an important trading partner - far more so than Russia. Poland would have a better relationship with Russia if they weren't threatening to bomb the country and if they didn't invade our southern neighbor
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Mar 2018 /  #195
Its all too complicated and again that simple. Both, Poles and Russians betrayed Svetovid. Some Russians says Russia is third Rome, some Poles says they are bigger Catholics then Pope. Jews are so proud with them both, while Romans, genocidal machine, if they could rise from the grave, could be maximally satisfied with accomplishments among Poles and Russians.

If I rule Poland and Russia I wouldn`t give a sh** what are they at their houses. Publicly, Svetovid to share its power with Christ. That, if I rule.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2018 /  #196
There's tons of Poles working in Germany

The world's second largest Polonia lives in Germany.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #197
I know there's a ton of Poles in Germany but I don't think Germany has the 2nd most Polish diaspora. I'd say probably first US, then UK. Germany would likely be in 3rd/4th place. France and Canada also have a sizeable PL population. Surprisingly Brazil and Argentina have apparently hundreds of thousands of Poles.

Also a lot of the Poles that work in Germany will like work a week then go to PL on weekends and many who are involved in like a building trade will work a while, then go to Poland to spend their money and relax, go back to Germany to make money, go back to PL to spend it, etc. This is a long tradition - even in the 80's and 90's teens would go to Germany to work on farms during the summer months to make a little extra money as the wages were higher than in PL. So a lot of these people in a way have 2 residencies and there's tons of Poles that do that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Mar 2018 /  #198
Germany would likely be in 3rd/4th place.

There's a hell of a lot of Polish disapora in places like the Ruhr, more than you might think. The difference might be that many of them don't really consider themselves to be of Polish descent. The UK in comparison has plenty of actual Poles, but not that many Polonia.

Fun fact: the man who announced the opening of the Berlin Wall was probably a member of the Polish diaspora, Günter Schabowski.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Mar 2018 /  #199

Indeed. I have family in Dortmund and while they're definitely Polish and speak it, the youngest generations I don't think are learning the language.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2018 /  #200
There's a hell of a lot of Polish disapora in places like the Ruhr

Many families of Polish descent in that region date back to pre-WW1 times. According to Wikipedia, Germany's Polonia is the second largest.

Tacitus  2 | 1259  
14 Mar 2018 /  #201
Many families of Polish descent in that region date back to pre-WW1 times.

This is related to the rapid economic development of the Ruhr Valley in the 19th century, when cities like Essen (my hometown) experienced an incredible population increase and immigration from other parts of Germany and beyond. The Ruhr Valley was very attractive for Polish people, since it offered jobs without the discrimination they faced in e.g. Russia.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103  
14 Mar 2018 /  #202
Dirk Diggler - Surprisingly Brazil and Argentina have apparently hundreds of thousands of Poles

Yes,Porto Alegre in Brazil has a large Polish population.
Atch  22 | 4299  
14 Mar 2018 /  #203
Surprisingly Brazil and Argentina have apparently hundreds of thousands of Poles.

I was intrigued by that so I looked it up and apparently the city of Curitiba in Brazil has the second largest number of Polish diaspora in the world after your own hometown of Chicago - quite unexpected. I don't think people associate Brazil with a big Polish community.

The Curitiba story is fascinating. The Liga Morska i Rzeczna was a Polish organization set up in 1930 with the hope of establishing Polish overseas colonies, would you believe. They were also attempting to build up the Polish Navy. In 1937 Poland officially demanded overseas colonies from the League of Nations but they were refused. Anyway the Polish League bought a lot of land in Brazil including in Curitiba to such a degree that the locals got a bit upset and started demonstrating. There were fears that Poland planned to officially make Brazil (or at least some of it) a Polish colony. So the Brazilian government limited Polish immigration. Who knows, if WWII hadn't broken out, would Poland have tried to build an empire?? Other places hallmarked by Poland as possible colonies were Liberia and Madagascar.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103  
14 Mar 2018 /  #204
Delphiandomine - The UK in comparison has plenty of actual Poles, but not that many Polonia

Before the mass influx of Poles to the UK from 2004 onwards there were over 100,000 people of Polish descent here already.
Mainly WW2 veterans and their descendents.
If you add these to the more recent arrivals it makes about 1 million.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Mar 2018 /  #205
100,000 people of Polish descent here already.

Just over 200000 veterans and descendants last count we had in the uk
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Mar 2018 /  #206

Yea theres poles in mexico kazakhstan belarus alaska kentucky iceland almost anywhere u can imagine. i dont mean like of distant polish ancestry or those who no libger speak the original langauge. During the prl times many poles worked in gaddafis libya saddams iraq and apartheid sa. Poles esp like s.a. bc the government gave you a house and a great salary back then but now its fubar the new president is confiscating white farms just like mugabe did and media is silent
Slavictor  6 | 193  
16 Mar 2018 /  #207
What you call "PC obsession" is just something called equality.

Hahaha! The Frankfurt School originated in Germany too, coincidentally. And they created the language you are using.
cms neuf  1 | 1826  
16 Mar 2018 /  #208
This ranting about the Frankfurt school is something I encountered in Andrew Breitbarts ridiculous and thin book. So I guess I has spread to other Alt Right insecure people.

Of course feminist theories in the US developed separately from the Frankfurt school - amazingly most of the early work on that was done by women not by refugee Jewish guys.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
16 Mar 2018 /  #209
the Frankfurt school is something I encountered

Hi, 16 words does hardly a rant make. If you are aware of the Frankfurt school's objectives and are defending them, this would presumably make you a marxist adherent whether knowingly or not. Of course, those at the school eventually realized that marx was incorrect in application of his theory on how to take down western capitalism. His was intended as an economic method, while those at the Frankfurt school ( known as the "Institute for Social Research") revised marx's revolutionary theory into cultural terms. The result was a spectacular success. We see the end product of it's intention everywhere it was applied. This took time, using the techniques of planned patient gradualism. I don't know the book you are referencing but the Frankfurt school existed and it's intent clear. A book you may deride as ridiculous (I don't know which one you refer to) may contain historical references to the sinking of the Titanic, but that does not change that it sank. I am aware of Freidan et al, all following and continuing the schools' lead.

For anyone else reading this, I recommend the following video on the subject of the Frankfurt school to clarify it's mandate:
Lyzko  44 | 9736  
16 Mar 2018 /  #210
Yet its founder, Max Horkheimer, was himself a German-Jewish refugee,

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