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Surnames: Sierzputowski & Skrocki

ggeorge  1 | 2  
18 Oct 2007 /  #1
Looking for any information on these two surnames. My great grandfather, Boniface (Benjamin) Sierzputowski married Ludinka (Louise) Skrocki in Chicago in the early 1900's, shortly after they emigrated here. They had 4 daughters: Hedwig (Harriet), Lillian, Helen, & Jenny. Family lore has it they came from Krakow. I'm specifcally looking for their parents & siblings. Well, heck, I'll take any information. Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can provide. GGEORGE
18 Nov 2007 /  #2

My great grandmother's siblings by the nqame Sierzputowski emigrated from Poland early in the 20 cwntury. Though they were from Bacze Mokre, close to Lomza

Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
18 Nov 2007 /  #3

I think its safe to say this name is fairly uncommon and prob you two have some
connection :) people traveled then as they do now. that folklore stuff is just that
OP ggeorge  1 | 2  
14 Dec 2007 /  #4
So sorry! I'd had no responses and got out of the habit of checking this site. Who are your great grandmother's siblings? I don't know what city or village they are from in Poland, just the family thing about Krakow. And you're right, the Sierzputowski name is not that common. I've found some in Michigan but am unable to tie them to my family. Any names you can provide would help. I do know that Benjamin had a brother, Joseph, who was living with them on the 1910 census in Chicago. Thank you! Gayle
30 Oct 2008 /  #5
I'm the great-grandson of Lukasz Sierzputowksi, whose baptism records I just had translated. Lukasz was born 20 February, 1892 in Bacze Mokre, Białystok Province, £omza County. He was baptized 22 February, 1892 in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church in Puchały. His parents were Michała Sierzputowski (of the Dąbrowa clan) and Jósefina (or Józefy, maiden name Śledziewska). Michała was likely from Bacze Mokre and Józefy likely from Śliedzie, Białystock, seperated by about 2 km. The Sierzputowski family "clan," Dąbrowa had a coat of arms, which can be found at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C4%85browa_coat_of_arms. I'm still looking for more family information. Hopefully I'll have more information soon. I'll be checking this
28 Nov 2008 /  #6
Hi there, my name is Jan (23) and I'm from Czech Republic. I'm also searching for family history and now I think I found one peace of the puzzle. As you sad, your family is connected with the Dąbrewa coat of arms so as mine. So this is my story for you guys: My grandfather was growing in Poland with his grandparents and their siblings. It was somewhere in woj. Podlaskie, land Krasnoje - nowdays due to WWII this land with all the historical family's property belongs to Belarus. But before the war there were Florian Sierzputowski, Stanisław Sierzputowski and Andrzej Sokoł. My grandfather's grandpa was Florian Sierzputowski (and as my grandfather said he was the last one true living nobleman). Florian's daughter was mother of my grandpa, she was married with Jan Cwirko Godycki, who inna times of WWII had to emigrated into USA and my grandpa with his mother escaped into Czechoslovakia (nowdays Czech Republic) where we living and where I was born. Me and my grandpa still trying to find some historical commentary about Sierzputwski's family. From my grandpa I've got in possession the old parchement with the listing of the land which belonged to Florian, Stanisław and Andrzej. I got some information about history of the coat of arms and about the signification of all the symblos on it. So if you are interested in you can contact me via this forum, than we can change some more contacts.
30 Jan 2009 /  #7
This is fnr again. I didn't mention last time that Lukasz, my great-grandfather, emigrated to the United States, specifically Cleveland, OH. He worked for U.S. Steel, founded by Andrew Carnegie. I understand that at this time the steel industry was recruiting heavily in Poland and other countries in the region.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
2 Feb 2009 /  #8
SIERZPUTOWSKI -- toponymic nickname identifying someone as a resident of Sierzputy (4 such places in the £omża area of the Podalsie region). The name comes from sierzp, archaic for sierp (sickle), so the rough English equivalent might be Sickleton.

SKROCKI -- respelling of Skrodzki surname, probably a toponymic from the lcoality of Skrodzkie in Podlasie region; name probably from archaic dialectic verb skrodzić (to break up clods of earth with a harrow after ploughing).
3 Feb 2010 /  #9
Hey everybody,
I randomly found this page here. My last name is also Sierzputowski, and I think I might have some more information for you guys because my family is still in Lomza, Poland. I live in Germany right now, but my grandmothers mom died two years ago in the age of 100 in Lomza. There is indeed a village called Sierzputy (I even have pictures of some of my family with the road sign). You can email me, if you need some information: Jen_berlin85@yahoo.de.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
25 Feb 2011 /  #10
I found an old photo of my grandmother and my father. Her name Brmislawa Sierzputowski was written on the back of the photo. My father's name was spelled Sierputowski. I do not know how the name change came about. They settled in Cleveland Ohio. That's all I know
JaneDoe  5 | 114  
25 Feb 2011 /  #11


My father's name was spelled Sierputowski. I do not know how the name change came about. They settled in Cleveland Ohio. That's all I know

It's been changed for easier pronunciation maybe.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
26 Feb 2011 /  #12
To faciltiate the pronunciaition of -kowski ending Polish names in America it suffices to scrub the 'w'.
Makoski gets rid of the 'cow' in Makowski!
Same goes for Dembkowski, Rakowski, Linkowski, etc.
maggiemay  - | 1  
12 Jul 2011 /  #13
[Moved from]: surname Sierzputowski

looking for information on Sierzputowski family in Lomza/sniadowo area. My grandfather's mother is Anna Sierzputowski, her husband Francis Marcelewski (Marzelewski/Maczelewski). Grandfather Peter was born in 1861, his wife Michalina (Kochman) has sisters Victoria and Frances) daughter Wlayslava borm 1904 in Sniadowo.

Any information would be greatly appreciated
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
13 Jul 2011 /  #14
SIERZPUTOWSKI: topo nick from Sierzputy

MARCELEWSKI: topo nick from Marcelewo (Marcelville)

KOCHMAN: German or Yiddish for cook.
teresa55  - | 46  
15 Jul 2011 /  #15
There are 690 people in Poland with name Sierzputowski.
In town £omża 95 people.
Good luck.
11 Apr 2012 /  #16
My Last name is Sierputowski and I grew up in Cleveland Ohio. My great grandfather's name was Marcel Sierzputowski. Marcel's wife's name was Brataslava and Kolecki was her maiden name. We believe they came to America after WWI. There was a story I heard that my Great God Mother's sister visited Lomza when she was older and saw pictures of my grandfather on the walls of a famliy, maybe in the village of Bozenica.
MATAE  - | 1  
12 Jun 2012 /  #17

Hi Jan! My name is Maria, I'm from Russia. I read that You've got "some information about history of the coat of arms and about the signification of all the symblos on it". I am looking for any information about Sierzputwski's family. My ancestors were Joseph and his son Henrich (born in 1861). But among the other names I met the name of Florian Sierzputowski too. I would be grateful if you tell me what you know about the history of Sierzputwski's family.
16 Apr 2015 /  #18
My husband's great grandmother was Paulina Sierzputowska. She was born in Poland in 1850. She married Karol Kwapiszewski and had five children. I don't have any information about her parents or ancestors. Her husband died young leaving her with five young children to raise. My mother-in-law said she had a head for business and managed to see that all of her children were educated to suit their talents. She died in Warsaw in 1948. Three of her children came to the USA after WWII.
5 Nov 2015 /  #19
Witam serdecznie.
Będę pisał po Polsku

Nazywam się Jan Sierzputowski .
Pochodzę z pod £omży , urodziłem się w Sierzputach Zagajnych
Mam trochę informacji o naszej rodzinie SIRZPUTOWSKICH herbu dąbrowa.
Jeżeli jesteście zainteresowani piszcie na sjan55@interia.pl

Only English is allowed on this thread.


My name is Jan Sierzputowski.
I come from Lomza area, I was born in Sierzputy Zagajne
I've got some information about our SIERZPUTOWSKI family "Dąbrowa" coat of arms.
If you are interested please write to sjan55@interia.pl
29 Dec 2016 /  #20
Hello, My maiden name is Skrocki. My fathers name was Walter Bruce Skrocki. He was born in Chicago IL. My grandfathers name was George W Skrocki. My grandfather had a brother named Anthony Skrocki. That is all the information that I have for my fathers side. I heard that the name Skrocki is very rare. I just wish that I had more information on where my heritage and name came from. Any information would be great! Thanks in advance
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 Dec 2016 /  #21

SKROCKI: Misspelling of Skrodzki, toponymic nick from village of Skrody.
For more surname info, coat of arms, etc. check out research60@gmail
Jeffsierp  1 | 6  
1 Aug 2017 /  #22

Sierzputowski's in Poland

This is a long shot, but here it goes. I was wondering if there are any Sierzputowski's in Poland on this site. I just heard a story about my Great Grandfather, Marcel Sierzputowski taking a trip back to Poland in the 60's. So my question is: would anyone who was alive at that time remember a Polish-American visiting them? He was from the Lomza region, possible from Bacze Mokre. He would have been in his 70's.
7 Sep 2017 /  #23
Anyone know of a village or town 'Schniady'. Listed on ship papers as where my grandfather came from. Peter Marzelewsky or Maczelewsky. Parents Anna Sierzputowski and Francis Marzelewsky or Maczelewsky

Also town of Sniadowo. My Aunt was born there in 1994 to Peter Marczelewsky Maczelewsky and Michalina Kochoman. Michalina's parents Julianna Zorowski and Michael Kochoman.
TheOther  6 | 3600  
8 Sep 2017 /  #24

That seems to be a surname rather than the name of a town. Just a few examples:



23 Aug 2018 /  #25
Hi. Im a skrocki from western Massachusetts. Originally scrodski i believe. My granddather Alfred just past at 95. His fathers name was theofil. Only about 10 of us who hold the skrocki name in this area.

Will find out more. I know we found old papers from when my great grandparents moved to the US

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