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Searching for Koczela from Temeszow

lewthomas  2 | 9  
16 Mar 2010 /  #1
Looking for information on family of Anna Sophie Koczela of Temeszow Poland. Anna was born Sept 1880 and grew up on a family farm in Temeszow where her grandmother was a substitute teacher. Anna later moved to Krakow where she met Jakob Szewczyk. The couple married in a church in Dydnia in 1902. Any help tracing this family would be greatly appreciated.
caprice49  4 | 224  
17 Mar 2010 /  #2
The couple married in a church in Dydnia in 1902

Dydnia comes under the parish of Temeszow. The church in Dydnia is Sw. Michala Archaniola i Sw. Anny

Have found on the net one person named Koczela based in Krosna which is in the same area


Could you reconfirm spelling of surname as previous threads show a different spelling
OP lewthomas  2 | 9  
17 Mar 2010 /  #3
Is there any way to obtain marriage records from this church? The couple was catholic so they probably married in the catholic church on Oct 12, 1902. I do not speak Polish.

Our family believes the surnames to be spelled Szwaczyk and Kocylo. I'm not sure that is correct. It seems that Szewczyk and Koczela are more common and therefore more likely? If the church has records of the couple, that would certainly help to confirm the surnames.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Mar 2010 /  #4
Both surnames exist in Poland: KOCZELA used by 138 with main concentration in Rzeszów and neighbouring Krosno areas; KOCY£O (87) main bastion in Przemyśl area (east of Rzeszów) on Ukrainian broder.
caprice49  4 | 224  
17 Mar 2010 /  #5
Szwaczyk and Kocylo

There is a Jakub Szwaczyk aged 27 who is documented on ellisisland.org as entering USA in April 1903 and had resided at Sanok. The second part of the document if available should show where he was born.

Also found on Polish website information of surnames that have disappeared from Temeszow temeszow.pl and one of them is KOCZYLA.So assume this is the correct spelling.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Mar 2010 /  #6
SZWACZYK: patronymic from szwacz (tailor, garment-maker); not to be confused with Szewczyk (son of the cobbler); re ancestors of living people, these are only fixed names and haven't been occupational or patronymic indicators for centuries.
caprice49  4 | 224  
17 Mar 2010 /  #7

Sorry - should read Kocyla
Information is available in the National Archives in Rzeszow - Sanok Branch
Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
ul.Bożnicza 2
35-064 Rzeszów

Switchboard: (017) 8501099, 8529350
Director: (017) 8538304
Administration: (017) 8532670
Fax: (017) 8538304

Email: dostep@rzeszow.ap.gov.pl
Email: apsanok@neostrada.pl

I've sent you an email on here.
OP lewthomas  2 | 9  
17 Mar 2010 /  #8
Yes I believe that is my grandfather. On the manifest, his name is spelled Jacob. The only reference to his birthplace is Austria.
caprice49  4 | 224  
18 Mar 2010 /  #9
The only reference to his birthplace is Austria.

That part of Poland was under Austrian rule at the time.

That part of Poland was under Austrian rule at the time.

In a previous thread you mentioned your Gt Grandma's surname was Milczanoska. Can you check the spelling and revert.
OP lewthomas  2 | 9  
18 Mar 2010 /  #10
Sorry, that is the only spelling that I have. It could be close or way off. I have no way of knowing. Perhaps if i could get the marriage records from the church in Dydnia, the documents might list the parents names?
caprice49  4 | 224  
18 Mar 2010 /  #11
only spelling

The spelling may be right as have found two on the internet in Poland. The reason I asked because I thought the name had a 'w' missing: Milczanowska

It's very unlikely the church holds records and you would have to obtain details from National Archives. I have however contacted someone to check out the cemetary there for you. Fingers crossed!
OP lewthomas  2 | 9  
18 Mar 2010 /  #12
Thanks you very much. you've been very helpful

Could you reconfirm spelling of surname as previous threads show a different spelling

I found a ship's passenger list where Franziszka Koczela traveled with her sister Anna Szwaczyk to Baltimore USA May 1904. If passenger list is correct, spelling is verified.

I just found immigration records that confirm spelling as Jakub Szwaczyk born Sanock Galicia 25 Jul 1877. Where is Galicia?
caprice49  4 | 224  
22 Mar 2010 /  #13
Where is Galicia?

It's an area in Southern Poland. Sanok is in that area. Austrio Hungarian partition partition of Poland in 18th Century gave the name Galicia
8 Apr 2010 /  #14
My garndmother's surname is Szewczyk ad I was told surname came from word Shvets which is cobbler or shoemaker. She was from Rakowa, Poland.

Walter Zelwak
caprice49  4 | 224  
12 Apr 2010 /  #15

szewc is the correct spelling!!!
16 Apr 2010 /  #16
Hello lewthomas

I read about your genealogical problem on two websites:

genealodzy.pl/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=52 523
polishforums.com/genealogy-ancestry-6/searching-koczela-temeszow-42707 /

I know that more and more people make comeback to their family roots now. It’s very good. I’m interested in my father’s and my mother’s genealogy too.

I would like to help you. What a happy coincidence! My wife (maiden surname Milczanowska) comes from Temeszow. At present she lives with me in Poland’s capital city – Warsaw.

I would like to send you some information but this blog is not a good place for long anonymous correspondence, I think.

Please post your e-mail address. I'll reply. I suggest that we communicate this way.

Yours sincerely,
Stanislaw Ossowski
OP lewthomas  2 | 9  
19 Apr 2010 /  #17
Please post your e-mail address. I'll reply. I suggest that we communicate this way.

Thank you. Lthomas@thomasbuilds.com
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
20 Apr 2010 /  #18
Perusing a Polish armorial, I happened to stumble acorss Koczela as a clan-name. The coat of arms is shown all in white (meaning that the actual colour scheme is unknown). It depcits a chailce or goblet with a triangle above it. Little else is known about this rather osbcure heraldic device, but it's interesting that there is one.

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