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Bialystok most famous son. Albert Sabin or Ludwig Zamenhof

31 May 2017 /  #1
Some on this forum have suggested Zamenhof to be Bialystoks most famous son, I would disagree as Esperanto died before it could succeed, although a great idea in principle, in reality it did not reach the finish line. On the other hand Albert Sabin the co creator of the oral Polio vaccine, created a product which is still being used today and has saved many lives the world over. Before the anti-Semitic rhetoric begins both Sabin and Zamenhof are of Jewish heritage.

Sabin +1
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 May 2017 /  #2
Indeed, plainfacts. Numerous Poles of Jewish heritage have made stellar contributions to world culture, among them those you mention above, also Josef Hofmann (whom experts consider superior even to Horowitz and Rubinstein, on a par with Liszt or Dinu Lipatti, the latter among recording artists), Casimir Funk, Stanislaw Bem, Selman Waxman etc....

Nice thread post, thanks!
31 May 2017 /  #3
Bialystok most famous son. Albert Sabin or Ludwig Zamenhof

Zamenhof is the city's most famous son, but Sabin most probably deserves to be more famous than Zamenhof.

both Sabin and Zamenhof are of Jewish heritage.

As was the city's other best known son, the painter Max Webber.
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 May 2017 /  #4
Believe "Weber" has only one "b" in the US, although the name could easily be confused with that of the eminent German sociologist, and most assuredly NOT Jewish:-)
1 Jun 2017 /  #5
Believe "Weber" has only one "b" in the US,

Yes, you're right. But Max Weber is certainly one of Bialystok's most famous son and was also certainly born a Polish Jew.
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
1 Jun 2017 /  #6
Well, obviously!! Whom did you think I meant? Not only BORN a Jew, but remained an identifiable Jew throughout his life, rather unlike Hofmann, Funk or many others.

Ironside  51 | 13132  
2 Jun 2017 /  #7
Josef Hofmann, Casimir Funk, Stanislaw Bem,

Typical Jewish names - not.
How is your Hebrew?
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
2 Jun 2017 /  #8
"Typical(-ly) Jewish names, [aren't they]?" - Nooo, they're not!

Ahemm, the great Viennese archictect and designer "Josef Hoffmann" was an Austrian gentile, "Funk" as a family name is pure German (means "iskra" or "spark" in English:)), and "Bem" is Polish, if I'm not mistaken:-)

My Hebrew stinks. How about your Latin?

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