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Zaucha ancestry

18 Feb 2012 /  #1
I am trying to trace my ancestry. My great grandfather Lorenz(Larenz) Zaucha and Catrena(Katrina)Salabin(Salaban) were married in Winnipeg Canada around 1895. They arrived from Poland or Austria(Galacia) sometime earlier than that. They moved to Marshall county Minnesota USA and had 8 children. I know that my Great Granfather was married to a woman(whose name we do not know) that died giving birth prior to his marriage to Cathrena. I am trying to trace their roots. I think my Great Great Grandfather's father name was Albert. I think they are from Tarnow but not sure. So far I have not been able to trace their movement from Poland to abroad. Can anyone help?
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
18 Feb 2012 /  #2
Name: Laurence Zaachs
[Laurence Zaucha]
[Laurence Zaucha]
Age in 1910: 40
Birth Year: 1870
Birthplace: Austria
Home in 1910: Nelson Park, Marshall, Minnesota
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1895
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Katie Zaachs
Father's Birthplace: Austria
Mother's Birthplace: Austria
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Laurence Zaachs 40
Katie Zaachs 31
Mary Zaachs 10
Frank Zaachs 8
Tom Zaachs 6
Balbina Zaachs 4
Nellie Zaachs 2
Lona Zaachs 1 1/12

1910 cencus

I did some heavy searching just now and they are almost invisible.. wow.

if you order the social security for your grandfather laurence which shows he died in 1937 I believe, you could get his fathers
name and town name from that. then you can come back, possibly someone could do a look up for the chuch and order more
records.. social security is little costly, but well worth it.
OP JHPowers845  
24 Feb 2012 /  #3
I have found the marriage records in Canada for my grandfather Lorenz Zaucha. The records show his name as Wawrzenie Zawicha married Katarzyna Sataban February 19, 1900 in Winnipeg Canada. I also found in the 1910 census his name as Lawrence Zouka born 7/1870. Immigrated to US 1895 from Poland/Austria. Current home then was Augsburg Marshall county Minnesota. Should I be searching for these spellings also?
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
24 Feb 2012 /  #4
ZA£UCHA/ZAUCHA: these are variant spellings of a name traceable to the prefix za (beyond) and łęg or ług (Old Polish for a marshy meadow). Apart from the topographic origin suggested above, it might also trace back to such toponmyic roots as the localities as Załuki, Załuski or Załęże.
OP JHPowers845  
18 Apr 2012 /  #5
L orenz Zaucha parents were Wogociech and Maryna Zawicha from Austria Poland. Does anyone have any information they could share? Thank you
18 Apr 2012 /  #6
Polonius3. In Polish: g-->ch is simply impossible. "g" always turns into "ż". So your explanation appears invalid. Cf. ług-->£użyce, or kałuża.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Apr 2012 /  #7
Remember, all this was not thought up by university professors. Names ermeged centuries ago when most people were illiterate, spoke only their local peasant dialect even priests and villłage scribes were ofteesemi-literate at best and wrote down what they thought they heard rtaher than subjecting thinn to linhgustic analysis. Confusing ch and h, rz andż, k and ch and many others was common. Therefore many surnames used today do not conform to grammatical or orthograhphic standards.
19 Apr 2012 /  #8
Pol3: this is what I am referring to. In polish SPEECH (all dialects, old and new) such transformation (g-->ch) is not possible. It would always have been changed to "ż", especially in the past. This is not about spelling or who could read/write, it's about the rules of pronunciation (linguistics).
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
19 Apr 2012 /  #9
In normal linguistics you may be right, but if in the eastern borderlands Załęga could have evolved into Załuga and got further Ruthenianised in pronuncation into Załuha (the g~h alternation is a common featore of the Ruthenian borderlands) and someone else hearing it pronunced that way wrote down Załucha (the h~ch confusion persists in Poland amongst the uneducated to this day), that could be an explanation. We'd need a time machine to travel back to the precise moment when that occurred, so all we can do is hypothesise.
20 Apr 2012 /  #10
There is one and only linguistics. Your reasoning is not valid.
boletus  30 | 1356  
20 Apr 2012 /  #11
My great grandfather Lorenz(Larenz) Zaucha

There are number of Slavic and Slovenian names that had been incorporated into German. In the article in German, entitled "Slavic and Slovenian (Alpine Slavic) names of places in Austria, wwwg.uni-klu.ac.at/spw/oenf/name1.htm, the author provides a short dictionary of "some Slovene (Slavic) words that form Austrian village, mountain and river names" (the names are either in Slovenian orthography or listed in their common Slavic form).

Here I just list them, without explanation: bel, bister, blato, bor, brdo, breg, breza, dol, gor, gora, grad, holm, javor, ledina, les, lipa, loka, pleš, pleša, polje, raven, ravna, reka, riba, selo, sedlo, suh, suha.

As you see, one of them is "suh" (dry, withered) and "suha" (stream bed without water). It appears as dialectal Zauchen in Austrian place names, such as Zauchen, Zauchensee, etc.

So the Zaucha surname could have been derived from "suh" or "suha" - corresponding to "suchy", "sucha" in Polish, meaning dry.

Oh, I missed these two:

I have found the marriage records in Canada for my grandfather Lorenz Zaucha. The records show his name as Wawrzenie Zawicha

Should be Wawrzyniec, not Wawrzenie. Wawrzyniec is indeed the Polish version of Vavřinec (Czech), Vavrinec (Slovak), Laurentius (Latin), Lawrence (English), Lorenz (German)

L orenz Zaucha parents were Wogociech and Maryna Zawicha from Austria Poland

Should be Wojciech, not Wogociech. Wojciech is a Polish version of Slavic "the joy of war", Vojtěch (Czech), Vojtech (Slovak). The name has been rendered into German in several different variations including: Woitke, Witke, Voitke, Voytke, Woytke, Vogtke, Wogtke, Woetke, and Wötke.

It is commonly accepted that the Latin (or rather German) equivalent name is Adalbert, but their components and meanings are in fact completely different. The two names may have become associated as a result of St Adalbert of Prague (born Vojtěch Slavník) taking the name of Adalbert at confirmation.


L orenz Zaucha parents were Wogociech and Maryna Zawicha from Austria Poland

I checked the Zawicha name in "Moi Krewni" database. Not such name appears there. There are however 930 surnames Zaucha in Poland, most of them in city of Tarnów and Tarnów region - 359, moikrewni.pl/mapa/kompletny/zaucha.html.
27 Apr 2012 /  #12
I would like to thank everyone for their imput.

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