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searching for ancestors Wenerowicz

3 Jan 2006 /  #1
Looking for my grandfathers relatives. His surname was Wenerowicz and he came to the United States in 1902. He left behind two sisters and three brothers. He came from Skepe parish. Would appreciate any help
3 Jan 2006 /  #2
The results of a Google query for this name on Polish pages are here: tinyurl/ctanp
scroll down to find a link to (apparently) a bank of something where a Mr WEenerowicz is named as a contact person and his mboile phone number is given.

The first two links are about a company (firma = company). Then there are some lists of pupils at a school and some other links that I just did not bother to look at in detail.
2 Feb 2006 /  #3
Anyone out there in Warsaw who could help with my search for the Wenerowicz family. I know there are still some there in that area , found the surname on herby.pl Thanx
10 Feb 2006 /  #4
Looking for Zachar family in Warsaw. My grandfather, Michael Zachar had three sons, Nicholas , William and Michael. Nicholas was my father. My grandfather came to the United States with Nicholas and William and Michael Jr. stayed in Poland and joined the Polish Army. He had two sons. One son was killed and I am looking for the whereabouts of his other son and his family. I think his name is Michael Phillip or Phillip Michael.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you, Teri
15 Feb 2006 /  #5
hi i em looking for Tilleman familly. I come to usa in 1998 and i was addopted. I em 21 now i live here by my sleff i would like to know where the name come from. My father name is Zygmunt but thats all i know.
15 Feb 2006 /  #6
Still interested in finding someone located in Torun or Warsaw that could help me locate family with the surname od Wenerowicz

Merged:Meaning of surname Wenerowicz, looking for my ancestors

could anyone give me the origin of the surname Wenerowicz and its meaning. I would appreciate any help you can give.
13 Apr 2006 /  #7
hmm - I think it must have something to do with the word "weneryczny" or "weneryczna" which in Polish means "venereal" (like "venereal disease").
14 Apr 2006 /  #8
What a sad answer. It might be connected as well with a name of famous lake in Sweden "Vänern". Beacuse the end of the surname "-owicz" soudns like from east part of Poland it's possible that it begins in XVII century during the wars with Sweden (Swedish Flood).
14 Apr 2006 /  #9
Protoplasta-I want to thank-you for giving me some kinda of hope that possibly there was another meaning. I was quite shocked when I read the first answer. I know that my grandfather came from a village located around the Torun area, also know that there are still some Wenerowicz's in Poland. Thanks once again
14 Apr 2006 /  #10
I think the end of a surname: "-owicz" suggest an Ukrainian relation, not necessarily Polish (most "original" Polish surnames end "-ski" or "cki").

I was quite shocked when I read the first answer.

Even though you were shocked, "pawel's" interpretation does makes a lot of sense...
15 Apr 2006 /  #11
:) :) i am looking for my grandmothers ancestry and family background.
she came to the states from Poland around the 1910 to 1920's with her daughter Marion Undro. and was pregnant with her 2nd daughter Julia Leona Undro. my grandmothers name was: Felicia Teresa ( maiden name Subcz) and her mothers maiden name was ( Mizic)

My Grandmother Felicia's Husband name was Anufrei Undro. he came over to the states several mos before my grandmother. to look for work in Michigan area. Felicia's youngest daughter was born in Michigan. her oldest daughter Marion was born in Poland. Grandmother Felicia said her family owned property in Velna Poland?? if anyone has any knowledge of any kind? about Felicia Mizic/ Subcz/ Undro. or her husband, daughters, any of her parents where abouts in Poland? or any and all info all in English please. will be :)greatly appreciated . and may God Bless you all for your help. please send any and all info to me at


:) Please i am looking for any information on Anufrei Undro, Felicia Mizic/Subcz/ Undro, or also their two daughters Marion Undro . and Julia Undro/ Kenney. does anyone know of them or anyone who may have known them in Poland/ Russia? they lived in Michigan for many years before moving to the San Francisco , California area where they also lived for many many years. please if anyone has any info pictures, of any kind good or bad please contact me at this e-mail address. thank you
Dee  - | 11  
1 Dec 2006 /  #12
Dec 1, 06 [16:43] - Attached on merging:
Wenerowicz surname

Can anyone out there help me find if there are people in Poland with this surname. I know that my ancesters came from Skempe Parish.

Mar 28, 07, 10:15am - Attached on merging:
still searching for info on the surname Wenerowicz

Still hoping to find someone who can help find any Wenerowicz's still living in Poland. I have tried various web sites and have come up with nothing. Would appreciate any help someone could give. Thx
24 Dec 2007 /  #13

My name is Lisa Wenerowicz. My fathers parents came from Poland and my grandfather was Matthew Francis. Please feel free to contact me, maybe I have some information that will help.
26 May 2008 /  #14
love u sylvic
3 Aug 2008 /  #15
I am a Wenerowicz. Who is asking? All of us here in the USA are blood related.
Dee  - | 11  
9 Aug 2008 /  #16
Wasn't aware that all Wenerowicz's here in the states are blood related. I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT MY GRANDFATHER AND HIS TWO NEPHEWS WERE THE ONLY ONES TO COME FROM POLAND.

Merged: Looking for ancestors of Bartlomiej Wenerowicz and Antonina Zioltkowska

Trying to locate any living relatives. They had six children, Jan who came to America in 1902. Michal, Jozefa, Katarzyna, Weronika and Jozef all stayed in Poland. They all were born in Lakie, Skepe, Poland. Any information would be helpful. Thanx
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
22 Oct 2008 /  #17
you might want to try ancestry.com or Ellis Island and get more information on what town they landed in first in America..
ancestry is a pay for site, but well worth the money because they have a good abundance of records online and you can find alot of information on these members of your family..

good luck.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
23 Oct 2008 /  #18
33 of Poland's 35 Ziółtkowskis live in the northern Bydgoszcz and neighboring Baltic coastal Słupsk areas. Far more scattered are the main clusters of Poland's 30 Wenerowiczes: Warsaw (7), Konin (7), Gorzów (8) and Katowice (5).
27 Sep 2010 /  #19
Merged thread:
Wenerowicz Surname

Looking for anyone who has information on the surname Wenerowicz.

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
28 Sep 2010 /  #20
WENEROWICZ: patronymic from German name Wener, dervied on German soil from Middle High German Wagener, Wegner, Wagner (wainwright = wagon builder).

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