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Seeking persons from Brzeziny

23 Feb 2012 /  #1
I have 6 names from the town of Brzeziny. I am seeking address and phone numbers for them. I have already tried the site mentioned in the forums and unfortunetly I do not speak polish. I have been doing my family geneology and have had quite a hard time. Recently got word that people with my family name still live in the town of Brzeziny. Since I see that names should not be posted. My personal email is dsprinting69@gmail. If someone can email me I will gladly supply the names if you can supply me with address and or phone numbers. My GGGF has many immigration years on his american censuses and I have already search over 6000 ship manifests and still have not found him. I have also not been able to find him in US with first wife and children. Only have I found him with 2nd wife in the years 1910-1930. I know all of his children were born in Pennsylvania according to censuses. 1 child I can not find at all. Can not find the family before 1910, but I definetly know he was in US. Last child from first marriage was born 1902 in PA so I know he was here and there were at least 3 children born before 1902. If I am correct the first child was born around 1893. GGGF used many names and only reason I could find him is because my g Aunt who still lives knew his address and that is where I found him in 1910-1930. So if someone with access to Polish phonebook for Brzeziny can email me, I really would like to make contact to see if I still may have family in Poland. This has been very tiring for me but very much appreciate what I have already discovered. Thanks in advance.

Alligator  - | 248  
23 Feb 2012 /  #2
There are 38 Brzeziny towns in Poland.
Waldy  - | 3  
23 Feb 2012 /  #3

Tell me which brzeziny do you mean?

Brzeziny near Lodz (£ódź) ?

I am living in Brzeziny there is about 20 km from Lodz
OP dsprinting  
23 Feb 2012 /  #4
District of Ropczyce, Dioecesis Tarnow,
Decanatus - Wielope Skrzynski

This is what is on the baptismal record. I was talking to someone who informed me that there are 6 people with the last name Stasik in that town of Brzeziny. Like I said I would rather email the names. So if you email me I will reply with the names. Is this the brzeziny you are close to?

boletus  30 | 1356  
23 Feb 2012 /  #5
Like I said I would rather email the names. So if you email me I will reply with the names.

You, and many guys like you - coming here like meteorites, have it all wrong. Not many people will ever volunteer sending their email addresses to guests like you. I certainly would never do that. Have you ever heard about spamming by any chance? I'd rather keep my email clean.

My advice: Register, then ask to contact you privately (PM), and after you have sent several public messages, you would be able to sent back PMs as well.
OP dsprinting  
23 Feb 2012 /  #6
I know what it is your saying. But I have been on this site before and have gotten very good information in my family geneology. You do not have to email me if you do not want to, I am not a spammer and I thought this site was to help people and have discussions. I am truly seeking addresses and numbers to hopefully connect with living relatives. So maybe you wont email me for the names but maybe, justmaybe someone will. Or If someone knows how I can look it up, It seems that the phonebook for poland is no longer available to me so IF THERE IS SOMEONE WILLING TO HELP ME, AND BY THE WAY I AM A LADY NOT A GUY, PLEASE EMAIL ME SO I CAN GIVE YOU THE NAMES OF PEOPLE THAT I RECIEVED FROM A FELLO IN WARSAW TO HELP ME FIND OUT IF THESE PEOPLE ARE LIVING RELATIVES.

Thank you again

And by the way I am registered here. I do not know how to pm someone. I am not very computer literate yet. Not online at least. So whoever would like to help me I am in need of assistance.

boletus  30 | 1356  
23 Feb 2012 /  #7
And by the way I am registered here. I do not know how to pm someone. I am not very computer literate yet. Not online at least. So whoever would like to help me I am in need of assistance.

I'll try to explain. Obviously "dsprinting" is not your registered name. It is displayed differently than my name for example - which is shown in bold and is clickable, so you can learn a bit about my past and current activity.

But if you are registered under another name (and if you still remember it), then login to the forum at the top of the page. If you forgot login/password, then discard the old name and re-register again. After login, post your query message again in the same genealogy section. Then, after you move a mouse over your name in the message board, you should see a pop-up message saying: threads:1 posts:1 joined: date….

That's you status. At the very top of the page you should see several words separated by vertical lines (pipe signs). One of them says Mail. Press it and you will enter into your mail for local private messages, a.k.a. PM. The interface is similar to what you use in gmail, but less sophisticated. You basically have one inbox and one outbox to use. At the moment both boxes are empty, unless there is a welcome message waiting for you in the inbox.

New users like you have no rights to send PMs to other users until they send several public messages first. So start generating them. Ask publicly, for example, those users who want to help you, to send you PM messages. Join some other public discussion/s and contribute. Soon you will have minimum five public messages sent and from then you will be fully qualified user of this forum.
dsprinting69  4 | 6  
23 Feb 2012 /  #8
my user name under pf members is dsprinting69. So I do not understand why I am getting slack from you. I have posted here before. You even took part in a thread I was in Polish name meanings, so if you cant help me dont keep being rude and filling this thread with mumbo jumbo. I AM SEEKING HELP HERE
boletus  30 | 1356  
23 Feb 2012 /  #9
This is what I am getting from you for trying to help. The previous message was an instruction in response for your help, but you obviously do not need it anymore.

In the past you did not asks me to contact you by mail, and I had no problem helping you. Nothing changed, I am willing to help, but not via email. You obviously do not understand that most users here do not make their email public to anyone, not even to old users.
dsprinting69  4 | 6  
23 Feb 2012 /  #10
Well sorry I said I was not literate on line. I have arough enough time trying to remember stuff. Now I dont see why I have to wait to pm someone. I have info, I need help. Can you help? Are you able to look at a polish phonebook and help me with adresses and numbers? This is what I am asking for. Sorry for lashing out at you but it seemed kinda rude. I have 2 emails one for family and friends and 1 for my research. If you can help please do.

boletus  30 | 1356  
23 Feb 2012 /  #11

Now I dont see why I have to wait to pm someone. I have info, I need help.

You have some secret info. You want to send it to somebody using PM. You are a new user. According to rules of this forum you cannot send anything via PM until you prove that you are not a random spammer. You prove it by posting minimum 5 messages. And I see that you have already collected five of them. So you are fully qualified user now to send PMs to other people here. Good!

As for me, I do not live in Poland and I have no better access to Polish phonebooks than you do. I might be more experienced in accessing some of this information online though. If no one else comes with better offer then PM me with those addresses and I'll try to see what I can do.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Seeking persons from BrzezinyArchived