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Is tallness common among Polish people?

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
30 Oct 2010 /  #151
I can believe that.

I am well over 6 feet tall myself.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Oct 2010 /  #152
that is alot.

sure it is alot.

Even that crazy Adolf was familiar with those facts about Serbs. Nazis experimented by inseminating German woman by Serbian dinaric highlanders. Many modern day Germans are result of those experiments
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Oct 2010 /  #153
Nazis experimented by inseminating German woman by Serbian dinaric highlanders.

Is there any written proof of that today?
16 Nov 2010 /  #154
PennBoy, although I doubt there's writen proof of the Germans act during WWII my Nan was a PoW and she used to tell us about things like that, human experiments and other things the Germans used to do to the women in the camps so I don't doubt there were some strange things going on.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Nov 2010 /  #155
Even that crazy Adolf was familiar with those facts about Serbs. Nazis experimented

Yea Adolf was obsessed with the idea of tall, broad shouldered men as being purely Germanic traits.

  • waffenSSnazigerma.jpg

  • 780pxBundesarchiv_B.jpg
Natasa  1 | 572  
16 Nov 2010 /  #156
Many modern day Germans are result of those experiments

Croats? :)

Adolf was obsessed with the idea of tall, broad shouldered men

Oh, Adolf and I have something in common.
southern  73 | 7059  
16 Nov 2010 /  #157
Even that crazy Adolf was familiar with those facts about Serbs. Nazis experimented by inseminating German woman by Serbian dinaric highlanders. experiments

It seems that only German women benefited from WW2.
Natasa  1 | 572  
16 Nov 2010 /  #158
It's nice to be slavicized this way or the other.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
17 Nov 2010 /  #159
Oh, Adolf and I have something in common.

You both like tall broad shouldered men ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Nov 2010 /  #160
It is the moustache as we explained before.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
17 Nov 2010 /  #161
southern i don't think Natasa was talking about a mustache
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
17 Nov 2010 /  #162
then why is the average height in Ireland not 185 cm then?

leprecons... They make it fall like hell I presume
Same thing with Norwegian "nisser" damn you!!!

southern i don't think Natasa was talking about a mustache

*touches his moustache*
You sure?
A J  4 | 1075  
17 Nov 2010 /  #163
leprecons... They make it fall like hell I presume
Same thing with Norwegian "nisser" damn you!!!

It's leprechauns, actually. Oh, and damn me? For what?? (That's not very nice of you, is it?)

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
17 Nov 2010 /  #164
For what?? (That's not very nice of you, is it?)

I damned the "Nisser" but now as I have seen your true face it's a damn you to you too!
17 Nov 2010 /  #165
average height in Poland is 178cm. people of younger generation are over 180cm for sure
Sandman  2 | 25  
17 Nov 2010 /  #166
Why not just dig up proper stats on human height? Wikipedia can't be trusted since it's editable and a likely target of a 'nationalistic' agenda (see countless undo's in the page history). I've found legit stats compiled by a basketball scout/researcher, who gives links to all his sources in pdf (national army/population surveys conducted in 2000's on male youths aged 20-30). There's a very apparent north-to-south height gradient in Europe (ex-Yugoslavia being an exception).

Netherlands 184.8
Iceland 181.5
Denmark 181.1
Czech Republic 180.8
Slovenia 180.3
Germany 180.3
Norway 180.3
Sweden 180.0
Croatia 180.0
Finland 180.0
Estonia 179.6
Austria 179.2
Serbia 178.5
Poland 178.3
Switzerland 178.1
Belgium 178.0
Greece 177.9
United Kingdom 177.8
United States 177.6
Hungary 177.3
Ireland 177.0
Ukraine 176.5
Canada 176.3
Lithuania 176.3
Russia 176.2
Israel 176.2
Turkey 176.1
France 176.0
Spain 175.0
Italy 174.8
Romania 174.0
Portugal 173.5

Teffle  22 | 1318  
17 Nov 2010 /  #167
This one doesn't seem likely either though.

The average Irishman is taller than the average Lithuanian or Russian?

Nah, can't be right.
Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Nov 2010 /  #168
*touches his moustache*
You sure?

I knew you are naughty Mr Grunwald!!!!!!!:)
I stated clearly that I don't have any facial hair, but I LIKE the men who have it ;)
I would like to pull your cute mustache hair by hair by hair by hair, by hair, or twist and pull, twist and pull....what do you think?:)

Mr Grunwald, you made some unflattering comments about me somewhere in my absence :(
I also have to say that I'm not satisfied with the way you treat me after all that effort !!!! to get.. hm friendly with you.

About this height thing. Give it up, competition is over, we are the tallest.
Evil communism/socialism vs good capitalism strangely (?) resulted in changing the order on the list, so we are now in front of those who had the luck to live for the last 50 years in heaven.

Serbia 178.5

Maybe for the girls under age 15.
Sandman  2 | 25  
18 Nov 2010 /  #169
Serbia 178.5
Maybe for the girls under age 15.

Any links to recent army/population surveys that give the correct average?
Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Nov 2010 /  #170
I am observing and I would say that female average is slightly above 170 cm for girls here.

Guys are in average 15 cm taller.

sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6X1F-4H10069-1&_user=10&_coverDate=09%2F30%2F2005&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=eaa63e2ac17ba8a63d d093f890da0d86&searchtype=a
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2010 /  #171
I agree about Serbian population.No true height statistics will exist in Europe since three of the five tallest nations(Czechs,Serbs and Croats)belong to Slavic race and this finding will set Germanic superiority in doubt.
Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Nov 2010 /  #172
I had some misconceptions about Greek average height.
Are people in south Greece taller or shorter than those who live in northern parts?
and How tall?
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Nov 2010 /  #173
Yes,Greeks in northern part are closer to Serbs in terms of height.Average in the young generation is about 178 cm for males and 164 cm for women.

I would say that Greeks in Greek Macedonia look very much like Slavs in FYROM and like Bulgarians of Bulgarian south.My guess is that they are the same people.Of course a lot of Greeks in the north have come from Asia Minor from where they were displaced by the Turks in 1916-1923 and they look completely different from native northern Greeks( Macedonians) although a certain mix has for sure taken place.I am in position to tell by facial characteristics alone if a Greek comes from the south,the north,the west,Thrace or the islands because they look distinctive.
EsotericForest  3 | 44  
19 Nov 2010 /  #174
I'm 6'5, and all the men in my family are at least 6'3 and up. That being said our Polish grandparents (My cousins and I) were both quite short.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
27 Nov 2010 /  #175
I am in position to tell by facial characteristics alone if a Greek comes from the south,the north,the west,Thrace or the islands because they look distinctive.

Maybe you help yourself into believing you can, but you do this by looking at clothing style, speech.
I think the Greek nation is aware of using watercraft, and I also believe that family inbreeding is not a staple of Greek culture. Therefore, it would be rather impossible even for an experienced anthropologist to establish where someone is from just by having a glance at their face. Oh no.

Back to Polish height. They are average, definately not a tall nation - as many have been alpinized/baltisized and therefore along with the height of their face, the lenght of limbs also is smaller in size.

Dutch are still quite tall.
2 May 2011 /  #176
My polish side of the family is 6'0 and above my dad is 6'3 and his brothers are 6'5 but I likely thing Slavs and tall most white NBA men are slavs macin gortat of Poland but I'm also German and my grand mother is 6'0 it's all that region.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
31 May 2011 /  #177
I notice Polish Americans are typically taller than Poles from Poland. I would say Poles born in America are typically about 2 inches taller on average than Poles coming from Poland.

My Polish friend is 6foot3. His parents born in Poland like his Father who is 5foot9 & his mother 5foot5. I think the american diet is what supported this.

Where I live Polish Americans seem to average close to 6 feet for males.

I think it is because the American diet with more milk & dairy promotes more growth.

Under Communism alot of Poles did not have a diet which promoted as much growth as in Western Capitalism societies.
31 May 2011 /  #178
I'll second this. My Dad while very large boned and stocky, was only 5'10" at best, but very strong and very big bones. at 5'10" he wears a size 11 shoe and his wrists are as big as mine at 60 years old and i'm 25 6'3" and 305 pounds. My mom is also a big Polish woman... and so is most her family and my dads family. Polish women I think tend to have more curves and taller and bigger bones and stockier than women from other countries. I can't think of ANYONE in my family taller than 5'10'', maybe my aunt she's tall for a women like almost 6' otherwise nobody is that tall.. yet I am like 6'3".... I was born here, my parents left Poland before 1982 when solidarity topled the soviet regime.

Most Poles are between 5'10-6'6" (men) women I would say 5'5'' to 6'. Now thats not to say there aren't any 5'9" men or 7' men... i'm just saying MOST are between 5'10" and 6'6". There have been in recent years lots of Polish athletes who have become famous in basketball, strongman and weightlifting most are pretty tall. Mariusz Pudzianowski 6'1", Sebastian Wenta 6'7"
31 May 2011 /  #179
I think it is because the American diet with more milk & dairy promotes more growth.

A consultant in medicine has told me that people are getting taller due to some nasty crap in American milk given to cows to increase yields that is banned in EU and other GM foods worldwide. Also a Chinese woman has said to me she is short due to a lack of dairy products in the Chinese diet.

My own speculation would be Polish foods were more natural than what the west was playing at with intensive farming. Not a controlled experiment, I know, but of two cousins (same parents) the street urchin eating McDonalds, KFC etc through his teens is 6inches taller than his brother who was into health foods. Chalk and cheese those two.
31 May 2011 /  #180
Probably growth hormones. I don't believe that. Thats called PROPAGANDA, did you get that from your anti-american propaganda manual? How about just good genes, and good parents who took care of me?

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