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surname Krawiec

6 Aug 2006 /  #1
Hi there,
I'm new to the board. I am looking for the surname Krawiec, any relatives of my grandmother Mary Krawiec (Bossick) and her sister Anna Krawiec (Kalinowski) who lived in Jersey City, NJ, and then Wallington & East Rutherford, NJ. Mary lived in PA between 1915 and 1925 with her firstborn son, my dad, Boleslaw, but his father is not named on the birth or baptismal certificates. We only know from a 1930 census that he came from New York. My grandmother was naturalized in 1911 and probably came over around 1909. Anna was married to Stanislaw Kalinowski in St Anthony's of Padua church in Jersey city around 1906. Any info would be helpful - also info on the surname, or how to research back to Poland. I don't speak Polish, so I can't read the Polish websites. Thanks
7 Aug 2006 /  #2
Krawiec means "tailor" in Polish, I think.
OP Lrusch2  
8 Aug 2006 /  #3
Yes you are right, it does mean tailor. From reading other boards, I also think it comes from the Jewish word kravitz which means tailor.

5 Nov 2006 /  #4
I too am a "Krawiec" whose gransparents came here at the end of the 19th century. I was told that the name means "tailor - someone who sews" and all of us are decendents of 5 brothers who were originally tailors. Where they originated from I don't know but would be interested in finding out. This information was given to me by the senior family members who have long since left this earth in the last century.
28 Dec 2006 /  #5
I was looking for any relatives of a Mary and Anna Krawiec who came to the US in the early 1900's probably anywhere from 1909 to 1914. In my latest discoveries, I found out they also had a sister Paulina and also a relative named Josef and Rozalin. I have received a few old letters that need translating. Hopefully I"ll get more hints. I am searching for my father's real father - not his adopted name. They lived in Jersey City, NJ when he was born as Boleslaw Krawiec, to Mary, and later had his name changed to Benjamin Bossick when Mary married George Bossick later in PA. If any of this rings a bell to you or anyone, let me know.
BialaPolska  1 | 116  
1 Jan 2007 /  #6
I have a friend here in NYC whose last name is Krawiec and actually my moms maiden name is Kalinowski.
1 Jan 2007 /  #7
Anna Kalinowski was my grandmother's sister. She had a daughter Lillian that was my father's cousin. They lived in Clifton NJ at one time. I don't know her children's names. There was another relative in Jersey City named Hannush (spelled the way I remember it pronounced). I do not know if she also was a Kalinowski or a Krawiec. The Kalinowski family I remember as a child lived in the Wallington, NJ area and Jersey City. Anything sound familiar? Anna Kalinowski died in the 1960's as did my grandmother Mary Krawiec Bossick. Some of the Kalinowski's changed their last name to Collins.
BialaPolska  1 | 116  
1 Jan 2007 /  #8
Well my grandpa was the First of my Kalinowskis to come to NYC and this was about 3 decades ago, but i do have some photos of gravestones i found in a cemetary with the name Kalinowski on them dating back to the 1900s. Id ask my grandpa about it but its hard to get any info from him. :)
4 Mar 2007 /  #9
My Kalinowski family attended St. Antony of Padua church. My youngest sister (Joan Kalinowski Koch) is the genealogy freak of our family. I'll put her in touch with you. We're always interested in finding new cousins.

Ann Kalinowski
31 Mar 2007 /  #10
Thank you so much. Just a question - does your sister live in Michigan?? I am already in touch with a Joan on the Kalinowski side of the family. I just don't remember her last name at the moment.

7 Oct 2007 /  #11
this sounds like my husbands family but they didnt come to the states until 1950's.
The sisters were born in the early 1900's late 1910's

Juzia  - | 1  
22 Feb 2008 /  #12
This is my first time here. I'm looking for my family roots. My maternal grandmother came from Warsaw in the early 1900's. Her madien name was Krawiec. My maternal grandfather's name was Klecha. Most of dziadk's brother came here to the US but babcia's family stayed in Poland. One other name I'm also looking for is Majdosz (Mydosh). If any one can give me any leads it would be most apprecitative.
PrzemekE  1 | 11  
24 Feb 2008 /  #13
try on nasza-klasa, its a polish kinda facebook.
if you are registrated there you can easly find anybody by name, school, city etc. click "ZNAJOMI" and than "SZUKAJ ZNAJOMYCH" (serach for friends) and do what you wanna do, if youre already registrated.

If not, click "ZAREJESTRUJ SIE" (register now) fil the form> login, hasło (password) powtórz hasło (repeat password), imię (name), nazwisko (surname) nazwisko rodowe (family name, maiden name or sth) płeć (sex), pseudonim szkolny (nickname). you may also fill O sobie (about me), Czym sie zajmuję (what im doing now) etc etc. Nasza-klasa.pl might be wery useful for searching the people. good luck!

edit: it is not a spam (i dont realy like that actually, i want to be helpful ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Feb 2008 /  #14
oh yeah nasza klasa, its more like Polish friends reunited. you can also try gumtree.
PrzemekE  1 | 11  
25 Feb 2008 /  #15
yeahm well if you have an old piece of cheese and you dont know what to do with it, you may also try gumtree ;p.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
25 Feb 2008 /  #16
try ebay, you can get rich if you say you dug it out from George Clooney's garbage. or feed your despised neighbour's dog with it ha ha.
3 Apr 2008 /  #17
My great grandfather was a Maciej Majdosz. He moved to Minnesota. Many others with the same last name (possible relatives/siblings) lived in New Jersey. Who are you looking for ?
4 Jun 2008 /  #18
My mother's maiden name was Majdosz. Her parents both came from Poland -- south eastern Poland -- Krakow, Rzeszow -- the Carpathian mountain area. Most of the Majdosz family comes from a Carpathian Mountain village called Jasliska. I found some data that indicated that the Majdosz may have been "Ruthyns" (another slavic tribe); however, another source indicated that they were originally Hungarians who migrated north to Poland in the 1600's and 1700's (the source on this was a Jewish Encyclopedia that had extensive historical data for the Southern Poland region going back several hundred years - for both Jews and Gentiles alike).

There is a significant group of Majdosz names in New Jersey & Pennsylvannia.
My Mother's father (Andrew Majdosz) told me that he left Poland sometime in the mid 19teens (e.g. 1915) in order to avoid being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army (which eventually segued into WW I).

The word for "Hungarian" in the Hungarian language is "Madgyar" - pronounced "Mahd-Yar".
None of this is confirmed or authoritative.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
4 Jun 2008 /  #19
Yiddish kravitz is an adaptation of the Polish krawiec (from the verb krawać - to cut /cloth/). The more typical Yiddish word and name was Schneider (from German) in Poland often respelt Sznajder.

Majdosz might have originated in dialectic peasant slang to mean southpaw (left-handed person) -- something once frowned upon as unnatural and abnormal.
10 Aug 2008 /  #20
Polonius3 -- re. Majdosz and "Southpaw" -- dzienkuje! Interesting!!! (It was me who wrote the comments about the possible Hungarian connection, above.


Where did you find this information?
I just reviewed all of the possible words in nearly all Slavic languages for the word "lefty" "left-handed" -- but could find nothing that would come close to an "M" sound or to either of the syllables of the name/word "Maj-Dosz"

Most interested.
Thank you.
28 Nov 2008 /  #21
in my family tree there is an:
Apollonia Krawiec
born draganowka in 1771 and died in draganowka in 1836
rcraviee  - | 1  
3 Aug 2010 /  #22
My name is Rafael craviee, the father of my grandfather's name was Friedrich Franz Krawiec, wondered if his name comes from that name Kraviec Krawiec. Friedrich Franz Krawiec left Germany in 1917 and came to Brazil, Sao Luiz to be exact, had a sister who was called Marthel.

My name was changed to craviee in Brazil because many people could not pronounce the name was then Krawiec Brazilianized.
If you have news like this family that helps me to find them, if not sorry to bother.


Rafael Craviee

Belo Horizonte MG Brazil
8 Feb 2011 /  #23

Dear Ann,

just found you by chance when I was searching for "Kalinowski genealogy" on the web. My family came from Eastern Prussia to Western Germany at the end of the 19th century. Their origin is near Allenstein (todays Olsztyn). My great-granduncle Joachim Kalinowski emigrated to the United States in 1907 - he started in Philadelphia. Whereabouts does your family come from originally?

Best regards,


4 May 2012 /  #24
Hi my name is Mary Krawiec and my sisters name is Anna!!!! i am only 11 but interested in my familys history. this info is cool.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
7 May 2012 /  #25

Best advice to give is to ask all the questions to your grandparents and great grandparents you can.

ask about the churches they attended
ask about the old pictures ( sometimes family doesnt write on them) so they need to be identified.

ask about the towns they lived in American and in Poland if they know.

Write as much down as you can, or you can ask your grandparents to write you a book to keep and talk about
their lives and if they travelled.

ask about all the cousins, get names, Married names, Maiden names.

I wish that I was as young as you are now and curious to know about my family, it was a very hard hobby to take

interest in, but it is fun. sometimes you get frustrated, because you know there will be more, one thing to remember is
history never ends, So family history can go on forever as long as your family continues to grow.

sometimes in Junior High they want you to do family tree ( immediate family) you will have already accomplished this
if you gather all this information, it will be like having a library of your family at home.

I wish you luck, and stay in school and keep your interest in family history as you go back in time you will get many surprises

and it will be fun.

8 May 2012 /  #26
Thanks for the info patrycja19
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
9 May 2012 /  #27
Ancestry.com has alot of information and family history center, check out all the links in the genealogy thread, it will take you to
the sites and you can put your family names in there ;)

ps you welcome:)
3 Jan 2013 /  #28
I believe my grandfather actually mentioned something along these lines back when I was trying to do some research on where I come from. I am a Bossick. My great grandparents I believe came from Poland. Maybe great great grandparents
17 Aug 2013 /  #29
My father was Boleslaw Krawiec who was born to Mary Krawiec 101 years ago today. His birth was recoded in Passiac, NJ. The family returned to Poland in 1914.

I'm not sure this is the same family you mentioned.
jwdupon  - | 4  
20 Jan 2014 /  #30
I have information about the Kalinowski family from Dulsk and Chrostkowo, Poland to Jersey City and ultimately onto to Wallington, NJ at:


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