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Looking for wanted person (Arkadiusz Sobota / Marzena Helena Sobota)

15 May 2013 /  #1
I am looking for a man and his wife who has stolen money and cars from innocent people in the Costa Blanca Spain
His name is Arkadius Sobota and his wife is Marzena Helena Sobota,they owned a car dealership but moved the cars over night owing thousands of Euros,the Police here in Spain are involved ,but,are very slow as per usual.

If anyone knows of their whereabouts ,or,has any information,please contact us on sanyseal@yahoo
Any information will be dealt with in complete privacy,we,as pensioners,just want our money back or indeed justice for their crimes.
We will also be campainging to areas all over Poland that we think may be relevant,ie Tychy and Krakow ,where these two are from.

Kindest regards

jon357  72 | 22979  
15 May 2013 /  #2
It's a fairly common name which doesn't make it any easier. BTW, the Polish name is Arkadiusz rather than Arkadius. The best way to deal with this is to wait for the Spanish police to issue a warrant, should there be grounds.

If however you're looking yourself, Facebook suggests it might be worth looking around the town of Tychy.
OP sanyseal  
16 May 2013 /  #3
Thank you for the information,I didnt know how his name was spelt in Polish,I know that his wife comes from Tychy,we are on his trail as of this morning and Interpol will be contacted soon,one again,Thank you

16 May 2013 /  #4
Any information will be dealt with in complete privacy

Hoq long ago did they do the moonlight?
OP sanyseal  
16 May 2013 /  #5
Roughly end of Febuary 2013,3 car transporters were seen loading the vehicles from his garage,so,we are contacting companies in Poland and Spain.
I will also be writing to showrooms in and around Krakow,Warsaw and every other big town in Poland,as,high end cars cannot vanish over night? They can change the plates but hopefully not the Vin Numbers

16 May 2013 /  #6
I will also be writing to showrooms in and around Krakow,Warsaw and every other big town in Poland,as,high end cars cannot vanish over night?

Do you realize the number of showrooms, before the cars can be sold in Poland they must be registered in Poland. In the uk there is the DVLC. I know for a fact there is an agency in Poland which can track cars by their VIN, I am not 100% sure of the name.

Did you sign a contract with the guy to sell your car or did you transfer ownership?
OP sanyseal  
16 May 2013 /  #7
No,we didnt transfer ownership but we signed a contract giving him authorization to sell it on our behalf,which he said he had,then avoided us and then dissapeared,hence me looking for car as well as person.


16 May 2013 /  #8
Have you contacted the owners of the unit he used to operate his business from, they should have a copy of his passport. On the contract he signed with you, is it an SRL or his private details. If it is an SRL you can get all of his registered details. full name, DOB, registered address.

Was your car insured?

Have you reported your car stolen?

It may be better to allow the insurance company to track him down.
OP sanyseal  
16 May 2013 /  #9
I'm looking at the contract now and it is on the garage's headed paper (AutoViva S.L ,Altea) with our details on and the price we agreed on and the car details,he has signed and stamped it on the bottom.we reported it it to the Police in Altea,who took the details and suggested that we denounce Arak,whci we did,they then showed us a fairly large file with numerous complaints from other people,to be honest,they didnt seem that interested and just shrugged and said the 'Russians,are also after him,but he's probably out of Spain by now'

This is why its so frustrating and we are acting alone at the moment, it was suggested Interpol,which I may contact if I have some more information to go on.



(Its irionic,as we used to love spending afternoons with our late dads Polish friends,as they were all moved to a small town in the UK during the war,he is letting these wonderful people down,they came to Nottinghamshire with nothing,but,would give you their last penny,how life has changed eh!)

forgot to add,we cancelled the insurance when he rang to say he had sold the car,so,we are not insured,insane I know,we were just too trusting

16 May 2013 /  #10
forgot to add,we cancelled the insurance when he rang to say he had sold the car,so,we are not insured,insane I know,we were just too trusting

That would very much suggest that the car was taken from you by deception while you still had insurance.
OP sanyseal  
16 May 2013 /  #11
Absolutely Harry,it is/was a very expensive car,that was saved for by us ,with life savings,we would never had not had insurance at all,but,we need to look into this maybe,but Insurance company's are reluctant in paying out in these circumstances we have learned.its a big company ,so,i think we need to look around and get opinions without going direct to them at first,so,we are correctly informed of our rights,if any.

Thank you

ps It was Insured fully comp
16 May 2013 /  #12
^ Insurance companies always want to avoid paying out.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 May 2013 /  #13
,as,high end cars cannot vanish over night?

they can and do ..... usually to ukraine.
16 May 2013 /  #14
That would very much suggest that the car was taken from you by deception while you still had insurance.

Spain is a wee bit backward when it comes to these things, I believe the car is officially stolen at the point it is reported to the Police and file a missing report.

I'm looking at the contract now and it is on the garage's headed paper (AutoViva S.L ,Altea) with our details on and the price we agreed on and the car details

Get your lawyer or accountant to do a search on AutoViva S.L ,Altea, he will have to have filed his passport number and maybe previous address with the Incorporation papers.

sanyseal, sound to me like he has the rights to sell your car or move it to another country, unless it stipulates in the contract the car can't be moved, the question is when should he pay, what is written in the contract?

In the contract when does it state he has to pay you the money,once sold - 7 days,14,days on cleared funds????

The last thing your beef is with AutoViva S.L ,Altea and their directors, so first things first establish who the directors of the company are.
Barney  17 | 1637  
16 May 2013 /  #15
Spain is a wee bit backward when it comes to these things, I believe the car is officially stolen at the point it is reported to the Police and file a missing report.

Spain is not in the least bit backward when it comes to these things. To buy or sell a car in Spain you must complete a transferencia which involves going to the police to ensure their are no fines outstanding (which follow the car) and it's a legal sale with all taxes paid. It is a perfectly good system that works but is just different to England's.

Reporting a vehicle as stolen is exactly the same as in England.

This man has been conned and I doubt he will ever see his car again
17 May 2013 /  #16
Spain is not in the least bit backward when it comes to these things.

Barney for your information I spent four years living in Spain. Allow me to reiterate ' Spain is a little bit backward ' anyone having spent long periods of time there will inform you so. As for registering a car in Spain this was never discussed so why bring it up...

The man has been naive, as for seeing his property back its a wait and see.
Barney  17 | 1637  
17 May 2013 /  #17
I spent four years living in Spain

I also lived in Spain and that part of Spain for a considerable period and encountered a lot of fellow immigrants who complained about the same "backward system" and that the locals all talked foreign.

As for registering a car in Spain this was never discussed so why bring it up...

If you are selling a car in Spain you must do the transferencia I know cos I bought and sold several cars in Spain so it is very relevant. Signing the car over to a third party for sale almost always means that the seller is trying to avoid the tax.

The owners were silly and I am as sure as I can be that they will not see their car again.
17 May 2013 /  #18
a lot of fellow immigrants who complained about the same "backward system" and that the locals all talked foreign.

Each to their own, I was an expat there my children went to private Spanish schools/kindergarens and we immersed ourselves in the local culture. I will reiterate Spain is a backward country especially in the Costa's. Although having said that it's a great easy life.

The owners were silly and I am as sure as I can be that they will not see their car again.

You have not discovered America, he knows fine well, Barney maybe you can contribute to the forum with some bright ideas based on your living experience in Spain and complete knowledge of all things Polish :-)

As an add on, 38 million people in Poland should not be tarnished by the actions of one or two people in the Costa's, sanyseal needs to realize he dealt with a bad apple, if he is about to embark on a personal vendetta Posting negative comments about the good people of Poland will not assist him in his quest.
Barney  17 | 1637  
17 May 2013 /  #19
Unfortunately there is not much he can do after signing the car over and cancelling the insurance. The lack of a transferencia is going to be his best option its not great but you know that backward system that they have in Spain may have some merit.

Barney maybe you can contribute to the forum with some bright ideas based on your living experience in Spain and complete knowledge of all things Polish :-)

Or I could attempt to be sarcastic because Spain or Poland are not the same as England.
OP sanyseal  
17 May 2013 /  #20
Can I just say that I have never, and will never tarnish other people because of a few bad apples,lived around the world to know there are good and bad in all walks of life.

We certainly didnt intend to avoid paying taxes after we sold the car,we actually wanted to buy another one from the garage,Arak sorted all transfers out as I'm led to believe.

Suma were informed as soon as we knew the car was stolen and we had to pay half the years suma bill for it and show the Bajo (sp) from the Police.

As far as we know,Arak and his wife were sole Directors of AutoViva.
We were silly to say the least,we have certainly learnt a lesson,but,who do you trust?

Anyway,Thank you ,I am going to keep on untill I have done all I can,not sure what that will bring,but,you never know

Barney  17 | 1637  
17 May 2013 /  #21
Arak sorted all transfers out as I'm led to believe.

If he did he must have forged your signature.

,I am going to keep on untill I have done all I can

Good luck
OP sanyseal  
17 May 2013 /  #22
We actually got a getsor to see if the car had been re registered in someone elses name,but,it was still showing up to a month ago that we owned it????

And yes he probably has forged our names along the way,I know it takes a few months here to register a new ownership but after knowing the transporter was loading vehicles and taking them away,it is out of the country for sure.

Bloomin pain

17 May 2013 /  #23
As far as we know,Arak and his wife were sole Directors of AutoViva.

You should double check that. While you are checking you can also find out more information about the two of them.

I also lived in Spain and that part of Spain for a considerable period and encountered a lot of fellow immigrants who complained about the same "backward system" and that the locals all talked foreign.

How lucky you were to have yet another chance to feel superior to people around you and to attempt to talk down to them.
OP sanyseal  
17 May 2013 /  #24
Thank you Harry I will certainly try and find out if they were indeed sole directors,not sure how yet though.

Barney  17 | 1637  
17 May 2013 /  #25
How lucky you were to have yet another chance to feel superior to people around you and to attempt to talk down to them.

So you have decided to post off topic insults in an attempt to start a fight by reverting to nasty well done.
17 May 2013 /  #26
Thank you Harry I will certainly try and find out if they were indeed sole directors,not sure how yet though.

Happy to help.
I would imagine that you can find the details about the company up in the Spanish Central Mercantile Register. Unfortunately their website charges for searching their record, so I'm not able to help you. You can access it yourself (after paying) here:


So you have decided to post off topic insults in an attempt to start a fight by reverting to nasty well done.

I do love the way that you complain about people making off-topic posts in a post which makes no attempt at all to address the topic of this thread. As for being unpleasant, I wasn't aware that you have an exclusive right to being that.
OP sanyseal  
17 May 2013 /  #27
Wow, that rang a bell Harry,so,I looked up an old message that arak sent me on my phone and he signed off Arkadius Sobota,Autoviva Altea,Administrador (his spelling not mine Lol)

So,am I barking up the wrong tree ?or if he was just the Administrator,I wonder if the actual Directors can be held responsible for his actions also,sorry,thinking allowed here.

I have family over in the moring,so,may have to carry on with my investigation on Monday.To me its a strange way to sign off ,when you are in fact an owner,ntohing else has come to light today,so,really appreciate the information and help given by all.

17 May 2013 /  #28
Thank you Harry I will certainly try and find out if they were indeed sole directors,not sure how yet though.

Your Gestoria can do it for a small fee, take the contract to him and tell him what information you require regarding the company directors of Autovia/Altea

So,am I barking up the wrong tree

Until you establish who the directors of the company are you will not know who to pursue.
OP sanyseal  
17 May 2013 /  #29
Thank you Warszawski
After the weekend I will check this out also,its amazing how comforting a little knowledge can make you feel in a seemingly useless situation.

Thank you all so much,and,have a nice weekend

Kindest regards

18 May 2013 /  #30
After the weekend I will check this out

Have you tried to contact the friends of the Sobota's here pl-pl.facebook.com/marzenasobota.marzenasobota

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Looking for wanted person (Arkadiusz Sobota / Marzena Helena Sobota)Archived