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Any Polish Tatars here?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
14 May 2010 /  #61
Am a tatar. and living in Siberia.

and the Tatars in Poland are doing just fine too, except that their soon "extinct" as they have mingled into the Polish society so maybe in a few generations they will be gone as a culture in Poland.

And now some polen try to kick us

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
14 May 2010 /  #62
And now some polen try to kick us.

Ar you forgetting your hordes were the first to invade Poland? Or did that conveniently slip your mind?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
14 May 2010 /  #63
You are as mad as a hatter.
4 Jun 2010 /  #65
Hello, how did you go about getting the DNA testing done. Can you please point me in the right direction. We also believe we are from Tatar descendants but this has only been passed on verbally from my deceased grandfather.


DomPolski  7 | 33  
4 Jun 2010 /  #66
How large was tartars impact on Poland? How many people today would be descendants of tartars? Do other eastern european countries have a larger tartar influence/intertwined history?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
4 Jun 2010 /  #67
Minimal, their invasion was predominantly confined to southern Poland and their army was relatively small. Poland at the time was formed from disjointed regions who initially did not present a united front.

Poland was a sideshow to the main invasion of Hungary, which was just as well from Poland's point of view. The towns that were destroyed at the time were quite small and so relatively easy to rebuild, including Krakow.

It would be very hard to tell, but given that the Polish interaction with the tartars continued long after the invasion, as many of them served in the Polish army, there is an undoubted connection. I suppose it would be quite a bit smaller than the present interaction of Brits with Brits of Afro-Caribbean descent or Brits descendant from the subcontinent.
6 Jul 2010 /  #68
Tatars in Poland - Tatars' Last Stand
theperemechlounge.blogspot.com/2009/04/tatars-in-poland-tatars-last-st and.html

yes, sir

There are Tatars in Poland!
GUZY  5 | 8  
8 Dec 2010 /  #69
Merged thread:

Tell me about them...are existing communities drastically different than native Polish populations?
TATARI jat  
31 Dec 2010 /  #70
Salam ,
i hope you are doing good, i am a muslim living in pakistan , i belong to uppal jatt family (uppal jatt) belong to lipka tatar desend.......... i am very happy to know about TATARS our forfather came to india in 15th century..i love horse riding and wrestling ..

i am not polish , any way TATARS blood flow in my viens......have a great day ...................God bless you ALLAH IS GREAT
1 Jan 2011 /  #71
I am jewish and my ancestors are lipka tartars.and was given land in exchange for mililtary service,I have no idea when my family went from muslin to jewish or they just kind of blended but my polish family we are all dark not one with blonde hair,they often think my mother is spanish,and we all had a mongolian stain,I am proud of our ancestors and want to learn more.happy new year to my tartar family.My family name is adamowicz
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Jan 2011 /  #72
Tatar Poles are our exotic Poles.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
1 Jan 2011 /  #73
Tatar Poles differ from most other Poles by being more aware of their heritage and origin. In this respect they are true nobility, I would say, the noblest of the noble.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
1 Jan 2011 /  #74
In this respect they are true nobility, I would say, the noblest of the noble.

I as having noble heritage can agree upon it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jan 2011 /  #75
Tatar Poles differ from most other Poles by being more aware of their heritage and origin.

Or maybe just nomads trying to keep their culture in a foreign land?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
1 Jan 2011 /  #76
Can you trace your heritage a few centuries back? How many Poles can do that?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jan 2011 /  #77
My dad's aunt has all that information and has traced the family back a good five hundred years or so on my Grandmother's side.
19 Jan 2011 /  #78
lets unite all Tatars , whether they have different religions and different languages we have one blood and that is TATAR blood , tatars defeat the world in a very limit time . if we unite again we can change the world . we are warriors and have a great history God bless us .

uppal jatt (lipka tatar) Muhammad
tatari jat  
19 Jan 2011 /  #79
i have a suggestion that all tatars should communicate each other this web site is very good to have a forum that tatars can know each other. if mongols can establish a country why not TATARS? we can . UNITY is strength , lets hope for good . tatars are brave , hard work , intellegent and religious. lipka tatar

emha  - | 90  
19 Jan 2011 /  #80
if mongols can establish a country why not TATARS?

What about
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatarstan ?

You have to talk with (Ras)Putin about it.
magnum1  - | 3  
24 Aug 2011 /  #81
hey e-mail me at tutamax@aol.com
dofdan  - | 7  
29 Aug 2011 /  #82
My grandmother's maiden name was Lipka. Does having the Lipka surname mean that a person was a Lipka Tatar? One of my daughters has slightly oriental eyes and darker skin as does my granddaughter.

19 Aug 2012 /  #83
For me a Tatar living in Kazan, Tatarstan it was very interesting to know that Polish Tatars still remember their origin. We know that many Tatars settled there following Tuktamysh Khan some 600 centuries ago. After helpful military service especially in Grunevald battle these Tatars were awarded lands in Poland and Lithuania. The language was lost but clothes and cuisine shows clearly these are true Tatars.
lovehistory  - | 2  
20 Dec 2012 /  #84
My husbands Mother is Tatar.She was born and raised in Japan. Her father and mother were from a village outside of Penza. She has passed away. I sure wish I would have talked to her more about her history. We live on the west coast of the US. She married an American of Scotch Irish decent. One a Christian and one a Muslim. Never have I seen such a beautiful marriage between two people of different backgrounds. My brother in law wrote a book about them. It is called Ed and Ivet, the true story of a POW Romance by William Bacon. It is very important to me to do our family research so that my children will know and future generations will know. She said she is from the Finnish Tatar People. Would that be the same as Polish Tatar? I sure wish she had taught my husband how to speak her language. Something like Tatarsca? Not sure how to spell it. When I read how some of you are still judging others because of so long ago, it made me sad. When will it be enough? Holding grudges of so long ago only hurts the person with the grudge. Lets work on making this a better world. My husband just had his DNA done and I'm excited to see the results he gets. Those Tatars are a hard bunch to pinpoint.
24 Feb 2013 /  #85
In response, a genetic study in Poland has shown that 70% of Poles have the genetic marker for 'Tartar'. Very interesting. For a fictionalized version of this read Michner's "Poland". I need to confirm this for the accuracy of this research. I also have Tartar blood since am half Polish (an American by birth but grandparents came from Poland.) Got to see Poland for two weeks a year and a half ago, my dream.
lovehistory  - | 2  
24 Feb 2013 /  #86
I got my husbands DNA and it showed Finnish/Volga-Ural. So that confirms the Finnish/Tatar I suppose.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
24 Feb 2013 /  #87
What I know about Tatars could be written on a small fingernail......but in the area I live Nr Rszesow in the Podkarpacie, I have seen several very dark skinned people living in the villages, one friend of our has slightly mongoloid features, but it does not make her un-pretty in fact I think it makes her more mysterious and desirable. Another girl who was obviously of Tatar stock somewhere in her genetic history worked in a local shop...but she dissappeared... (I hope she got a better job)....in UK that girl could have been a model...she was one of the most beautiful featured girls I have ever seen, but she was so very dark skinned, dark hair and eyes so beautiful.......The first person of Tatar stock we saw was a guy, sometimes still see him walking, peasant farmer type, but so very dark skinned I had him pinned as an Indian guy so dark was he and so thin featured...it makes him look so sinister....but I wave to him and smile and he waves and smiles back, as we drive by probably a nice guy. They are about, but I wonder if on a cencus form they would admit to being of Tartar stock?
24 May 2013 /  #88
I recently had my DNA tested, autosomal DNA, and have found that through my Mothers' Father's side of the family, that I am descended from Mongolian Tatars. This is a pretty cool discovery. My Mom's family name was Krzywy, and I remember my Mom and Dad talking about Mom's possible Mongolian ancestry when I was a child. On my Dad's side, we are almost certainly descended from Romans, as the populations today that we match DNA-wise are first: Northern Italians, second: Tuscany Italians, third: Tunisians ( North African ), which was formerly Carthage, the first Roman colony, and fourth: Spain, which also was a Roman colony. The Tatars were awesome warriors who were respected for their martial abilities, and we all know the impact that the Roman civilization had upon the world. It is great that one can determine with a good deal of accuracy what their genetic roots are. I think it is important, as much as is practical to determine, where they came from. I am proud of my Tatar and Roman heritages. Of course, I have many other ethnic contributors to the make up of who I am, however, in the main I am Roman and Tatar!

Stephen S. Platt
lusia  - | 17  
24 May 2013 /  #89
Where do you do that DNA test and how much it costs?
25 May 2013 /  #90
I used DNA Tribes. They have 15, 21, and 27 marker tests, respectively offered for $129.00, $ 189.00, and $229.00. I got the 27 marker test which is the most thorough and also provides and additional test of ones' choice which I seem not to have noticed or requested. I am satisfied with DNA Tribes service and turnaround time.

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