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Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors

Kaczor Duck  2 | 95  
11 Nov 2007 /  #61
Great pics guys, this is the only pic I have that a cousin sent to me, is of a great great uncle and Aunt.
Kataryna  - | 36  
4 Dec 2007 /  #62
This is my great grandfather Waclaw Ejsmont. He was born in around 1885 and died in 1927 of 'black lung'. He was a classically trained violinist in Poland and a coal miner in Wilkes Barre, PA.

He came to the US in 1905 from the Bailystok area, married a Polish immigrant (Stefania Kishalewski, pictured) and started working in the mines immediately.

I'm in intrigued by this man and wish I could learn more about him.

** another pic failed to upload....sorry ***
bobby  6 | 32  
5 Dec 2007 /  #63
My grandfather, dont know when this was taken, but he was born in 1913, Rodzom.

Ok, Photo was cut in half, nevermind.

  • Grandfather1
GrandeSande  2 | 119  
6 Jan 2008 /  #64
For anyone interested in old Photos, I came across this site of old pictures taken from a book of the Jewish in Poland.
There are many occupations and locations shown. I am not Jewish, but found them fascinating.

gjene  15 | 203  
4 May 2008 /  #65
Talking about old photos, here is one of my grandfather and 2 siblings of his. My grandfather is the one on the right. His brother Henry in the middle and another brother Albert. Maybe someone can recognize the uniform. I suspect the photo was taken about 1920-1922 time frame. Sorry. Can't seem to upload the photo. Can send it privately to whomever can get it uploaded easier.
mpernal  1 | 8  
4 May 2008 /  #66
I recently obtained some old family photo's from my mother. They're from my fathers side of the family. This one a portrait of my paternal grandmothers (Marya Sendor Pernal) brother Andrzej Sendor. No year was written on the photo, just his name. He died early in WWII, so this image is probably taken in the 1930's.

The second photo appears to be older based on the style of the image. No name or date was on it anywhere. Appears to be a hand colored b/w. If anyone could tell the era based on the uniform, it would be greatly appreciated. For now, I consider it an unknown relative, but there are some similarities between the two images.

  • grandmothers brother Andrzej

  • unknown relative
gjene  15 | 203  
5 May 2008 /  #67
Here is part of the photo I made reference to in my previous message. It is of my grandfather. I suspect the uniform to be from the early 1920's. Thanks again
gjene  15 | 203  
5 May 2008 /  #68
pt. 2

Servatius Albert, Henrik Bazyli, and Alexander Micheal Froelich are the 3 in this photo from left to right.

  • 2 great uncles & grandfather
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
6 May 2008 /  #69
2 great uncles & grandfather

between 1905-1910? the photo
is in great shape .

The second photo appears to be older based on the style of the image.

I think the two are the same person, just older photo

the second one being older, I thought that before I read the post.
my uncle made the military a career till he died in 1942 january.

possibly this is whats the case..?

my Uncle is the first photo. ( first one I uploaded I think).

very nice pictures though.. thanks for Sharing.
Kasia84  8 | 40  
6 May 2008 /  #70
My Uncle Franciszek who died fighting on the front in the phillipines..
he was stationed in Hawaii when pearl harbor was bombed..

Just wanted to share vintage Photo ...

This photo was taken in Michigan when he was on leave.

That is so cool :)) I've just started doing my family albums; organizing...so much work to do! my babcia just recently died :( she left lots of old photos...I couldn't believe how much history ...a picture can have :)) maybe I'll try to post them here...

I love looking at old photos..they have so much meaning :))
mpernal  1 | 8  
6 May 2008 /  #71
Another possible unknown relative or family friend. After scanning this, I noticed some faded writing in the upper right, so I'll have to somehow see if I can get that to stand out. No notes were on the back. Appears to be a Captain from the shoulder marks, and with the cross on the lapel, a chaplain. First thought it could have been an older image of my great uncle Andrzej, but I don't recall any family verbal history about him being a priest.

Also, in the two images above, I accidentally reversed the title/notations under each (lesson learned from posting too late at night with too little sleep!). The one on the right is my great uncle Andrzej (his name is written on the back of the photo). The one on the left is "unknown" (unless it is him at a different time of his life).

  • Kapitan/Chaplain?
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
6 May 2008 /  #72
(unless it is him at a different time of his life).

thats my guess... i took a better look, if you notice in the first photo you posted
as uncle andrzej, but is the other one, it looks like same man, the first photo
is prob him with out any decorations, the second photo is definately older
and is same man, my presumption. the last one you show me is a much older
version, the stars are his rank I would think?

can anyone help on what the above decorations mean?

...I couldn't believe how much history ...a picture can have :)) maybe I'll try to post them here...

wonderful Kasia :)

all pictures are like looking back in time. and one picture can tell a whole story.
keep emm coming, we all enjoy seeing them :)
mpernal  1 | 8  
7 May 2008 /  #73
keep emm coming, we all enjoy seeing them :)

I wish many of these photo's I'm scanning had some information on them as to the year they were taken, who is in them, etc.

This is an interesting one. On a photography forum I am a member of, another person there was able to translate the writing on the truck for me (I have to learn Polish some day!!!...sure would help with the geneological research I am doing).

  • Firefighter school/training camp no. 3 in Wis砤
BARTOSZ  3 | 6  
9 May 2008 /  #74
MPERNAL the badges shown in the colour photograph are;circular badge-national service,the silver colour for higher ranks other badge is national sports badge.for further information send copy to sikorski museum in london with a donation,they may identify the military unit from the numbers on shoulder they provide a most excellent service.happy searching.
SSpringer  5 | 55  
10 May 2008 /  #75
Great Grandma Sophie Holick (maiden Rykowski) and my Grandmother :)
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
11 May 2008 /  #76
Very Nice :) this thread is really coming along. slowly but surely :)
mpernal  1 | 8  
12 May 2008 /  #77
Patrycja19...I agree with you...the thread is looking good! It's great to see these old images preserved.

I just scanned one of my grandparents, Florjan i Marja Pernal. He's from Kopytowka and she's from Przlyacek. They met and married in Chicago. This was taken in their yard at their home in Chicago. No year on the picture, but judging on the style of the clothes, I'd guess 1920's/1930's.

  • my grandparent, Florjan i Marja Pernal
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
13 May 2008 /  #78

agree.. I found a picture of my grandfather ( as a younger man) and at first
everyone was unsure of who it was.. I tried to upload it but no luck

anyway, needless to say, he was the mirror image of my cousin.. as a young
man. so when I sent the pic to my cousin, he was amazed.. he said it was
like looking in a mirror on his computer.

the funny part of it all was. our family thought it was our uncles.. and
knowing our uncles .. as boys are today they would never wear what their
father wore because it was out of style.. well the clothes they had on told the
date and that my uncle ( my cousins dad) wouldnt be caught dead in them. lol
mpernal  1 | 8  
15 May 2008 /  #79
It is funny how styles repeat over time. I remember ruining a few of my moms wash buckets making tie-dyed shirts back in the 70's...and then a few years back they were in vogue for a bit!

Found this old pick of my mom with my dad's mother. By this time (late 1950's) my grandmother was pretty much americanized, but she never became an american citizen. Always retained her Polish citizenship.

  • my mother, with my dad's mother (around 1959)
mpernal  1 | 8  
17 May 2008 /  #80
Patrycja19, My dad, Matthew Pernal, was in the Philippines too. At a later date though. He went onshore during the battle of Leyte gulf. The ship he was on was hit by a kamakazi. In the image below, my dad's the fellow on the right. On the left is his buddy Andy Kvocak. Andy was awarded the bronze star after the Leyte gulf battle.

This shot was probably taken somewhere in Australia. His group started out there, then went to New Guinea, and from there onto the Philippines.

  • Andy Kvocak and Matt Pernal (my dad)
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
17 May 2008 /  #81
My dad, Matthew Pernal, was in the Philippines too.

we lost our uncle the first month of the war. they had the funeral at home
he was guarded by two guards the whole time till he was buried.
its amazing how things were so different not so long ago.
gjene  15 | 203  
18 May 2008 /  #82
Hello all

Here is a picture of my great grandparents, great uncles, great aunts and a few unknown friends.Front row left to right 1st & 2nd unknown, 3 & 4 great grandparents, 5th great aunt Alice, 6th great uncle Albert,

back row:1st grandfather, great uncle Henry, 3rd & 4th unknown, 5th great aunt Jadwiga, and her unknown friend.

  • 1920's family photo
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
18 May 2008 /  #83
[quote=gjene]Here is a picture of my great grandparents,

very nice photo

thanks for sharing :)
BARTOSZ  3 | 6  
25 May 2008 /  #84
hello all,here is a photo of my father J贸zef Ludwig Kazimierz Bartoszy艅ski.in Trembowla 1932. 9 pu艂k U艂an贸w Ma艂opolskich (9th cavalry)

  • regimental badge
BARTOSZ  3 | 6  
25 May 2008 /  #85
photo of my father Trembowla 1932.

  • LastScan.jpg
wozzy  8 | 206  
5 Jun 2008 /  #86
This is my favorite picture of all time. I saw it when I last visited Poland in April, it is in possesion of my last remaining Aunt. So it is the didgitised copy of a photographed copy of the original which had been cut out in a oval shape.

I shows my Grandad, Grandma and my Father just before he was taken for forced labour to Austria. Grandad was blown up allong with two of his youngest sons all in the same blast. Grandma lost it and was found a couple of days later in a derelict church. She lived on into her eighties and now lies in a 11th century church yard near Wroclaw.

  • photo3.jpg
beirne  - | 1  
29 Jun 2008 /  #87
The first picture is of my great-grandmother Maria Lewandowska's family in 呕yrard贸w. It was taken sometime in the 1880s. We think Maria is the one on the left in the back, but the rest of our pictures of her where when she was a lot older so we don't know for sure.

The second picture is of the family in front of their factory, probably in 呕yrard贸w in the 1880s. If the picture isn't in 呕yrard贸w then it is likely in Aleksandr贸w pod £odzia.

  • Teofil Lewandowski family in 痽rard體

  • Teofil Lewandowski family in front of their factory
rdywenur  1 | 157  
30 Jun 2008 /  #88
Looking for my uncle and his family somewhere in the UK (taken July, 1955

  • EuroEnglandUncleW.jpg
kittycatty  - | 3  
1 Jul 2008 /  #89
Not sure in which year this was taken, but on the back it has
Foto - Tkacz Racib贸rz

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