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Looking for Sokolowicz relatives

LorieK  1 | 15  
30 Nov 2005 /  #1
We are searching for information on our Great Grandfather, Joseph Sokolowicz. He and his brother Valentine came to the US - Milwaukee area - in the early 1870s. Unfortunately, we have no idea from where in Prussia they came from. The are of Roman Catholic religion. If anyone has any suggestions/ideas for us, please let us know.
tamara2  - | 12  
17 Dec 2005 /  #2
Tried to find, but I couldn't. I guess you need to find a person from Poland (a priest or a clerk...). Good Luck!
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
22 Dec 2005 /  #3
Tamara - Please tell me where you tried to look? Thank you! Lorie
tamara2  - | 12  
22 Dec 2005 /  #4
Well, I'm limited to online search only (did a search on some Polish search engines too)...
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
25 Dec 2005 /  #5
Thanks for trying! Merry Christmas!
23 Jan 2006 /  #6
My name is Justyna Sokolowicz. I came from Poland...

I live at Cieszyn in Poland. I want to find some persons from the Sokolowicz family.Please can somebody help me?
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
25 Jan 2006 /  #7
Justyna -
My Great Grandfather was Jozef Sokolowicz, and we believe his brother was Walenty. They both came to the US in the 1870s. Have you done any genealogy to know your anscestors? Do you know if you would have any connection to these two men?


Justyna - you may contact me at s6stampme@hotmail.
Thank you,
30 Jan 2006 /  #8
Bruno Sokolowicz, that's me... born in argentina 1972, now I'm living in Barcelona, Spain
Enrique Sokolowicz, my father, born in argentina 1948
Abraham Sokolowicz, my grandfather, born in Poland and exiled in Argentina in the earliest 1930's

... let's know more about the Sokolowicz family :)

OP LorieK  1 | 15  
30 Jan 2006 /  #9
Hi Bruno - I've responded via email! Thank you!!

Justyna - I am still looking for you! Please respond!

14 Mar 2006 /  #10
It's me.Lorie please write me which town your family lived in poland??
14 Mar 2006 /  #11
Do you know something more about your ancestors. Justyna
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
14 Mar 2006 /  #12
Hi Justyna! Thank you for your response. Do you have an email address that we could correspond directly? All I know (unfortunately) is what I have written above. Do you have any info on your ancestors? Please, please write back! I would love to find my GGrandfather's home in Poland! Lorie
26 Apr 2006 /  #13
HI, my name is Mieczyslaw Sokolowicz. I'm from Poland, but from1,5 year I'm living in UK.
My father name was Romuald, my grandfather name was Wladyslaw. They were born in Bialorus ( at that time it was Poland) , they lived near Novogrodek. I know that my grandfather's brother lived in Chicago ,US, but he died in 1975 (maybe).
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
28 Apr 2006 /  #14
Mieczyslaw - I sent you an email asking many questions. Please check for it. Do you have any family info on your Great or Great-Great Grandparents? Thank you, Lorie
16 Jun 2006 /  #15
Witam Cie-Eugeniusz Sokolowicz ja mieszkam w Polsce w miescie Kętrzynie.
Mój tata pochodzil z Lodzi,mówil mi że jego brat wyjechal do USA ale niewiem jak mial na imie.Pozdrawiam Cię.
pisz na e-meil eugieniusz0@op.pl

Pozdrawiam, mam na imie Eugieniusz Sokolowicz mieszkam w Ketrzynie-Poland.
Tata moj mieszkal w Lodzi ,ktory mial na imie Henryk, a jego ojciec mial na imie Feliks,a jego zona Henryka.
Pozdrawiam odpiszcie na adres e-mail eugieniusz0@op.pl
16 Jun 2006 /  #16
Lorie, I guess you need to have this translated, too:

here are the bits that are not repeated from the previous message

My father lived in Lodz, his name was Henryk and his father's name was Feliks and his wife's [it's not clear whose wife she was] name was Henryka
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
16 Jun 2006 /  #17
Mariusz... Is that you?? Thanks for the translation!!

Eugeniusz - do you have any birthdates of your ancestors that you can share? Thank you.
16 Jun 2006 /  #18
Yep, it was me :-)
17 Jun 2006 /  #19
Eugeniusz...Pozdrawiam Cię Mariusz.Jeszcze raz piszę informacje o rodzinie.
Tata mój to Hęnryk Sokolowicz jego ojciec Feliks Sokolowicz a żona Feliksa miala na imię Henryka.Pochodzili z miasta Lodzi.Pisz na e-mail eugieniusz0@op.pl.

I write informations of families you case (together; time) Eugeniusz...Pozdrawiam Mariusz.Jeszcze. Dad my it he (its; his; it) father felix Hęnryk Sokolowicz Sokolowicz but wife of felix on name from city on e-mail miala Henryka.Pochodzili Lodzi.Pisz eugieniusz0@op.pl.
17 Jun 2006 /  #20
So, Eugeniusz has sorted it out excellently:
Henryka was the wife of Feliks
and all of them came from Lodz.

Eugeniusz: Lorie bedzie pisac po angielsku. Czy mozesz odpisywac jej po angielsku (ale nie uzywaj programow do tlumaczenia, bo wychodzi zle).
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
22 Sep 2006 /  #21
Bump -
Still looking for Justyna??? And other Sokolowicz's to converse with...
25 Nov 2006 /  #22
Hi, My name is Anthony (Tony) Sokolowicz and I currently live in Louisiana, but I am originally from Wisconsin. My father is James L Sokolowicz and my grandfather is Sylvester Sokolowicz and they are from Wisconsin. I have an aunt in Texas which is my father's older sister. She tried to trace the family tree but unfortunately came to a dead end. It is interesting to see that others are just as interested in the "Sokolowicz" name as we are since there are so few with the name. May be a possibilty that there are Sokolowicz in Warsaw. My aunt did state that there was a Sokolowicz family in Warsaw that owned a grocery store during the World War II era. How true this is I don't know. I noticed the previous responses from someone in Poland, how far would this be from Warsaw? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks, Tony
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
25 Nov 2006 /  #23
Hi Tony! I am in the process of switching computers so I don't have my family tree handy. We did find out that Valentine had two wives ... and many children! Was Valentine your great or great-great grandfather? Please write me directly at socolovitch@comcast.net. We are so desperately trying to find any connection into Poland... we believe we found Valentine's ship records to the US, but cannot find Joseph's. I'd love to hear from you! We did find a cousin of yours, still in the Milwaukee area, who was able to find some info for us on Valentine - it was very interesting! I would love to share it with you. Lorie
Patryk83  2 | 5  
3 Apr 2007 /  #24
Hello myname is patrick and i an interested in this thread becuse Recently I have been searching out my full surname becuse my grandfather changed it when he came to america...they came to Duchess county new york under the name Sokol and my grandfathers name is Joseph sokol he never spoke of poland much and never gave out the lastname and once he said it was Sokolowitz but i believe that we had gotten the spelling wrong . . . so if anyone knows of any sokolowicz in the new york area esp. duchess county and poughkeepsie please send me a e-mail
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
3 Apr 2007 /  #25
Patrick - I sent you an email... LorieK

All - I am still looking for Sokolowicz family - please respond if you are familiar with this name. Thank you!
9 Jun 2007 /  #26
JUSTYNO - Mam na imie Jadwiga Sokolowicz.Mieszkam teraz w Krosnie woj Podkarpackie.
Jezeli Twoj Dziadek i Babcia mieli na imie Jerzy i Izabella a Mama Malgorzata to na pewno jestesmy z tej samej rodziny Sokolowiczow.Bylabym wtedy kuzynka twojej Mamy.

Odpisz to podam ci wiecej wiadomosci o mojej rodzinie.
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
18 Oct 2007 /  #27
*BUMP* Still looking for connections! :-)
BrianSokol  - | 1  
3 Feb 2008 /  #28
Hello LorieK,

My name is Brian Sokolowicz, and I was born here in Canada. My father, Michael Sokolowicz, was orphaned in Poland early in WW2. I don't recall the name of the town he was born in, but he's said before that it was now a part of Germany. He's also told me that his parents are buried in the Ukraine territory.

He spoke of an aunt, but I don't have her name at this time. I believe that after loosing his mother, she looked after him for about a year before she placed him in an orphanage and fled to South America, possibly Brazil.

He came to Canada in the late 40's by himself as a war orphan. He was 13 at the time.
My father is still alive, but tends to be a little vague about the events in his life at that time.
My father and I are the only 2 Sokolowicz families listed in the Canadian phone directory. I am very, very interested in finding relatives, or at least family history.

My direct e-mail is briansokolowicz@hotmail.
Please, any help that you or anybody here can give me, would be most appreciated.
Thank you.

Can anybody else offer any help or leads...
OP LorieK  1 | 15  
13 Feb 2008 /  #29
Brian - just read your post. I will email you directly. Thank you so much for your response! Any other Sokolowicz's out there????
25 Aug 2008 /  #30
My father's name is Sokolowich, it is Stanislaw Sokolowicz on his baptismal certificate [but in first grade, the school translated that to Stanislaw to Stephen and his father changed the spelling of the last name from ending in z to ending in h]. His father, my grandfather, Jon, changed the spelling from the original because he thought it was more american, I'm not sure when the change occured. my father said he didnt talk about himself much but did say he was from Russia, and he had some relatives in NYC. I dont understand him coming from Russia when he has a polish name, and my father also said that at home he only spoke polish to his wife, who was from warsaw. my grandfather apparently came to the united stated prior to WWI because i have his wedding photo and in it he is wearing an american uniform from WWI.

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