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60th anniversary of the Poznan uprising!

mafketis  38 | 11124  
28 Jun 2016 /  #1
Today is the 60th anniversary of peaceful protests against the communist government in the People's Republic that were met with savage government violence killing dozens of people.

Arguably the first major popular revolt against the Soviet installed communist system behind the Iron Curtain it preceded the much more widely known Budapest uprising later that year.

It was the beginning of the end of any kind of legitmacy for the communist government though it took over 30 years before it collapsed under its own inefficency.

The Russified Varsovians dislike the Prussified Poznanians (the dislike is mutual) yet it was Poznan that saw the Wielkopolska uprising after WWI that enlarged the borders of the interwar republic and it was Poznan that first fought back against the communists.

Now of course, Poznan is one of the most prosperous cities in Poland (thanks to better than average local government more often than not) and very westward looking and positive about Europe (not just in the form of subsidies).


(yes I was channeling my innter Polonius with the casual disdain for certain.... elements of the Polish landscape, it's no wonder that brave Poznan is, among the major cities of Poland, still the least enamoured of the current governing party....)
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
29 Jun 2016 /  #2
This all took place under Gomułka, correct?
OP mafketis  38 | 11124  
30 Jun 2016 /  #3
No. He took power short afterward. It is considered one of the elements contributing to the post-Stalinist "thaw" (odwilż) a general (if short) relaxation of some communist policies.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
30 Jun 2016 /  #4
Thanks, Maf. I checked my sources, but didn't find exactly when he took power (again).
30 Jun 2016 /  #5
peaceful protests against the communist government in the People's Republic that were met with savage government violence killing dozens of people.

Were the armed forces allowed to take part in the commemorations in the end?
OP mafketis  38 | 11124  
30 Jun 2016 /  #6
All public ceremonies in Poland must pay homage to the single most important even in Polish history. The Warszawiaki cannot bring themselves to recognize Western Polish history.

Some Poles claim that the ruling party is becoming more and more like a bizarre death cult.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #7
Merged: PO and KODist plants disrupt anniversary of 1956 Poznań Uprising

PO and KOD stooges planted in the audience apparemtly in collusion with the PO-dominated Poznań town hall did everything possible to disrupt the 60th anniversary of the Poznań bread & freedom protests in which the commie regime gunned down dozens of Poznanians.

When President Duda was paying tribute to those who rose up and gave their lives for a better, freer life, the PO and KOD stooges began jeering, booing and whistling. They also flashed identical red cards supplied by the same source, presumably the mayor's office. The mayor himself had a personal hand in sabotaging what should otherwise have been a solemn commemoration. He refused to admit an army band to play the national anthem.Amif the commotion he cynically said he would do so only if the defence minister sent him a personal request to that effect.

The bottom line is that today's anti-government opposition has no class, decency, taste or sense of decorum and will go to all lengths to spew their vile attacks on the people-friendly government. Even if it means desecrating the memory of thsoe who gave their lives that Poland might some day be free- Shame on those cowardly scumbags!
2 Jul 2016 /  #8
He refused to admit an army band to play the national anthem.

That's a blatant lie!

those cowardly scumbags!

Are you calling Polish public figures such as the mayor of Poznan "Cowardly scumbags"?
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #9
the people-friendly government

Sadly they were voted out due to low turnout.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #10
Polish public figures

All the PO/KOD stooges sent to break up the patriotic commemoration are scumbags.They even had to be called on tone down their commotion during the singing of the Polish national anthem. Seedy Platformerian thuggery!

You, my good man, repeatedly slander Poland's most influential political figure, the wise, prudent and tottaly committed to Poland Jarosław Kaczyński.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #11
JK? So toxic that as party leader he couldn't even put his name on a ballot paper! The same Jk who tried to hijack the 60th anniversary commemorations and make them about the Smolensk accident.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #12
That's a blatant lie!

The PO/KOD stooges actually created an international incident, because the army band was to play the anthems of both Poland and Hungary.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #13

There you go again, Po.

At least the Mayor of Poznan didn't let them bang on about Smolensk, as they wanted to.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #14
So toxic

Toxic to a niche group of expat anarcho-libertines and left-wingers and the post-PRL bandwagon gang whose world of undeserved privilege ended last October. But beloved by the Polish nation, the real salt-of-the-earth, patritotic, Catholic Poles, and they are the ones who count. Anglo-expats who disdain Poles, Poland and all things Polish, ungrateful guests who love to lecture Poles on how they should act, live and run their own home.
Lenka  5 | 3528  
2 Jul 2016 /  #15
You mean so beloved that he cannot stand as PM even though he's the leader of his party in order for his party to win?

Ppl all over Poland were disgusted by the attempt to push Smolensk into the celebrations.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2016 /  #16
Mayor of Poznan

He is one #!%&$X=?%! A civilised host does not prevent an invited guest speaker delivering the speech of his choosing. Such PRL-style censorhip simply shows how the PO regime has always been part and parcel of the post-PRL clique that has ruled under different names for 24 years. The only bright interludes were the 1992 Olszewski cabinet and the 2-year PiS-led governemnt. The rest of the time most everything served the clique and their foreign-interest-group masters. Far too many ordinary Poles had two choices: contractual junk jobs in Poland or washing up in London pubs.

Ppl all over Poland were disgusted

You talked to all of them?

Ppl all over Poland were disgusted

Lenka  5 | 3528  
2 Jul 2016 /  #17
You talked to all of them?

I can ask you the same about the 'beloved' comment. And I didn't say all Poles were disgusted but many were. It wasn't the place for it and the mayor asked for removing that part few times. He was told either Smolensk or no army. Well, he chose no army and I would do the same.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Jul 2016 /  #18
an invited guest speaker

An invited speaker who wouldn't appear unless he could turn it into a Smolensk accident commemoration, an entirely unrelated event.

But beloved by the Polish nation, the real salt-of-the-earth, patritotic, Catholic Poles, and they are the ones who count

Cobblers. JK may want to divide the nation, however he was frustrated in his aims last time and will be similarly frustrated this time.

He is one #!%&$X=?%!

He is the elected Mayor of that city and responsible for the commemorations of the 1956 events. Perhaps you hate democracy? Perhaps you just hate Poland...
3 Jul 2016 /  #19
the mayor asked for removing that part few times. He was told either Smolensk or no army. Well, he chose no army and I would do the same.

He most certainly made the right choice. The fact that the lovers of PIS are now telling blatant lies about him shows that they know the nation thinks he made the right choice. The Smolensk death cult have no place in the commemorations of bravery in Poznan. The deaths in Poznan were the result of Polish bravery, the deaths in the Smolensk plane crash were the result of the idiocy and arrogance of Poland's worst ever President.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #20
He is the elected Mayor

And a bigoted party hack, a biased Platformerian doing the bidding of the Schetyna Politburo.
3 Jul 2016 /  #21
a bigoted party hack

Are you using derogatory language to talk about a Polish public figure in order to provoke a reaction? The mayor of Poznan stood up for the Polish nation against the Smolensk death cult; he did what was right, not just what the Party ordered him to do. The events in Poznan in 1956 were all about doing what was right, not what the Party ordered people to do, so it is fitting that the mayor has acted in the way that he has.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #22
idiocy and arrogance

Idiocy and arrogance of Tusk and his paid stooges. Lets' recall how he did everything possible to be in the liemlight and prevent the president from even attending, altough it is heads of state who officiate at such observances. When Tusk found the president was determined to go he did everyhting to minimise, sidetrack and marginalise Kaczyński's presence. PO hacks even involved the Russian embassy which announced that Kaczyżski had not applied for a visa, although heads of state do not stand in visa queues. But the average person does not know that so it enabled the PO propanda section to once again smear Poland's head of state. It was laughable for a PM to elbow his way onto centre stage, since such interaitonal commerations are always presided over by heads of state. It is always PM-PM or President-President, never PM-Preisdent (Tusk-Putin).

Let's see what "clever" repartee you come up with this time to whitewash Tusk, one of the seediest villains of post-communist Poland.

he did what was righ

Being a big fan of the PC dictatorship I cna see where you believe censorhsip is "right" when someone voices an opinion you disagree with. You need not provide more evidence of your blinkerdom, bias and bigotry which comes through in nearly every post.

did what was right

Back on topic please

He was told either Smolensk or no army.

That is called an ultimatum -- something a decent host never imposes on a guest, unless he's a boor, clod or Platformer party hack.

The Lord Mayor of Poznań can start counting his days, because after the next council election he will land on the dust heap of history. The people of Poznań have seen through the cheap propaganda and trickery of the PO and their paid stooges. PiS are the wave of the future -- a Poland of decency and true patriotism!
3 Jul 2016 /  #23
That is called an ultimatum

Yes and it is one which was imposed on the mayor of Poznan by the Smolensk death cult. Of course, he certainly made the right choice: the event held in Poznan was to commemorate the bravery of Poles, not the arrogance and stupidity of Poland's worst ever president.

The Lord Mayor of Poznań can start counting his days, because after the next council election he will land on the dust heap of history.

Actually his actions made him much more popular in the city. Cities such as Poznan are not where one finds the average PIS voter, so standing up to the 18% regime has done much to increase the mayor's chances of being re-elected at the next election.

PiS are the wave of the future -- a Poland of decency and true patriotism!

Did you miss this instruction?

Back on topic please

OP mafketis  38 | 11124  
3 Jul 2016 /  #24
Lets' recall how he did everything possible to be in the liemlight and prevent the president from even attending,

At least Tusk showed some concern for the president's well-being, unlike a certain twin I could name who has ultimately gained .... quite a lot from his brother's tragic demise. Why if a person didn't know better it would seem that maybe those who say they want to find the guilty party for Smolensk have been looking in the wrong place all along.... hmmm

The obsessive desire to make the true Polish Poznan uprising (something the russified warszawiaki were not up to) all about Smolensk seems maybe like a smokescreen? Or should I say fog screen?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #25
worst ever president

Only in the view of horse-blinkered Anglo-expats and frustared KODites! He is best remembered for his bravery for flying into a war zone to give his moral support to the people of George sufferimg Russian aggression, for his dynamic and transparent city administration, his Warsaw Uprising Museum and protecitng the people of Warsaw from disgusting street spectacles (pervert pride parades).
3 Jul 2016 /  #26
The obsessive desire to make the true Polish Poznan uprising (something the russified warszawiaki were not up to) all about Smolensk seems maybe like a smokescreen?

The Smolensk death cult certainly do have a lot of they want people to be distracted from.

pervert pride parades

Your homophobic posting really is tiresome.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #27
Smolensk death cult

Your running rough-shod over the pain and suffering of dozens of bereaved families who lost loved ones in that national tragedy once again shows you up as a cold-hearted and mean-sprited soul. Not that this anything new to FP members.
OP mafketis  38 | 11124  
3 Jul 2016 /  #28
Your running rough-shod over the pain and suffering of dozens of bereaved families who lost loved ones in that national tragedy

The ones running roughshod over it are the ones who try to use it to usurp solemn memorials about other events like the noble Poznan uprising, the first chip in the wall of the PRL.... oh that's why PiS hates the poznan uprising because it brought down their preferred system of government.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2016 /  #29
their preferred system of government.

Harry must have infected you with his codswallop. Did you know that Porozumienie Centrum, the precursor of PiS, were the only party wtih no ex-commies in their ranks. Not only SLD but the post-KOR-ite UW and UD and later the PO were riddled with them.
jon357  72 | 23361  
3 Jul 2016 /  #30
Porozumienie Centrum

Part of the undemocratic Kaczynski gang, furious that the majority wouldn't allow Poland to become an authoritarian theocracy.

We see this now in the appalling behaviour of Macierewicz etc over the Poznan 1956 commemoration.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / 60th anniversary of the Poznan uprising!Archived