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Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #1
My Uncle Franciszek who died fighting on the front in the phillipines..
he was stationed in Hawaii when pearl harbor was bombed..

Just wanted to share vintage Photo ...

This photo was taken in Michigan when he was on leave.

anyone has a photo to share by all means share.. this is part of precious history that
has made it thru time ;)

Admin, its ok to share these photos right?

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
31 Jul 2007 /  #2
Hey this is great. When was it taken?

I love hearing the history and seeing pictures. I have none to share that I am aware of so far :-(
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #3
Hey this is great. When was it taken?

well, time is good guess.. I am going to say roughly between 1935-40
I cant say for sure theres no date on it, but he died january of 1942 just a little
over a month after they declared war on Japan..
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
31 Jul 2007 /  #4
Isn't it amazing to get just a little snippet of a time before any of ours? I wish that I had something to put here but I'm really looking forward to seeing old pics that might appear here.
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #5
Well this one isnt old.. but it is vintage to our family.. :)

its our cousin Rosalia who met with the cousins in Poland and they went to the
tatras :))

ok that pic was smaller and it wouldnt upload :(((

ok these are two ladies ( sobieski family relatives ) who are unidentified..

yes.. I have some sobieski relatives.. :)))

look at their dresses.. sheek. and ladylike :)

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
31 Jul 2007 /  #6
Amazing. Like you say, the dresses are so lady like but also so simple as well. Not like the hats...
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #8
Thanks G..

Not like the hats...

Hats were big thing then.. they go with fashion today.. but not to many
people wear them like they did back then.. this pic has to be turn of the century
its too bad no one thought of writing the dates on these pics.. that would have
been nice..
Admin  25 | 399   Administrator
31 Jul 2007 /  #9
Admin, its ok to share these photos right?

Sure, why not..
beckski  12 | 1609  
31 Jul 2007 /  #10
look at their dresses.. sheek. and ladylike :)

Thank you for sharing such wonderful photos Patrycja.
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #11
This is only a few of my family , they were at a wedding..
MY grandpa is the guy on the end who looks mad.. probably cause he has
to wear a suit.. lol..

my aunt is wearing a black dress.. she was sick with breast cancer
she died.. a year later.. the baby is my 2nd cousin or vs versa.. who gave me
this picture.. lots of stories to tell .................. long stories..

  • bigfile_231.jpg
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
31 Jul 2007 /  #12
I will tell you the key towns dont yell at me if i spell them wrong..

Nowogrod , Kolno, Poryte ?

all same general area.. so for anyone doing genealogy, the immigrants who came
to the united states generally stayed close to friends and relatives.. for years!!!

Thank you for sharing such wonderful photos Patrycja.

I am glad you like them.. everyone is welcome to join,, military, old pics.. anything :)

even if you found a old photo and wanted to share it just because :))

I think we should share and remember those before us after all its those before us
who got us here and we are here today because of them.. strength and preservance
Daisy  3 | 1211  
1 Aug 2007 /  #13
Thanks for sharing these with us Patrycja, I love looking at old photos. I have a shelf of children's photos in my living room, the oldest is my great grandmother aged four taken sometime in the 1870s.

Keep em coming Pat, I for one will never tire of looking at them
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
1 Aug 2007 /  #14
sometime in the 1870s.

daisy.. that is amazing.. 1870s.. WOW!!
Daisy  3 | 1211  
1 Aug 2007 /  #15
it's when they used real flash guns with gunpowder, she looks really stunned
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
1 Aug 2007 /  #16
ahhhh,. Now I understand the Wide eye looks on their face :))
dannyboy  18 | 248  
1 Aug 2007 /  #17
Its often funny in old photos to see how little men and male fashion have changed but how much women & female fashion have changed :-)

Great photos btw
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Aug 2007 /  #18
Oh, I think mens fashion has changed quite a bit..

Grandma with first born :)

she is all polish.

well I am trying to add some pics. but apparently they are to big..
Peter  3 | 248  
2 Aug 2007 /  #19
My father's Romanian identity card. He was enrolled in the University of Lwow in 1939 and was fortunate to escape through Romania.

  • ID_Card.jpg
Peter  3 | 248  
2 Aug 2007 /  #20
After leaving Romania, in Athens 1940.

  • Greece_1940.jpg
Peter  3 | 248  
2 Aug 2007 /  #21
And then in Mondragon, France later in 1940.

  • France_1940.jpg
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Aug 2007 /  #22
Peter, these are so cool!!

After leaving Romania, in Athens 1940.

amazing :))

My father's Romanian identity card. He was enrolled in the University of Lwow in 1939 and was fortunate to escape through Romania.

you are lucky to have these. on my grandmothers side, something must
have happened to the documents.. I had to do research to find any little
bit of her past and how she came here.. America that is..

Thanks for sharing.. Now I dont feel so lonely :)))

well try this again.. MY grandmother and her sister playing the bride and groom
gag for a cousins wedding.. they come dressed as bride and groom. and she would
dance and be the life of the party :)
Daisy  3 | 1211  
3 Aug 2007 /  #23
the pics are still not working Pat :(
Peter  3 | 248  
3 Aug 2007 /  #24
I think this one was taken in Scotland. He was based there with the 24th Lancers, 10th Motorised Brigade, 1st Polish Armoured division.

Hi Patrycja,

I know the feeling. I've been researching my family tree for the past 5 years. From only knowing about some 12 persons now the tree has over 450 and counting. Still, without pictures nearly all are just names on a piece of paper.

My cousin outside of Wroclaw has my grandmother's photo albums which are chock full of pictures, only thing is, we do not have the faintest idea of who the people are!


OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Aug 2007 /  #25
the pics are still not working Pat :(

I know, I have to make some of them smaller.. I will work on that today :))

anyone else is welcome to join in like peter did.

My cousin outside of Wroclaw has my grandmother's photo albums which are chock full of pictures, only thing is, we do not have the faintest idea of who the people are!

yes.. I have quite a few if those too. I have what my mom had picture wise.. I was
lucky to find cousins willing to share their older photos.. I plan to seperate the
pics and name all ( what I can)

GrandeSande  2 | 119  
3 Aug 2007 /  #26
Great idea Patrycja, I love old photos and next month our Genealogical Society is having a speaker who will talk on old photos and hidden clues you can use to identify them.

anyone else is welcome to join in like peter did.

I have a neat old wedding picture of my GGGrandmother , but I can't figure out how to get it on to this spot.
Peter  3 | 248  
3 Aug 2007 /  #27
My grandfather was a corporal in an artillery regiment in the Austro-Hungarian army in WW1. He sent postcards (presumably of his battalion) to my grandmother.

  • KuK05.jpg
Peter  3 | 248  
3 Aug 2007 /  #28
My father's class at school in Boryslaw in 1933. You cannot help but wonder what happened to all of them.

  • Boryslaw_School.jpg
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Aug 2007 /  #29
Austro-Hungarian army in WW1.

These are classic.. you are making a book with all of this right?

you have so much knowledge of your family and some really amazing pictures!
Peter  3 | 248  
3 Aug 2007 /  #30
you have so much knowledge of your family

Not really. I have a somewhat good idea about my grandparents. After that I have'nt a clue! I'm lucky in that 2 cousins who I recently discovered are in their 70's and 80's and still have quite a good memory. Somewhat limited but some info is better than none.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestorsArchived