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Do you think all Slavs are white?

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
7 May 2011 /  #91
East Slavs don't look very different than West Slavs.

Russians are not really mixed with Tatar in statistical amounts. No Slavs are.

Rather opposite that Tatars generally got mixed with Slavic.

But Russians did assimilate massive amounts of FInno-Ugric & Baltic people giving Russians a high level of N1c1c haplogroup like Finland has.

I guess the Question is are Finns white?

Finns are the lightest Europeans & the Closest to Cro Magnons. But on the other hand Finns have a Language closer to Turkic & Mongolian than to Indo European

& Finnish N Haplogroup is related to the O Haplogroup of the Chinese

To me Western Europeans are the ones who are not white if anything.

Go look up the First Man in England the Cheddar man 9,000 yrs ago he looked like alot of Ukrainians & Russians & Some Poles

Truth is Western Europeans look alot like people from North Africa! Alot of Western Europeans have curley hair & flat noses especially in the British Isles!

South Slavs actually have morE european features than do Western Europeans.

Alot of South Slavs arE dinaric
Well the 14,000 yr old Chancelade Man in France had similar features to Dinarics.
As did the 38,000 yr old Konstenki Cro Magnon from Ukraine

The only Cro Magnons that look like Western Europeans are the Mechta Afalou Cro Magnon from North Africa & Spain!

Alot of Western Europeans do look like North Africans! Especially Redheads! Most Redheads have Curley hair & Flat noses! Redheads look alot like Albinos from Africa.

Red hair may even be considered Albinism as Redhair is one trait that causes ghost white skin & light eyes.

Unlike Blonde hair & Blue eyes which are seperate traits which is why alot of Slavs & Scandanavians can have Blonde hair & Blue eyes & still be able to tan well sometimes.
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79  
7 May 2011 /  #92
This is a very fascinating topic (though I still don't agree with the underlying "white-nonwhite" dichotomy - it makes no sense at all).

Here's a genetic analysis chart: (from polishgenes.blogspot.com)

Notice how close are the Poles to Belarussians and to central Russians. And the northern Russians have a big chunk of Finnish genes (which explains the blondes).

Who cares what "white" even means. We are what we are. Deal with it!
routro66  - | 4  
10 May 2011 /  #93
The opposite of “White” is not “Black” when racial categories are being discussed. Although not being “White” is clearly to be identified as part of some other race. When someone says a “Polack can do work that would kill a white man” there is definitely ascription of some distinct “racial” characteristics. E.O. Ross, one of America’s leading sociologists who was a contemporary of the African American who thought “Polacks ain’t white” described Polish and Slavic coalminers (perhaps including my grandfather who was there at the time) as “hirsute, low browed men” of “obviously low intelligence”. . . “Beaten men of beaten breeds”. Sounds like an inferior race to me.

Benjamin Franklin who parsed racial categories as deftly many of our fellow posters, concluded that “Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion as are Germans also, the Saxons only accepted (sic) who with the English make the principal body of White People on the Face of the Earth.” The Germans, he concluded, “will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion.”

It was in Franklin’s time thanks to effort to create human taxonomies people by like Linnaeus, that skin color – one of the most mutable and insignificant human characteristics - acquired its role a key marker of human difference. People like Franklin, Madison Grant, William Z. Ripley then established human hierarchies based on it

The greatest diversity among people is among Africans themselves since Africa is the source of our human species and we developed there the longest. Given the small and select stream of Africans who immigrated out of the continent to become the ancestors of all of the rest of the populations of the world, it is very likely that any Chinese, Malay, Iranian or Swede is genetically closer to any given African than that African is to any of his fellow Africans.

Since our primate cousins – the great apes – have lightly pigmented or unpigmented skin beneath their heavy coat of hair scientists have suggested that our original human ancestors were probably “White” and had to become darker as they became less hirsute (“The Naked Ape”) to adapt to the environment of equatorial Africa.

See: Nina Jablonski, Ph.D., Skin A Natural History
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79  
10 May 2011 /  #94
it is very likely that any Chinese, Malay, Iranian or Swede is genetically closer to any given African than that African is to any of his fellow Africans.

except for that neanderthal DNA:
non-africans trace up to 4% of their genome from neanderthals

also, really - africans are further apart from each other than from the non-africans? sounds wrong (mathematically speaking).
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
11 May 2011 /  #95
Actually a White person is more likely to be related to an Asian than to a half White half African Mulatto. That is how far Africans are spaced from Non Whites.

Saying a Swede is as likely to be related to a Bushman or Australian Aboriginal than to another Swede is just non sense. That is Liberal propaganda.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 May 2011 /  #96
True enough, PMoc, but remember that many blacks were introduced into the Swedish populace a long time ago. Martin Dahlin was a surprise for me. As for the thread, I've already answered that Slavs vary in colour. There is no denying that but the overwhelming majority are white.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
31 May 2011 /  #97
Those square heads that many Poles have (flat in the back) are clearly not of European origin.

Some Europeans including Slavs & ALpines have more flattened rear to the skull than Asians, Arabs, Africans ect.

The flattening to the rear is actually a more modern skull.(It is called Brachycephalic) Typically Slavs & Central Europeans, Balkaners & the French are more Flat headed / Brachycephalic than are Asians.

Neanderthals, Negroids, Australoids, Homo Erectus typically had a huge bulge of primitive brain to the rear.

So as humans have evolved to gain a more flattened skull to the rear.

Some Western Europeans use the Flat head as an insult.

But, IT is a compliment. It is actually saying we are more evolved! I agree.

The reason why Western Europeans probably think Flat head is an insult because alot of Western Europeans have very primitive pointy skulls to the rear much like Negroids do with alot of Primitive brain sticking out the rear.

This to me explains it all. Negroids typically talk about things without facts. I notice alot of Western Europeans also do.

So, I think it is of your primitive pointy skulls to the rear why Western Euros typically talk with emotions rather than facts.
31 May 2011 /  #98
So, I think it is of your primitive pointy skulls to the rear why Western Euros typically talk with emotions rather than facts.

I wonder if that is the reason some people scratch the back of their heads while they think.
legend  3 | 658  
31 May 2011 /  #99
Im a Slav and if you saw me you would think im the whitest person on earth.

I would think the majority of slavs are 'white' but there has been a lot of mixes.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
1 Jun 2011 /  #100
I wonder if that is the reason some people scratch the back of their heads while they think.

Aboriginal Australian skull vs Slav skull

Neanderthal skull vs Cro Magnon

Notice how the more primitive skulls Aboriginals & Neanderthals are much more long to the rear than to the rear.

Anthropologists state that skulls more long to the rear are more primitive & closer to apes.

So, Calling a SLav a flathead is a compliment.

I don't know I scratch the top of my head when I think not the back LOL
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Jun 2011 /  #101
Anthropologists state that skulls more long to the rear are more primitive & closer to apes.

That's why I had the back of my head cut off. Now, I look more slavic.

So, Calling a SLav a flathead is a compliment.

True, unless the flathead is also a pinhead.

I don't know I scratch the top of my head when I think

That helps stimulate brain neurons but the side effects include; the head scracher breaking out into uncontrollable dancing, usually the jitterbug.
2 Jun 2011 /  #102
Hasn't slavery been outlawed?
21 Nov 2011 /  #103
Then I have a problem ,I'm blond ,and I have Blue eyes ..and also I'm Serbian 100%......lot of Serbs ,are light brown ,with blue or green eyes....
21 Nov 2011 /  #104
What problem?? Serbs are slavs and everyone who disagree is di.wit.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
9 Jan 2012 /  #106
unless they are black ;)
Des X  
6 Sep 2012 /  #107
My family are Irish, I was born in England. My friend, in my it is true that many English people do not consider the Irish to be white. Yes, it is completely stupid but the English are very touchy on the subject of race and, particularly, on who they consider are members of the white race. I am white, very tall, with fair hair, freckles, small grey blue eyes, yet I know that many English people do not consider me to be a proper member of the white race and have said so to me. . My son has bright blond hair, small grey blue eyes, freckles and is mistaken for a German when I go abroad - even by Germans who do not beleive that he and I have totally Irish blood. I was recently asked by an English friend how it is that my son has blonde hair, blue eyes when his blood is Irish. Ridiculous!

Kind regards


Absolutely right - the Rus were Vikings so yes it is correct to say that the descendents of the Rus tribe are white. The Polish people are white, integral to Europe. I admire Poles for being hardcore Catholics like Irish people used to be.

My Family are Irish - I am tall, with ginger/blond hair, a long straight nose, freckles and grey blue eyes and I am descended from Vikings too like a number of people are who come from the east coast of Ireland i.e.Dublin wher the Vikings landed. However, the majority of Irish people tend to be quite dark, olive-skinned, short and brown-eyed and a number of them propagate myths that 1) the Vikings did not invade Ireland and 2) that a person is not properly Irish if they have light skin, fair hair etc. This is complete nonsense, my family are Irish on one side back to as far as one can go in history and on the other side to 1600 when they went to Ireland from England and the Vikings certainly did invade the east coast of Ireland where you will find the light skinned fair haired, blue eyed, tall, blond/ginger haired Irish like me.

It is interesting to note that the Irish are the most homogenous group in Europe, probably having the purest bloodlines of anyone apart from the Icelandic people who are so homogenous that the DNA records of the population are used in all kinds of genetic studies. Even the Romans did not invade Ireland - immigration to Ireland - aprt from Vikings, English, Scottish Welsh and the French/Norman- was non-existent during the whole of history the world until about 10 years ago.
de_wu  - | 3  
7 Sep 2012 /  #108
Do you think tanned person with dark eyes and hair isn't white?

Are you kidding me ?

I am polish with hazel eyes and light brown hair, in fact not tanned ( pale skin ) but I am not white slavic then ?

archiwum  12 | 122  
8 Sep 2012 /  #109
Some europeans have olive white skin. Med. Whites.

But some have tatar. Maybe 1%.
31 Jan 2013 /  #110
Lol,bro i am from Bulgaria and i dont think that we aren,t slavs 45% of the people are very light skinned and have colored hairs i am personally with almost blonde hair green eyes .My but that maybe because my grandmother is half polish half ukraine and my grandfather is half german and half hungerian that is by my mothers side.And my father a bit of macedonian and bulgarian he has blue eyes .I am very mixed sorry for my English btw
kotlomoy  - | 10  
31 Jan 2013 /  #111
Look at the current mayor of Moscow - he's considered white in Russia

He is not considered white. Russians do not have such epicanthus. He was born in Khanty-Mansi, so he's half Asian, Mansi probably.
13 Feb 2013 /  #112
Slavic people are white, regardless of where they live hair colour or eye colour religion height you name it. They are white. Tatars Gorani Bosniaks are all Slavs who became Muslim. Them being Muslim doesnt make them any less whiter then other Slavs.

As for South Slavs still white. Albanians on the other hand are not Slavic they are rather Proto-Paleo-balkanic and do not feel close to anyone not even Italians or Turks, to say they are close to Turks because of Islam is just plain ignorant. Not all Albanians are Muslim, they are a nation of mixed religions. Most Christian Albanians are Orthodox Catholics come at 10% of the whole Albanian population. I don't know the actual statics of Albanians world wide since it is claimed Islam in Albania has dropped to round 40% But it is true that most kosovo and Macedonia Albanians are Muslim... Even they don't feel close to Turks. Anyways we are good friends with Turks now, but we are completely different when it comes to culture language genetics roots upbringing. I have never met an Albanian who considers Italians as brothers unless you are referring to the Arberesh community in Italy who are overwhelming 99.9-100% Christian.

Anyways Polish people are white regardless of where in Poland he is from.
Vlad123  7 | 204  
14 Feb 2013 /  #113
The same can be said about Russians (tatar+slavic+mongol mix) and eastern Ukrainians (turkic cossacks).

Where did you take it from?Could you give any link to plausible genetic research?

He was born in Khanty-Mansi, so he's half Asian, Mansi probably.

Yes,seems so.But it is interesting that Mansi language is more related to Hungarian
than to Mongol or Tatar.
archiwum  12 | 122  
22 Apr 2013 /  #114
GAD, and Slavic, which is Romanisch, and Apline, do have some taint. like I said before, maybe 1%.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
2 May 2013 /  #115
My friend, in my it is true that many English people do not consider the Irish to be white. Yes, it is completely stupid but the English are very touchy on the subject of race and, particularly, on who they consider are members of the white race.

Interesting.And which nations according to English constitute white race?
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
2 May 2013 /  #116
I don't think all people who call themselves "Slavs" are really ethnically Slavic. They may be Slavic culturally or linguistically but that does not mean they are white. And remember "Slavic" is not necessarily synonymous with white lol. Are all white Americans really white? No, most are slightly multiracial. I don't believe someone in Russia is Slavic ethnically unless the overwhelming majority of their ancestors are related to the same people as the West Slavs. The Slavs were a very specific group of people, it is not a term that can be used for all people native to Eastern Europe.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
2 May 2013 /  #117
And remember "Slavic" is not necessarily synonymous with white lol.


The Slavs were a very specific group of people, it is not a term that can be used for all people native to Eastern Europe.

Sorry,but you seem contradict to youself.
archiwum  12 | 122  
2 May 2013 /  #118
You would go to the baptismal registry, or enumeration to find out.

VlAD 1234,

You are talking about the commonwealth people mostly.

VlAD 1234,

I didn't say it was total. Some Slavic people have Tatar in their background. Maybe 1%.

To find out the background, you would have to go to the surname.

VlAD 1234,

About the Irish, they are mostly of Nordic stock. Black Irish is Spaniard, or mixed with Irish.

Ive said this before, if you are common in your ways, that don't mean your not white.

Hi, Again

Spaniard and Mestizo are two different things.
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
3 May 2013 /  #119
About the Irish, they are mostly of Nordic stock.

4 May 2013 /  #120
Russians and Serbs are actually Scandinavians (Vikings)
First Russian state was established by first Russian Tzar Vladimir (Viking) in Kiev

Croatians came from Iran
Bosnians are Turks
Pols came from Africa and so on

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