Yeah...and Greece was the birthplace for european history and democracy, they are begging on their knees Germany today for hand outs they need to survive.
Which proves a point, who's to say where will Germany be in 50 years?:)
Better stop wagging a history book in today's people faces during discussions, Sok...or people will start asking: "What the hell happened?"
Me? Its you who claims a recent and not necceserily permanent thing like unified Germany is some sort of "natural order" to Europe:)
Neither you nor Poland or any country in central Europe stays the same for long and you assume for some reason that your money is going to carry you through, it didnt thus far.
I will tell you! 1871 happened...all the little german fingers unified and became a fist!
Yes lovely and it never crossed your mind that it might not be permanent? Germany is around for a grand total of 139 years, for the remaining 1000+ it was a weak and divided federation, hmm wonder which is the natural order bit, the 1.5 century of unification or the 10+ centuries of division:))
That's the shift of power the old, now has beens of France and GB rejected so much...
So Germany is not an old has been?:)
the following wars wracked our whole continent but it's only during peace time Germany could and can reach it's full potential...
Actually its only due to american money and 65 years of free market interactions that Germany reached its full potential, Poland however is pretty far from its full potential but the crisis however gave us all a hint didnt it?
That's why these comments are totally besides the reality of today's are still thinking in military terms...boy, you couldn't be more wrong! ;)
No i dont, in a previous thread i pointed to obvious attempts by Germany to dominate the region of Poland they want back, that one is going to fail as well.
Anyway while i really can relate to being a merrily blind patriot carefull with the "natural order" of thing, Germany got on the bandwagon fairly recently and while still kicking it lost its momentum quite for quite a while now so carefull with taking things for granted.
Your kids are just as likely to iive in Breslau as they're in a loose federation of small german states, panta rhei, especially for Germany as history shows:)
Well it is hard to imagine, but if it hadn't been for the the war, paradoxically it would have taken the Europeans a lot longer to form the EU I guess.
We'd still have kings without the war.