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Criminal "Belle Epoque" in Kraków of 1908
Most important Poles and Slavs that ever lived  2  3
Give back Lwow to Poland and Kaliningrad to Germany - is it possible?  2  3  4  5  6  7
The ongoing de-Germanisation of the Nazis and the Holocaust adds to Poland's Responsibility  2  3  4  5
Poland worst off as a result? (life in German Prussia vs. Russian communism)
14 - Pappyboy : Life in Prussia was different from life in Germany. They voted less to nazi party than...

HistoryPeter Rossa - 5 May 2012 / przyjacielPL - 22 Jan 2017
Whats the French Huguenots history in Poland? where did they settle Poland?
16 - Very true. Also true :)) Now what's interesting is that in Poland that was...

HistorySlavicaleks - 12 Sep 2012 / Atch - 12 Jan 2017
German history of my new home in Poland
Restoration of Poland's Monarchy?  2
Would love some info about my found Polish stamps.
3 - Thank you for the response. :) I'll take your advice....

Historykings - 21 Oct 2016 / kings - 30 Oct 2016
Kaczynski's Legacy  2  3
Forgotten crime from Soviet occupation period - an article from Rzeczpospolita
Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed.  2  3  4  5  6
Poles also killed innocents  2
Poland in WWI  2
60th anniversary of the Poznan uprising!  2
Interesting memorial about 212 Polish soldiers
A question regarding Christian/Pagan military alliance in First Millenium Central Europe
Polish Air Force 1939-45
POLISH IDENTITY-shift from communism to democracy
Old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Inheritance, Legitimacy, and Nobility.
13 of December - the anniversary of MARTIAL LAW in Poland  2
Seeking info on Courland
4 - thank you jon jon this is golden...

HistoryCas Milosz - 21 Apr 2016 / Cas Milosz - 21 Apr 2016
Website about Poland's History, would anybody like to contribute?
Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in formation of Polish hussars
Russian Labor Camps pre-WWII (in the regions of Poland)
Role of Poland's PSK (Women's Auxiliary Service) in WWII
Teaching our kids about Poland's History  2
Why is the Diary of Saint Sister Faustina Kowalska still unknown to Polonia and other countries?
Who is this communist Polish man?
Poland unit in England - can anybody recognize this military uniform?
"Poland's Concentration Camp" ??  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
A Polish Town in Turkey. Who Knew?
Religion Of Children From Interfaith Marriages In The Kresy areas of Poland
Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2?  2  3  4  5  6
178 - Merged: Russia is an aggressor again?! youtube.com/watch?v=cHfBIO-alTI...

Historypolak123 - 10 Apr 2011 / Crnogorac3 - 27 Jan 2016
Polish martyrology during WW2 - today`s monuments  2
The ethics of buying PRL products. Tax?
What do Polish think of Gen. Pilsudski?
Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Rajmund Kaczyński not in PZPR  2
Good books and games about the PRL (Polish People's Republic)
Ordinary Polish people who collaborated with the Communist authorities?
Where was this picture taken? (PZPR congress)
6 - Isn't that the same place they have the Disney on Ice thing? Looks familiar!...

Historydelphiandomine - 9 Dec 2015 / Polsyr - 9 Dec 2015
Is there a historical Polish business/company registry? (Szczekociny - early 1900's or late 1800's)
Massacre of Polish Soldiers at Winniza in WW2?
WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles  2  3  4
Poland's King Jan III Sobieski - the stopper of Turkish Janissaries!  2  3
What do nations of the world owe to Poland and Polish people?  2
58 - I am grateful for the winged horseman...

Historypawian - 8 Sep 2012 / Nazigeorge - 10 Nov 2015
How come Polonization never works?  2  3
What was better in Poland under communism?  2  3
"I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski  2  3  4  5
Stalin's Holocaust Against Jews And Poles As "Self Defense"  2
WWII fighting in Breznany, September 19,1939
Climate, weather event and Polish history
23 - My central point was that hungry people riot....

HistoryVarsovian - 17 Jan 2011 / Varsovian - 30 Sep 2015
Why did the PRL keep many symbols of Poland's 2nd Republic?
12 - Merged: Art in the PRL (People's Republic of Poland - Socialism Era) Hello, I'm an Australian with...

Historydelphiandomine - 3 Oct 2012 / Magdalena_M - 23 Sep 2015
Boycotts of Solidarity's anniversary celebrations. Poland's Solidarity - Now and Then?
Restitution Sought by US Holocaust Survivor Family of Expropriated Property in Zywiec, Poland
Age of Enlightenment in Poland?  2  3
Heresy of Germanization and/or Anglicanization - The genesis; Polish, Slavic opinion
14 - What can they teach us, apart from how to lose two world wars in the space of 25...

HistoryCrow - 28 Jan 2015 / delphiandomine - 11 Aug 2015

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