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Town or village name Lipine

wiscmark  1 | 4  
21 Jun 2011 /  #1
I am trying to continue a project my sister started, and for which she hit a wall. I would like to start with a place name. We believe my grandfather came from a place called Lipine, I have found some references to it but not an exact location. A possible clue may be Silesia, but two other areas (Gdansk and Poznan) are also mentioned by an aunt. We also have a postcard from about 1910 that has a LIPINE postmark on it. I've found many references to Lipiny, but nothing concrete making a connection. The stamp on the card is German, but I assume this was normal for the time. Can anyone help with this town, village, etc.?

Mark in Wisconsin
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
21 Jun 2011 /  #2
Can anyone help with this town, village, etc.?

Post the picture of the postcard here, perhaps there’s a clue on it as you obviously spelled the name wrong. Are you sure it's not Lipno?
tim  - | 4  
21 Jun 2011 /  #3
Hi, my wife comes from Silesia not far from Lipiny. Lipiny is currently a district (no 5) of the town called Swietochlowice in Silesia district, near Katowice city. It used to be German during the Second World War and was called Lipine. Hopefully it does help somehow. Tim
OP wiscmark  1 | 4  
22 Jun 2011 /  #4
"Hi, my wife comes from Silesia not far from Lipiny. Lipiny is currently a district (no 5) of the town called Swietochlowice in Silesia district, near Katowice city. It used to be German during the Second World War and was called Lipine. Hopefully it does help somehow. Tim"

Thank you for the reply. How does a district differ from a town? I have found Lipiny on Google Maps (although it takes you to a field), but would someone say they are from Lipiny? Or would they say they are from Swietochlowice? I had read about a Polish football star who played in the German leagues during WWII and then retired to Lipine, and I think they were talking about the same place, but I can't get my mind around the definition for "district".
22 Jun 2011 /  #5
Świętochłowice has five administrative subdivisions and Lipiny (germ. Lipine) is one of them.

It is very likely that someone would say I am from Lipiny rather than I am from Świętochłowice.

There are many towns and villages in Poland called Lipiny, including some in the regions you have mentioned. The postcard may have more clue if you can scan it and post it here.
OP wiscmark  1 | 4  
23 Jun 2011 /  #6
I have enclosed an image of the postcard. Sorry, but all I have is a copy. My grandfather arrived in the US in 1902 at the age of 21. His Passenger Record said he was from Cifine, but he has referred to his home as Lipine on census records. So we assume whoever was creating the passenger record misread the name.

Thanks for your help

Having problem trying to post image, will try again later.
OP wiscmark  1 | 4  
24 Jun 2011 /  #7
I believe I got the size of the picture small enough, so I'll give this another try.

24 Jun 2011 /  #8
Have you had this postcard translated? It says that the photo is showing the whole family strolling on Droboszkach ( I read it as Droboszki but it could be Drobaszki or something very similar). Perhaps Tim who wrote earlier can check with his wife is there such place/street/park in Lipiny or near Lipiny.

Or you check on google map for Droboszki (or something similar) near Lipiny-Swietochlowice or Lipiny in woj kujawsko-pomorskie or wiekopolskie
pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipiny - here are the link to other Lipiny towns and villages. I think you can ignore villages as post stamp is from Lipine and a village would not have a post office.
OP wiscmark  1 | 4  
26 Jun 2011 /  #9
If someone could help with the translation that would be great. It seems someone did a "Rough" translation as saying everyone is doing fine, but whoever did the translation didn't know some of the words. I'm trying to learn some Polish because we are visiting Poland this Autumn, but my skills at deciphering are very bad.

Thanks for any help.
teresa55  - | 46  
22 Jul 2011 /  #10
Please, see Lipiny today.

22 Jan 2012 /  #11
Does anybody know the names of cemeteries in Świętochłowice. I am trying to research my family name.Besta/Sommerling.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mike Besta.
16 Mar 2014 /  #12
Thank you Tim is has helped me with some family history!

Jennifer Barclay
Eagle Mountain, Utah USA
TheOther  6 | 3617  
16 Mar 2014 /  #13
It used to be German during the Second World War and was called Lipine

Historically wrong. The town was German before WW1 and was known as Lipine, Schlesiengrube or Schwientochlowitz (of which it became part of). 51.9% of the population voted to stay within the German Reich after the war, but the town was given to the newly created Poland.

Some old postcards from the area: youtube.com/watch?v=ITUbeXZhI4c

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