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Is tallness common among Polish people?

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
25 Feb 2007 /  #91
i am comfortably over 6 ft and consider myself above average hight in the uk and poland - i know people as tall, and taller, than me but this is not the norm
shewolf  5 | 1077  
25 Feb 2007 /  #92
I am feeling smaller by the minute. :(
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
25 Feb 2007 /  #93
ahhh... but good things come in small packages... :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Feb 2007 /  #94
I am feeling smaller by the minute.

Don't worry, we love you anyway :)
25 Feb 2007 /  #95
Seriously? I can't believe how tall people are over there. Even Matyjasz who is considered short in Poland is considered tall here in the US, at least in Los Angeles. I guess it's because there are many people here from Mexico and other Latin American countries and also many Asians (especially in my neighborhood) and most of them are not very tall. But even the Polish people here are not very tall.

Girls are taller these days, Im average height at 172 but see young girls who are 183 and that is quite common place, maybe Americans are slightly shorter than their European counterparts. Im attracted to tall men and not short men, I have already mentioned that it all comes down to how you perceive things, Im quite tall so see men that are under 182 as short.

What? He's 183 cm and he has a good height for a man, and I with my 181 cm am a short repellent and weak midget! How cruel!

:( now I didn't say that, and I can see from your picture that you are certainly not a short repellent, weak midget. :) As for men in tights, no thanks they're in the bracket as men with high heels...:)
shewolf  5 | 1077  
25 Feb 2007 /  #96
Don't worry, we love you anyway

Thank you, Grzegorz. :)

but see young girls who are 183 and that is quite common place,

We call women like that "Amazon women". :)
25 Feb 2007 /  #97
We call women like that "Amazon women".

Thats funny because we generally call them models here :)
25 Feb 2007 /  #98
Both of my Mother's Father's parents were from Poland. My maternal Grandfather(my Mother's Father) was very short. He was about 5'5,at the tallest.His hair was black,and he never lost any of his hair. His eyes were Hazel. His skin was very dark. I remember him having a very slight yellowish color to his skin. But his skin was very brown. His Brother and Sister were both blonde headed and blue eyes. They were both his full blooded siblings. He changed his name in the military to make it sound more American. I am not going to spell his last name. Because,his Brother is still alive,and lives in Massachusetts.

He was born in Massachusetts. His Mother never denied or confirmed to being Jewish.
But,we believe we are sure she was born a Jew. I have noticed that a lot of Polish people are light complected. I have read that Huns invaded Poland,and that they were Mongolian. I believe that is where he got his looks. But,I don't know for sure. If anyone has any idea,please tell me. I have allways been very interested in history,and genealogy.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
25 Feb 2007 /  #99
suggest you go to Ireland and try the food, I dont have time to waste on writing every dish that is served.

i just wanted a general answer, like mostly seafood or different types of meats. that sort of stuff

I dont think its so easy to attach this claim to one european country?

yeah a country can't be labelled tall ot short, but areas can. Most countries around the Baltic tend to have taller people, while the mediterranean countries have shorter people. On Average of course.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
25 Feb 2007 /  #100
ahhh... but good things come in small packages...

Thank you, BubbaWoo. :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
26 Feb 2007 /  #101
My bf is 6ft 5. I am 6ft 1. Hes Polish and I am British, but most people think Im Dutch or German...not sure this is representative, but just thought Id share..
26 Feb 2007 /  #102
As for me, I'm a midget compared to all of you.

Hehe.. More like a she-puppy then. :)

Alright, I'm about 176 cm tall, and I'm considered to be a somewhat shorter than average fellow in Holland. You shouldn't pin me down on this one, but I think the average height here would be 185 cm.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
26 Feb 2007 /  #103
As for men in tights, no thanks they're in the bracket as men with high heels...

You would change your mind after seeing me dance wearing them. :)

As for me, I'm a midget compared to all of you. I'm 5 ft. 2 inches. I don't know how to convert to cm but I used an online converter and it says it's 157.48 cm. It's 62 inches total.

All my girlfriends were about this size. I like petit women. :)
pingwin  2 | 117  
26 Feb 2007 /  #104
It all depends on our genes. Okay, my father's family is tall. His parents were 6'9(205cm) and 6'5 (196cm). My father and I are both 6'1 (186cm) and my youger sister 6'0(183cm).

Now, my mother side of the family is average I think. My mom is 5'7(170cm) and my oldest sister is 5'8 (173cm). My son who just turned 11 is as tall as my oldest sister and still growning.

Like I said it's all in the genes. :)
Hussar1098  - | 2  
9 Jun 2008 /  #105
Yes, Poles are a tall people. Just about every dude in my family is in the mid to high 6' range.
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Jun 2008 /  #106

Like I said it's all in the genes.

It's also in things like diet during upbringing.

I know a tall Pole.
I know a short Pole.
I know one who bangs his head on the ceiling.
I know one when he's stnding it looks like he's kneeling.
5 Oct 2008 /  #107
my greatx4 grandmother was about 5'10 when the common height for women was 5'0 but i dont know what she was
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2008 /  #108
Czechs are the tallest Slavs.Then come Poles.Czechs taller than Poles who are taller than Ukrainians who are taller than Russians.It is like that.

Tallest nations in Europe Dutch and Swedish.Then come the Slavs,that is the Czechs and Slovaks.Germans have the same height as Poles(except northern Germans who look like Dutch),so in european continent the tallest are the Dutch and Swedish,second are the Czechs,Slovaks and Serbs,third the Germans and Poles.

This is obvious if you cross the one country and go to the other.
George8600  10 | 630  
26 Jul 2009 /  #109
o, No, No, Poles are a relatively tall group.

Good you please provide some sources? Half-Pole and Half-Greek here and truth is I am 6'2, and no the Polish side of my family isn't the taller.
25 Feb 2010 /  #110
You can't say all Polish people are tall, like Chinese people, a lot of people say they are all so short, but they have some of the tallest people in the world coming from China. It is typical that Polish people are tall, and this is not a silly question because I have observed it too! I mean, I mean most people from Africa are dark, but then there are some that aren't dark (that isn't to be racist) My Grandfather was from Poland and he was 6'7" and my father is half Polish and is 6'3" and I am a girl, My Mother is 5'2" and I am 5'6". We can't say that all Polish people are tall, just like we can't say all British people have bad teeth, or all French people smell, or all Germans are racist or all Irish people eat potatoes, because I am all of those things and none of those stereotypes apply to me.
12 Apr 2010 /  #111
all poles DO drink :]
Arien  2 | 710  
12 Apr 2010 /  #112
We can't say that all Polish people are tall, just like we can't say all British people have bad teeth, or all French people smell, or all Germans are racist or all Irish people eat potatoes, because I am all of those things and none of those stereotypes apply to me.

All of those things? So you are tall, have bad teeth, you smell, you're racist and you eat potatoes? Or did you mean to say that you are Polish, British, French, German and Irish at the same time?


Funny, I know.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Apr 2010 /  #113
all poles DO drink :]

Poles is a proper noun, Alisha XXX. Look up what that means, and then go back where you came from instead of digging up a 3 year old thread and posting a stupid comment.
Sebastian  6 | 108  
17 Apr 2010 /  #114
I think average. I have met some tall Polish people, and some short. I'm one of the tall ones ;)

185 cm
BookOwl  - | 22  
17 Sep 2010 /  #115
all poles DO drink :]

Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but the mods didn't close it yet, and I just had to comment on this statement.

It is false: All Poles do NOT drink. I am a Pole (well, if you want to get picky, I am technically a Polish-American), and I do not drink liquor. I drink other beverages, of course, but not alcohol. It's not that I have any moral objections to it, I just don't like the taste of it.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
17 Sep 2010 /  #116
My boyfriend and most of his family is very tall. he is 6 ft 2 inches. big to me.
29 Oct 2010 /  #117
From what i know the taller poles are from the north, and were usually in some sort of position of power. Shorter poles were more common in the south. My polish ancestory is very short and stocky, 5'5-5'8 and were peasents from southern Poland near the mountains.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
29 Oct 2010 /  #118
Poles are low in general but those with Lithuanian heritage often have some "tall" genes correct me if I am wrong ^^
A J  4 | 1075  
29 Oct 2010 /  #120
I'm 180 cm tall, which is relatively short for Dutch standards. (I'm part French.) But compared to Polish standards, I'd say I'm pretty much average height, if not a little bit taller than most? But it's okay really, it's said shorter people live longer!


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