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Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism?

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
3 Sep 2018 /  #91
Ignore Ironside et al, Milo!!

The sickness and obsession are THEIR projections of themselves, nothing more:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Sep 2018 /  #92
Can't have antisemitism without semitism....
And yes anti s emitism existed before. The Jews were kicked out of over 100 different countries states principalities over the past 2 millennia. Now that's an accomplishment no other ethnic group or religion has done to get kicked out of so many different places over so many centuries. Yet Jews will still argue that irs everyone else's fault. Nope it can't be the Jews usury and actions in host nations.. it's the attitude of 100s of different countries cities etc over the span of centuries all antisemites...

Jews knows where is victory.

That's because the Talmud tells them to ally with whoever is in a favorable situation and switch sides if the situation comes unfavorable. It's simple opportunism.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Sep 2018 /  #93
Can't have antisemitism without semitism....

Crow  154 | 9566  
3 Sep 2018 /  #94
That's because the Talmud tells them to ally with whoever is in a favorable situation and switch sides if the situation comes unfavorable.

Wise people.

They sense end of Roman domination in Europe and chooses to fairly regard our venerable Sarmatian (ie Slavic) civilization.

Poland was one of the few countries that historically welcomed Jews along with Great Britain.

Symbiosis between Sarmatians (ie Slavs) and Jews originate in time when even British islands and Rome itself were Sarmatian (ie Slavic) soil.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
4 Sep 2018 /  #95
f you cannpt see that then you are truly blind.....

To whom have you addressed this post? If to me ... sorry it doesn't make any sense.

Lzyko is just harping on and on bringing his obsessions to the fore all the time. Is that really that big of a deal - Jews, anti-Semitism, Hitler and so on. Its over and has been over long before Lzyko was born, some goes for you. long before my mother was born.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
4 Sep 2018 /  #96
As the Germans put it, "Unkraut vergeht nicht" aka "One can't get rid of crab grass" There's probably a corresponding idiom in Polish:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #97
They sense end of Roman domination in Europe and chooses to fairly regard our venerable Sarmatian (ie Slavic) civilization.

Rather they're just getting sick of being accosted by the newcomers in western Europe and know they won't be harassed for being Jewish in Poland Hungary etc nearly to the same extent. A decade ago Israel and world Jewry didn't give 2 ***** about Poland or eastern Europe. Now that Jews aren't in such a favorable position in the West they're now looking more to eastern Europe especially Poland and are slowly colonizing it more and more, with Israels help. They sure studied their Talmud lessons on opportunism and switching allegiances as soon as things get tough. If it were Poland where they're accosted and harassed itd be France or Germany or UK they'd move to. Most poles don't want a large influx of Jews as they don't want to be dominated by a Jewish cabal like during the early days of the prl. Israel and Zionists never ally with someone out of sheer altruism it's always because they want something. It's no different with Israel buddying up.to Poland and it's for the purpose of increasing the Jewish population and probably reparations
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Sep 2018 /  #98
I know of scores of Holocaust survivors who made it big here in the States (along with quite a number who didn't, by the way) and sent nice sums of money to

the families of those gentile Poles, farmers mostly, who saved their asses during WWII.

In one such instance, the fisherman from a town near Lodz, who saved a now elderly survivor's life back in '44, continued to receive bi-annual checks from the

Holocaust survivor and his family, until the day he died in around '66.

So much for Jews not giving a hoot about Poland after the War. Those amounts might have seemed small, but they made all the difference to the families of those righteous Poles....TRUE CHRISTIAN HEROES!!
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Sep 2018 /  #99
Brat Casimir was wise and, endowed.

A decade ago Israel and world Jewry didn't give 2 ***** about Poland or eastern Europe.

Yes, but then started this thing with migrants and things changed. In a world that globalize seams that Western Europe wants to merge with Muslim Africa and its clear that Jews don`t see themselves in it.

They sure studied their Talmud lessons on opportunism and switching allegiances as soon as things get tough.

Sure they studied Talmud but not only that. They have abundance of ancient records collected. In those records they have preserved written facts about Slavs being Sarmats and being natives of Europe. Why would we Slavs complaint if Jews go public on those facts?

Jews and Slavs have something in common now. We both don`t see ourselves within or under domination of western Europe.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Sep 2018 /  #100
And as soon as Zionists see they have a better opportunity or can take advantage of Slavs they will.

Why would we Slavs complaint if Jews go public on those facts?

It matters little as it has basically no effect on economics or even geo politics.

Yes, but then started this thing with migrants and things changed

And that's the only reason why theyre interested in Poland. Otherwise they wouldn't give a rats ass. But now that w Europe isn't as safe for Jews as it use to be now suddenly Israel is buddy buddy with Poland and Hungary but it's only so they can get something out of it - namely colonize the country. What do poles and Hungarians get out of it? Bolshevik rule like in early PRL? Complete control over our finance and media industries - something pis is working very hard to change and put back in polish hands? No thanks...
Crow  154 | 9566  
6 Sep 2018 /  #101
And as soon as Zionists see they have a better opportunity or can take advantage of Slavs they will.

Crucial reason for downfall of our old pre-Christian Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization is that our lords mistaken and after initial conflict entered in symbiotic relationship with Rome. Before that we made same mistake with Greeks. In both cases we turned our back to Jews with whom we had much older connection, even in time when neither Greeks, neither Romans existed.

So Greeks and Rome exhausted our civilization and also harmed Jews and actually used both of us against each others. Its a time that we abandon servitude to Greeks and Romans that are anyway no more, but they now both just represent two sides of same medal- western Europe. Let us work with Jews again. Last time we strategically worked with Jews, one language was spoken from Scotland to Russia via entire Europe and we were masters of our world, while our influence extended to the rest of known world.

suddenly Israel is buddy buddy with Poland and Hungary

Isn`t it so natural that mutual interest exist? It is. And don`t worry for colonization- our civilization should be capable of monitoring those processes and stay vigilant on every possible unwelcome intrusion, by anybody.

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