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Is tallness common among Polish people?

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #121
I'm 180 cm tall, which is relatively short for Dutch standards.

183 is average for Dutch men, tallest in the world, i think if every person growing up in Poland was as well fed, protein intake, calcium, vitamins all that as westerners get they'd be up there on top. AJ shorter people may live longer but they don't get girls, many die childless.
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #122
AJ shorter people may live longer but they don't get girls, many die childless.

Depends on how tall the girls around them are. (See, in a country like Ireland, I'd be pretty f*cking tall!) Oh, and something else: All my cousins are shorter than me, and they all have a partner, and they all have kids! (So much for your theory.)

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #123
Depends on how tall the girls around them are. (See, in a country like Ireland, I'd be pretty f*cking tall!)

hmm i thought the Irish were tall men, i think short i think Sicilian Portuguese or Greek
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #124
You're kidding, right? No offense, but every Irish person I've ever seen, was about one head shorter than me. Only a few were about as tall as me, and a very rare case was taller. (Same goes for Polish people by the way!)

Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #125
hmm i thought the Irish were tall men

Jesus no - I mean not that they're short, but not noteworthy for their height either.

I'm 185cm and would be considered pretty tall. Taller than most of my friends for example - maybe even all of them.

Meditteranean men in general would be on the small side I think.

But if you check on wiki, apparently there is very little diffference between most countries with obvious exceptions (oriental, some African people).
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #126
I'm 185cm and would be considered pretty tall. Taller than most of my friends for example - maybe even all of them.

That's what I mean. So, do I go to Ireland, or do I go to Poland? (Or should I date an Eskimo?)

Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #127
You're kidding, right? No offense, but every Irish person I've ever seen, was about one head shorter than me

Wait a minute there is something wrong here - this would make the average Irish guy about 155 cm tall - LOL!!

No fuckin' waaaay man. We are no Dutch men but that is just rubbish!!!
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #128
Wait a minute there is something wrong here - this would make the average Irish guy about 155 cm tall - LOL!!

Hey, don't take that phrase too literal. (It's an expression.) I probably mean to say that most Irish guys are about 170 cm tall. (Or close to that.)


No fuckin' waaaay man. We are no Dutch men but that is just rubbish!!!

Revenge of the cloggie.

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #129
That's what I mean. So, do I go to Ireland, or do I go to Poland? (Or should I date an Eskimo?)

I'd date a tall Dutch girl lol, but here in the States i'd have to go to Minnesota or Iowa to find Dutch Americans in large numbers. Going back to my theory, it's gotta be the food and amount, i know many Irish Americans and some are very tall, taller than me even.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #130
I probably mean to say that most Irish guys are about 170 cm tall. (Or close to that.)

That's better : ) I'd say a bit more to be fair - about 175 maybe.

Going back to my theory, it's gotta be the food and amount, i know many Irish Americans and some are very tall, taller than me even.

You'll find a lot of Irish-Americans come from farming stock.

Big, tough, broad shouldered, tall, leathery etc. Basically the typical cliché of the indestructible & tenacious Detective O' Rourke in some cop movie or whatever.

The type isn't exactly rare in Ireland but not what you would call the norm either.
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #131
That's better : ) I'd say a bit more to be fair - about 175 maybe.

I just Googled it. The average height of Irish men is 5'7'', (170 cm.) and the average height of Irish women is 5'5''. (165 cm.)

I'd date a tall Dutch girl lol, but here in the States i'd have to go to Minnesota or Iowa to find Dutch Americans in large numbers.

That's okay, because tall Dutch girls probably wouldn't date you. Because tall Dutch guys are definitely taller than you. (Think 200 cm or even taller!)

Going back to my theory, it's gotta be the food and amount, i know many Irish Americans and some are very tall, taller than me even.

It also has to do with sleep.

Crow  154 | 9260  
29 Oct 2010 /  #132
when you mentioned

people of Dinarid Europoid (Whites) sub-type are considered to be tallest humans. Mening, considering % of Dinarid gene pool- speaking in average, Serbs are tallest Europeans and humans. Then goes Croats.

After, Serbs and Croats are Dutch, Scandinavians in general, Lithuanians and then out of Europe there are African Masai. Those are tallest nations in the world
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #133
Because tall Dutch guys are definitely taller than you. (Think 200 cm or even taller!)

Yea right i'm sure there are tons taller than 196, 200cm or taller is way too tall, but like you said it depends on the girl and how tall she is.

You'll find a lot of Irish-Americans come from farming stock.

Big, tough, broad shouldered, tall, leathery etc. Basically the typical cliché of the indestructible & tenacious Detective O' Rourke in some cop movie or whatever.

The type isn't exactly rare in Ireland but not what you would call the norm either.

You're absolutely right, most came during the famine in the 19th century, the ones that were most affected by it the farmers. Came to America lived in the inter city, did hard labor, industrial jobs, just like later the Polish immigrants.
Crow  154 | 9260  
29 Oct 2010 /  #134
taller than 196, 200cm

being taller then 196 and even 210 cm is usual among Dinarids. Still, studies speak about average height that include core of the territories and neighboring regions. By international study an average height of Dinaric adolescents is 185,6 cm, what is taller than in Dutch adolescents (184 cm on average).

Also, studies shows that the density of very tall subjects appears to be characteristic of the Dinaric sub-type (Serbs and Croats), since 28% measure 190 cm or more in height, as opposed to only 20% in Holland and 1.5% in France.

Now, compare those 28% of above average high people in Serbia to the 1,5% of above average high people in France. That can give you picture about Serbs
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #135
Dinaric sub-type (Serbs and Croats), since 28% measure 190 cm or more in height, as opposed to only 20% in Holland and 1.5% in France

28% of Serbs, are you serious? that is alot. Here in the States they say 4.5% of Americans are 190cm or taller, but that's including, Hispanic and Asian Americans which are not, i'm sure the percentage for white Americans is much higher, i don't know how it is now but just a few years back they were second after the Dutch.
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #136
Yea right i'm sure there are tons taller than 196, 200cm or taller is way too tall, but like you said it depends on the girl and how tall she is.

Hey, I'm just applying your own logic there.

Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #137
I just Googled it. The average height of Irish men is 5'7'', (170 cm.) and the average height of Irish women is 5'5''. (165 cm.)

So did I and I got 1.77 for Irish & 1.84 for Dutch : )


Who knows?

From looking around me on a daily basis I'm fairly confident that 1.70 is very much on the low side for Ireland though. I mean of course I see men that size occasionally but I don't actually know any.

You're absolutely right, most came during the famine in the 19th century, the ones that were most affected by it the farmers. Came to America lived in the inter city, did hard labor, industrial jobs, just like later the Polish immigrants.

Yep. Going back to the movie cop analogy - if the tough cop isn't called O'Rourke or Murphy then he'll probably be call Kowalski or something ; )

If you head to the west or south west cost of Ireland, go beyond the towns and larger villages, take a couple of small side roads here and there and you'll suddenly start noticing that every second or third guy looks like Jack Palance or a retired heavyweight boxer or something.
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #138
So did I and I got 1.77 for Irish & 1.84 for Dutch : )

Yeah, but you got it from Wikipedia, and I got it from the Irish government.


From looking around me on a daily basis I'm fairly confident that 1.70 is very much on the low side for Ireland though. I mean of course I see men that size occasionally but I don't actually know any.

Most Irish guys I've met were somewhere around that height, I mean, they were definitely shorter than me. (Scottish too.) I'm willing to bet that the younger generations are a bit taller though.

Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #139
Yeah, but you got it from Wikipedia, and I got it from the Irish government.

Really? couldn't find it. Do you have a link?
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #140

Natasa  1 | 572  
29 Oct 2010 /  #141
28% of Serbs, are you serious?

I can give some empirical data. My best male friends are 2m, 193 cm, 192 cm, my brother is 190cm, my late father was 189cm, my boyfriends were from 190 cm to 193cm. Those are the ones who have some Dinaric origins.

I would say that 185 cm to 195 cm is maybe most common height for men here.

So, according to my sample, it's more like 90% of them are taller than 190 ;)

I know some people shorter than this, but they are just few of them that don't have Dinaric background.
Men from Dinaric area are known to be quite ambitious :)) so in last 50 years they fertilized short women which probably lead to increase of Cesarean sections and to the raise the average height of central Serbia.

They also like to multiply more :)) and women prefer them, they simply look better and they are more masculine ;)

Only north parts of Germany and Denmark from countries I visited had people close to those measures. But they had a different bone structure, more fragile ;)

Dutch people I had a chance to meet were also quite tall.

Serbs are tallest Europeans and humans. Then goes Croats.

Croats, hehe :))

Polish people mixing with locals resulted in heights 180 cm (I know two guys).
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Oct 2010 /  #142
Yep. Going back to the movie cop analogy - if the tough cop isn't called O'Rourke or Murphy then he'll probably be call Kowalski or something ; )

Haha yep, or like McCluskey the big Irish American cop in The Godfather.

  • tl_gf_sterling_hayde.jpg
Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #143

Well I simply don't believe it.

Sorry, but you probably think I'm being really petty or belligerent but it just doesn't make sense!

Main reason being, my father is 5'7" - but he is considered to be "a bit short" !

I work with the man, along with about 20 other males - everyone else is taller than him. Sometimes not by much, sometimes quite noticably, but they are all taller - and some are close to my height.

Our business clients/customers, all his friends & neighbours, his brothers, other family members - nearly all of them are taller than him.

On a daily basis a significant majority of the males I encounter are taller than 5' 7" - sure, some are shorter but again obviously some are taller than me too.

I live in the feckin' country and I see hundreds of people day in day out - I'm telling you, there is just no way that the average guy here is the height of my dad! It must be a bit more than that.

You're just gonna have to believe me : )

And govt stats? Hmmm. Will probably turn out that it's based on a survey from 168 years ago or something ; )

or like McCluskey the big Irish American cop in The Godfather.

Classic! ( I'm sure I saw that guy on a tractor up the road the other day )
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #144
Our business clients/customers, all his friends & neighbours, his brothers, other family members - nearly all of them are taller than him.

If that's the case, then why is the average height in Ireland not 185 cm then? I mean taller than the Dutch average?

Teffle  22 | 1318  
29 Oct 2010 /  #145
Not necessarily taller by a huge amount AJ - C'mon, I'm not saying everyone is towering over him!

No, I'm not trying to maintain that it's 185, or even 180, but it has to be more than 170 FFS!!

(And I did say nearly all of them)
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #146
No, I'm not trying to maintain that it's 185, or even 180, but it has to be more than 170 FFS!!

I'd say the Polish are just as tall as the Irish, so it's not like I'm trying to dwarf you guys infront of the whole world. But it could be that your real average height is 175 cm, but from all the people I've seen and met I doubt it'll be much taller than that. (Who knows in the future!)

Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Oct 2010 /  #147
But it could be that your real average height is 175 cm, but from all the people I've seen and met I doubt it'll be much taller

That will do me ; )
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Oct 2010 /  #148
I'd say the Polish are just as tall as the Irish

my grandpa was tall, but on my dads side they were average.

I have seen some pretty tall irish.. one thing I have noticed is the very
layed back and politeness in Irish.. and yes, dutch are ok, from what I hear :)

A J  4 | 1075  
30 Oct 2010 /  #149
I have seen some pretty tall irish..

Maybe they've all been hiding from me to make me think they're all short??


Now *that* would be mean!
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Oct 2010 /  #150
Poles are among the tallest Slavs with Czechs,Croats and Serbs.Irish are shorter due to Celtic origin.Genes for tallness are the nordic type,the central Slavic and the dinaric type.

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