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Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians?

Tacitus  2 | 1272  
15 Mar 2019 /  #541
And how many of them call themselves Christian....a guess?

It does not matter what they call themselves, it only matters of there words and actions are complimenting each other. I don't care if someone says that he is not a Nazi, yet justifies the Holocaust and Hitler. In that case, he is obviously a Nazi, and dtands in violation of all Christian values.
15 Mar 2019 /  #542
POLAND WAS the country in Europe that was a haven for the Jews in the middle ages up to MOST OF ITS HISTORY, before the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns and Tsars dismembered her.

Nothing wrong with Jews or Catholics or anyone. There is good in everyone.

But sad to say, where Protestantism once was, now there is secularism and Islam. Unless there is a moderate Islam or conversions, societies are divided.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Mar 2019 /  #543
Nothing wrong with Jews

You must've never read the talmud... And been thoroughly brainwashed by Jewish media....
16 Mar 2019 /  #544
Actually Muslims only move into ex-protestant countries because they are rich and there is `something to gain' from them. Protestants have always had a harder work ethic than Catholic countries.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
16 Mar 2019 /  #545
Ah yes, JudSüß... A country that prides itself as the country of Goethe and Schiller, yet it also produced such filth.

The film is based on historical facts. How come you do not mention Richard Wagner and Martin Luther among those greats as well? Could it be that their views that are well documented about the "chosen" would not be politically correct?


Protestantism is a religion most closer to Judaism from all other Christian denominations, because it is based more on the Old Testament instead of the New Testament.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
16 Mar 2019 /  #546
Thanks Tacitus, once again for being the sole voice of reason throughout this and other related threads!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
16 Mar 2019 /  #547
Tacitus is a true Sarmatian, that's why he is the voice of reason here ...
Tacitus  2 | 1272  
16 Mar 2019 /  #548
The film is based on historical facts.

Not even close. You would be a fool to believe this. The real Süss was probably innocent of most, if not all the charges against. There are countless sources on the internet (or better read a book) that analyse how the Nazis twisted the facts in this film. The Nazis loved to show historical films, that were manipulated to fit their agenda (case in point, the films about Frederick the Great).

Could it be that their views that are well documented about the "chosen" would not be politically correct?

They are a stain of both of their reputation. Well, Wagner was overall a nasty piece of work (a great artist is not necessarily a great person) so it is no surprise.

But Luther... I have read all of his mayor works, including his last rants against jews. All you can say in his defence that he was no antisemite, but antijudaist, and that he was a pen pal with a converted jew. But he has been rightly criticized for this afterwards, and as a famous saying among historians go: Luther died two yeara two late (because he wrote those vile abstracts only in his last two years).

In the end, there is nothing to justify both antijudaism and antisemitism. Jews habe been an important part of most societies, and those who lost them were poorer off. Their treatment is one of Christianities greatest failings.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Mar 2019 /  #549
Now...was that so hard? :)

No more blaming pagans for it....after all pagans had been the first victims of Christianity...the Jews came later!
16 Mar 2019 /  #550
This thread should be shut down.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
16 Mar 2019 /  #551

Has anyone read the latest of the most important (4th in a row) Hitler's biographies titled: "Adolf Hitler. Die Jahre des Aufstiegs 1889-1939" by Volker Ullrich? The book has been published in Polish in 2015 and they say it is absolutely terrific as it describes Hitler as a man and not as a monster.

[Whoever he was: monster or man, he was not a true Sarmatian, that's for sure]
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
16 Mar 2019 /  #552
and they say it is absolutely terrific as it describes Hitler as a man and not as a monster.

Something like the "banality of evil" surely...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Mar 2019 /  #553
Atleast he made poland judenfrei. Otherwise today we'd be totally subservient to the Jews and Israel like us, UK etc is today
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
16 Mar 2019 /  #554
Dirk, I have serious doubts as to on which side you or your family were on during the War. We seem to be revising history shamelessly, don't we!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Mar 2019 /  #555
IDC what side they were on. I'm not responsible for their actions nor are they responsible for mine. All I know is no one had any problems with the Nazis.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
16 Mar 2019 /  #556
Responsibilty means realizing we are ALL in a sense "responsible" for the misdeeds of our fellow humans with whom we share this planet!
What side were poor shtettl Jews on during the War in which they were senselessly and unspeakable massacred?? That's easy, the right side.
Let's not play Devil's Advocate now.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Mar 2019 /  #557
What side were poor shtettl Jews on during the War in which they were senselessly and unspeakable massacred?? That's easy, the right side.

Good for them. Thanks to their sacrifice the holocaust industry was able to extort billions.

What about the judenrat and Jewish collaborators with both Nazis and Soviets? Also on the "right" side? Atleast they lived longer than some shtetl Jews on the 'right' side.

Responsibilty means realizing we are ALL in a sense "responsible" for the misdeeds of our fellow humans with whom we share this planet!

Well we can't control what other people do. Nor do I care, unless it benefits/harms me and loved ones.
17 Mar 2019 /  #558
I thought this thread was supposed to be about Sarmatians.

Instead there is a bunch of quack pseudo historians and fanatics finding an opportunity to spew on about Hitler and anti-Semitism. The sources are likely all clandestine garbage propaganda.

No-one is interested in any of these conspiracy theories except the unread proletariats.

No one here makes any sense.

as for you Bratwurst boy, you can sit on your piklehaube

And American historians are infinitely poor quality compared to British and French.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
17 Mar 2019 /  #559
You forgot, Classic34, "unwashed" proletariatsLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Mar 2019 /  #560
And American historians are infinitely poor quality compared to British and French.

They better be. Soon the British and french will be just that - history.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
17 Mar 2019 /  #561
"There'll always be an England, and England shall be free..."

"Allons enfantes de la patrie...."

Uhh, I don't think so, dude! What was true in the Marseillaise scene in "Casablanca" as well "In Which We Serve" with John Mills, is still true today, old


Don't sell either the Brits or the French short.
17 Mar 2019 /  #562

you said your a history teacher, so what are you doing on a social platform like this? I find it odd.

and back to the point, I disagree with your opinions on the origins of Russians and Livonians.

Of course, you are perfectly entitled to being on this forum like anybody else.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133  
17 Mar 2019 /  #563
They better be. Soon the British and french will be just that - history.

Don't be so complacent Dirk,we have been around a lot longer than you.
And remember,if it wasn't for us,you would never have existed at all.
17 Mar 2019 /  #564
To lyzko,

and I'm not doubting that you are history teacher by the way
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Mar 2019 /  #565

Yeah... And now English people are a minority in their own capital and major cities. #history!!!

And remember,if it wasn't for us,you would never have existed at all.

How do you figure that? Poland was betrayed by the British more than any other country. They refused to honor a mutual defense treaty or provide any materiel or money to buy materiel. They gave a 9 mil pound loan (must've been a Jew who proposed a loan) that's it. Poland will be just fine long after the English are replaced by Muslims and Africans in their own homeland.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
18 Mar 2019 /  #566
Never even thought you were, Classic34.
Oh by the way, thank you for your "permission" to be on PF. Need I sign any special dispensation for such?LOL
19 Mar 2019 /  #567

Sorry to hurt your feelings (LOL)

Do'nt bother about any explanation on Russians and Livonians

That's true. I am not a history teacher,

but that is the one thing you did get right on this blog. Ha!
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
19 Mar 2019 /  #568
Takes a hell of a lot more than a mere challenge on someone's part to hurt my feelings, old sport!
That's true, you're not a history teacher, nevertheless, often the input from outsiders can actually be valuable on rare occasions:-)
Appreciate the post.

Couldn't you tell I was being sarky anyway?
28 May 2019 /  #569
Hello friends,

I've been wanting to write again for a long time, I just didn't get to it because I've been busy. Also, I'm pretty sure I sounded like an idiot in some of my earlier posts, and I didn't want to do that again.

I was wrong about the Hurrian/Gutian/Subarian thing. I have a new theory instead: The people we call "Proto-Indo-Europeans" called themselves Khuruati and used the red and white chessboard and Croatian interlace as symbols. The Proto-Indo-Europeans were the original speakers of the Indo-European languages. They spread out east and west from the Pontic-Caspian steppe using horses.


1) The name Khuru/Khuruati or versions of this are found everywhere where an Indo-European language is spoken.

Ex. The Kuru (descendants are Kuruava) in India, Harauvatya in Afghanistan, the Greeks call themselves Hellada, probably originally Herrata (they also have the Corinthians), the Sarmatians, the Celtic Helvetii, the Slavic H/Veneti (either Heneti or Veneti was used), the Carpathians etc. Basically, the name is EVERYWHERE!

This is probably why it caused so much confusion for historians, and why there are so many origin theories about the Croats. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_hypotheses_of_the_Croats

2) The red and white chessboard pattern was used by:

The Vikings (Goths), the Persians, the Ancient Greek Hoplites, the Sarmatians (why Poland's flag is red and white), the Hurrians etc. The Celtic kilt patterns are probably a variation of this as well.

3) The Croatian interlace was used by: Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths (you'll often see a 3-ribbon pattern on their armor and helmets), Celts (Celtic knot), Hurrians/Mitanni.

4) Serbo-Croatian is grammatically similar to Sanskrit, and maintained the "pitch-accent" that some of the other IE languages lost. Of the IE languages, I suspect Serbo-Croatian is the closest to Sanskrit after the Baltic languages (which are the closest). I can't provide evidence of this though because I'm not a linguist, and I feel like I would have to get an entire degree in linguistics in order to be able to describe this.

It is generally believed in any case that the Western European languages spread from the Balkans into Western Europe. This is one of the theories in the Kurgan hypothesis. Here's an image of how the migrations took place according to the Kurgan hypothesis: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurgan_hypothesis#/media/File:IE_expansion.png. You can see that the arrows go from the Balkans into Germany, Italy, etc.

But any place that you can find the Croats you can also usually find a name similar to the Serbs, ex Srbinda in Vedas, Sarbani in Afghanistan, the Celtic Insubres, the Germanic Suebi, etc. It seems these people have been together for a long time, or they used the words Srbin/Khuruat interchangeably.

So what are your thoughts/opinions on this? I have more information about this, but this post is too long, so I'd like someone to comment so I can break the post into two.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
28 May 2019 /  #570
Have news for you, abc123; linguists once actually considered modern Lithuanian to be so close to Sanskrit that if Lithuanians were to have heard prayers being chanted in Sanskrit, the former would basically understand themLOL

It was a false premise then, and it's a false premise now. The degree to which nationalistic prejudice has come to unduly influence even scholarly thinking is often downright shocking:-)

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