I have the 'ancient arms of WOJCIK' - with what appears to be a feudal knight's helmet and either a crowned eagle or chicken with spread wings holding something in its talons. Colors are red/white
I have the 'ancient arms for ZELINSKI' - again with a knight's helmet and a horseshoe with a cross on top of it and a black bird sitting on top of the cross. Colors are blue/white
I haven't been able to find a crest/coat of arms for MARKIEWICZ, but would appreciate the meanings of the symbols and what they are.
I have the 'ancient arms for ZELINSKI' - again with a knight's helmet and a horseshoe with a cross on top of it and a black bird sitting on top of the cross. Colors are blue/white
I haven't been able to find a crest/coat of arms for MARKIEWICZ, but would appreciate the meanings of the symbols and what they are.