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Colossal Bronze Age battle 3200 years ago happened on Tollense River near Baltic sea - perpetrators unknown

Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #1
Spot this > Battle that happened in ancient time, official science refusing to give conclusion who were perpetrators of battle. But battle was colossal with entire armies involved, many thousands dead. What is especially confusing is that scale of battle suggests logistics of a states behinds the perpetrators of battle - but what states, what kind of states > first class archeological discovery and news on the soil of Europe >

Slaughter at the bridge: Uncovering a colossal Bronze Age battle

Thousands of warriors came together in a brutal struggle, perhaps fought on a single day, using weapons crafted from wood, flint, and bronze, a metal that was then the height of military technology.

20 Oct 2018 /  #2
Yeah, I heard about it before. What's interesting is:

DNA from teeth suggests some warriors are related to modern southern Europeans and others to people living in modern-day Poland and Scandinavia.

OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #3
Discovery is extraordinary. I still analyze some newest findings of molecular science. This is just so magnificent. Yes, seams that DNA of ancestors of modern day Poles are among involved.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #4
That fits the findings of the Ptolemy map full of settlements....

...This would mean that socio-political development in Central Europe was more advanced and more bellicose than previously assumed,....


Central Europe was not only mud huts and uncultured barbarians as believed for so long....
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #5
Its confirmed. Its about Lusatians who desperately defended.

Archeology, genetic findings and molecular science confirms that primarily bearers of Slavic-Serbian Lusatian culture clashed in battle with people that had genetic marks of Southern Europe (today`s Spain and Basque). With ancestors of Lusatian Serbs, in massive graves are mixed bones that confirmed presents of other Slavic genetic sub-groups. All suggests that Lusatians were aided by many other Slavic kin tribes.

Furthermore, molecular science says that after the conflict, that was obviously decisive, happened retreat of bearers of Lusatian culture, while genetic findings suggest catastrophic loss of male populace and dramatic increase in number of females in graves of Lusatian culture. Later findings shows significant general drop in numbers of Lusatian culture populace, while new genetic Southern European markings were founded in previously Lusatian regions. Russian and Italian scientists suggests that what we see is that genocide happened in war that happened in wide region from what is now Berlin all to the Baltic shores.
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #7
You should all start educate on Serbian media and forget your national TV`s

Let me start with this .... Anatole A. Klyosov, US-Russian scientist who work in the fields of physical chemistry, enzyme catalysis, industrial biochemistry and DNA-genealogy


Here you have Anatole A. Klyosov speaks in English > confirmed that Aryans were Slavs >

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #8
...no, not some nutter on a youtube video....a link...some article in a respected media...anything valuable...

Klyosov described his "DNA genealogy" as a "patriotic science"

A new wannabe Hitler?
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #9
Who is respectable? In Britannica you have statement that Slavs came in Europe in 6th century. Would you take Britannica seriously? Entire number of sciences confirms Slavs to be first Europeans and even givers of other Europeans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #10
...In some of his writings Klyosov tried to refute the Out of Africa hypothesis and proposed his alternative Into Africa theory[21] with "outlandish claims" that the human species originated in Northern Russia.

Oh my goodness...
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #11
A new wannabe Hitler?

He confirmed that Hitler wasn`t right.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #12
Only he used genetic heritage as something "patriotic" (till now)...
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #13
Truth isn`t patriotic. Truth is truth. Behind truth is science. Hitler lied.

Oh my goodness...

What is wrong with that theory? You Germans just insist to be Black Africans by origin?

Why not have pluralism of theories?

Anyway, truth will be known in 1000 years, if humanity endure till then.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #14
You Germans just insist to be Black Africans by origin?

That's the stand of the actual confirmed findings.

Why not have pluralism of theories?

There is nothing wrong with a pluralism of theories...

What you do personally wrong Crowie, is to present a theory as FACT! And if anybody doubts it you call it the "truth" and everbody else either lies or is part of a conspiracy to hide the truth.

But compared to the vast knowledge and archaelogical findings supporting the "Out of Africa" theory you have not much to show otherwise till now...

Another theory btw is the idea of aliens planting human life on earth...you know...that's the bible in scientific...also very interesting....Adam and Eva two human prototypes mixed up in an alien laboratorium, then let free to spawn mankind...

Anyway, truth will be known in 1000 years, if humanity endure till then.

Well I think it's safe to say people in 1000 years will laugh about our stupidity and ignorance...
OP Crow  155 | 9702  
20 Oct 2018 /  #15
What you want man? We didn`t even need some new evidences. Its already known from many sources how at that time, 3200 years ago, Sarmatians (ie Serbians) dominated Europe and then in that battle we see how somebody challenged them deep in Sarmatian inland. That is that battle.

Well I think it's safe to say people in 1000 years will laugh about our stupidity and ignorance...

Or admire to suborn and long resistance of Sarmatians (ie Serbians/Slavs).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
20 Oct 2018 /  #16
We didn`t even need some more evidences.

You will always need more evidence...

I doubt either you nor this Klyosov guy convinced anybody!

According to scientists from various fields, "DNA genealogy" is pseudoscience,[22] and they have characterized it as "DNA demagoguery".[18][23]

Klyosov's dangerous DNA demagoguery] (PDF). In Aleksandrov, E. B.; Efremov, Yu. N. В защиту науки [In defense of science] (in Russian).
Bulletin No.15 of Commission on pseudoscience and research fraud of Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Nauka. pp. 29-49. ISBN 978-5-02-039148-2. Retrieved 2016-04-26.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Colossal Bronze Age battle 3200 years ago happened on Tollense River near Baltic sea - perpetrators unknownArchived