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Researching a Pole ( Wladyslav Kubik ) with not much to go on

deamer  1 | -  
14 Oct 2014 /  #1

I'm helping a friend trace her polish roots in particular her grandfather Wladyslav Kubik. We know very little about him only that he was born c1916 and died 1968 in Leeds, England. His father was called Piotr. There is a story that he served in the (polish?) army and possibly fled Poland. The only thing left of him is an Italian coin turned into a pendant. He doesn't appear to be listed on the Immigration records on Ancestry despite using many variation on his name. As you can see we don't have much to go on so any advice on trying to trace a little more about him would be much appreciated.
Looker  - | 1129  
16 Oct 2014 /  #2
Not much helpful, but just a simple hint - Wladyslav - In Poland this forename is Władysław.
Paulina  19 | 4548  
16 Oct 2014 /  #3
There is a story that he served in the (polish?) army and possibly fled Poland.

Well, this isn't much, but could be some kind of a clue, I guess. Maybe he was in Polish II Corps (so called "Anders' Army") and perhaps he fought in Italy (hence the Italian coin turned into a pendant - but that's just a wild guess on my part :)).

I don't know, maybe your friend could try to find out something first by contacting:


Building 28 B, RAF Northolt
West End Road
Middlesex HA4 6NG

Telephone: 020 8833 8603, Fax: 020 8833 8866
e-mail: polishdisoff@northolt.raf.mod.uk

If she finds his files there and she'll know in which unit he served she could then find out more at the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (documents there are filed by units' numbers):

The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum - London, 20 Prince's Gate, London, SW7 1PT, Tel.: 00 44 207 589 9249:


There's also the Central Military Archive in Poland - Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe (CAW):


Archive Information - phone number: (22) 681-45-84, e-mail: informacja.caw@wp.mil.pl

but just a simple hint - Wladyslav - In Poland this forename is Władysław.

Yes, Looker is right.


Hmm, I must have done sth wrong, I'll try again:

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Oct 2014 /  #4
KUBIK surname: probably a variant form of the partonymic nick from the first name Kuba (pet form of Jakub); the more common form is Kubiak.
jankent1  - | 1  
5 Nov 2018 /  #5

Trying to find records for Jan Kubik, my grandfather

Hello, I am trying to find records for my grandfather Jan Kubik. My father Edward Kubik was born in Cieszyn 2nd May 1920 and is now dead. He told me very little about his family, but said his father was a musician and in the army and that he died in 1945. I have located a grave in Cieszyn for Jan Kubik, composer, choirmaster and in the 4th Regiment of the Podhale Rifles, lived from 1886 to 1945. Could anyone suggest where I might find further records? Unfortunately Jan Kubik seems to be a fairly common name and I am having trouble identifying which is the correct one.

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