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Polish Civil War after the German Occupation in WW2?

Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
10 Aug 2010 /  #1
What happened to Poland after the German Occupation in World War II? I was just reading the story of "Inka" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danuta_Siedzik%C3%B3wna

Why was this girl executed? It appears that she was a 17 year old medic rank of a what, Private first class, corporal, buck sergeant? What information would such a low ranked person have that would justify an execution? It wasn't the Germans who shot her, it wasn't the Russians, it was Polish Nationals who shot the poor girl. If Poles are shooting Poles than you must have had a civil war after the German occupation. What was it? Polish Communists vs. the Home Army (AK)? Apparently communism appealed to the Polish People? Why was that? Communism cut across class lines? Who were the AK? Why did the communists feel compelled to kill the AK?
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Aug 2010 /  #2
Why did the communists feel compelled to kill the AK?

AK was anti communist and thus dangerous to the commie regime: read about about AK:

and about the PL gov in exile:

this is why there are many threads about kresy and other eastern lands related ones.. also Gen Anders' army was mainly made up of AK and other non commies sent to Siberia.

was it a civil war? not per se but i guess you could see it that way.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
10 Aug 2010 /  #3
What happened to Poland after the German Occupation in World War II?

It was occupied by the Soviet regime and fighting continued in isolated pockets around Poland until about mid 1947. It was largely remnants of the AK against Soviet/Soviet controlled security personnel, though I stand to be corrected as my knowledge here is hazy at best.

Apparently communism appealed to the Polish People? Why was that?

No, it didn't appeal to the Polish people. Communism was forced on Poland. Had Poland prevailed as an independant and sovereign nation post WW2, it's political make-up would not have been communist. Polish communists at the time of the Rising numbered I believe in the hundreds - the appeal was therefore limited.

Who were the AK?

The AK was the Polish Home Army, arguably the largest, most effectual, coherent and homogenous underground resistance movement during WW2. With hindsight, they fought in vain. To some, they were right-wing recalcitrants and trouble makers. To those that matter or have an ancestor who fought in their ranks, the archetypal AK soldier was a paragon of military virtue and commitment to a free Poland. The AK is now but a memory and legacy held dear to some - featured as a photo on a bedroom wall of a smiling ancestor in motley combat garb - and a reminder of betrayal, folly and the injustice of war.
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Aug 2010 /  #4
the appeal was therefore limited.

this is where the "see out" by the west comes into play

It was occupied by the Soviet regime and fighting continued in isolated pockets around Poland until about mid 1947. It was largely remnants of the AK against Soviet/Soviet controlled security personnel, though I stand to be corrected as my knowledge here is hazy at best.

i dunno about fighting.. there need not be any for arrests and deportations to happen.. many were arrested or killed just because of their association with AK or anti commie stance.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
10 Aug 2010 /  #5
I'm pretty sure that there were some pretty hard core battles raging up until 1947 set against that backdrop. Someone like Sokrates can probably assist with the data there.
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Aug 2010 /  #6
there were some "battles" in the SE of PL but it wasn't necessarily commies v. AK.. soc may know more.. i dunno..
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
12 Aug 2010 /  #7
Yes it is true, Poland had something like homewar. To be honest communist governemnt was established by Sowiets and many of Home Army soldiers were oppresed.

What is important, some solediers of home army were fighting against soviets and commies after 1945. Many of soldiers who used to fight against Nazi Germany durring WWII were oppresed after the war by communist government.

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