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Looking for Sokolowicz relatives

OP LorieK  1 | 15  
27 Aug 2008 /  #31
Hi J!
Your story is very interesting! I wonder if instead of "Russia", he meant "Prussia"? That would make more sense. Please tell me more about yourself... what state are you in? You may email me directly at socolovitch@comcast.net. Thank you!
Tatarewicz  2 | 11  
19 Sep 2008 /  #32
A man named Sokol came with my dad from a town near Minsk in the late '20s. Don't know if he may have changed his name from Sokolowicz.

Paul Tatarewicz
21 Jun 2009 /  #33
Hello Bruno, My name is Maurice Ben Ami and I am from Israel, originaly from Ashdod. I remember you as a child and would be very happy to hear from you and your father- Enrique. My e- mail is ; michal1804@yahoo.

I hope your family are all well, I will apreciate if you pass on my request to your father, I am waiting to hear from you! All the best, Maurice Ben Ami.
11 May 2010 /  #34
They were born in Bialorus ( at that time it was Poland)

I have been tracing a Sokolovitz family that were originally from Belarus / Poland / Lithuania

Elias Saklovitz (Eliyahu HaLevi) 1830 - 1910
married Esther

Had AT LEAST 4 children who started leaving Belarus (Minsk, Vilna and Ivanyets) starting around 1882 firstly arriving in London,

Simon and older Brother Marks changed their name from Soklovitz and Sokolovitz to Berman both settled in London, UK
Sister Rachel Chaia married Jacob Kritzer they went via London, UK to Vermont, USA
Brother Jacob Sokolovitz sent all his children except 1 to his sister in the USA where they became Sokolove and Sokol

I am trying to find out what happened to Elkie Sokolovitz she had 3 children and stayed behind

1. Simone, b. 29 Feb 1912
2. Sylvia, b. 4 Jul 1914
3. Bernard, b. 18 Dec 1916

More Sokolovitz / Sakolovitz / Sokolove connections please

Vkumets  - | 1  
22 Sep 2011 /  #35
My name is Vladimir Kumets. My roots are closely connected with the last name Sokolowicz. My grandmother Raisa Kumets (Koliada) was a cousin of Jadwiga Dubicka (Sokolowicz) I want to create a geneological tree and in such way to find all my relatives.
lzg  - | 1  
7 Nov 2011 /  #36
Sorry, I'm trying to pass a message to Mr. Kumets.

Dear Mr. Kumets,

I descend from a Kumec/Kumetz/Kometz rabbinical family. Dr. Daniel Wagner has been researching the Kumetz family for some years and wrote a paper which summarizes his last findings and was published in vol. 6 of Krakow's "Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia". I believe it will be of interest to you especially those lines referring to the rabbinical activities of the Kumetz all the way back to the 17th cent.

Kumec/Kumetz/Komec/Kometz resided in Poland, Ukraine and Russia. Descendants from various branches throughout the world were traced and there are several Kumec clans living in Mexico, Argentine, USA and Israel waiting to be connected with others and to be placed in the right branch of the Kumec family tree.

Common given names in our Kumec branch: Asher, Ephraim, Mendel, Mordechai, Dvora.

Will be glad to hear from you.

29 Jan 2014 /  #37
Try looking in up State New York for their is a group of Sokolowicz and I believe Michael was one of them.. I know most of the Sokolowicz in Milwaukee area and my G. Grandpa Joseph that came to N. Michigan.

Mark>>> Cousin of Lori K

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