Taken in Jersey City, New Jersey - 1935 - 1950's
My Grandfather Klepacki, "Siegmund" or "Zygmundt" in his later years - either from Lublin or Suwalki - we've heard he was a Cossack officer - Born 1878 or 1879
My Grandmother Klepacki "Stanislawa" or "Stella" her maiden name was Blasczyzk - it is believed she was from near Stary Gostkow - Born 1890/91 -
My grandparents were not married in Poland - they married in Jersey City, NJ around 1906. It was a pre-arranged marriage. They did not know each other before.
It is believed my Grandfather had two brothers, Leon and Casimir/Casimiri/Kasimir or "Charles" - who moved to NY/NJ 1900-1907
It is believed my Grandfather had a sister, Josephine - we do not know what became of her.
My Grandmother had a sister, Bronislawa - she came to the US with Stanislawa but we do not know what became of her, either.
My Father, Henry/Henderick Dominic Klepacki - 1981 - 1994
My Uncles, Joe, John and Stanley
My Aunts - Dorothy and Nellie
If anyone sees a resemblance or is looking for their Klepacki families in the US - please let me know.

Stanislawa `Stella` Klepacki

Stanislawa Klepacki Nell Klepacki Christine Klepacki

Grandfather Zigmundt/Sigmund Klepacki, Joe, John and Henry Klepacki

Klepacki Nell, Dorothy and Friend