Repatriations from Lwow in 1945/46 - public records Does anyone know if there are any public records including dates, names, destinations of the people who were repatriated from Lwow to "ziemie odzyskane" in 1945/46 ? Is there anything on this subject on the net?
You may have to look "on the ground" in Ukraine for such information in the relevant parish / town registry.
This kind of data is stored in the AAN in Warsow (Archiwum Akt Nowych) You should write to: beata <a> The whole family (sons, wife or husband) of the repatriate are indexed after the (former) polish citizen that was being repatriated. DWWD EDIT: oh, and there is a search online for the data (sometime the online search shows no result... so write to Pani Beata directly) My grandmother's (repatriated in 1968) info was on the SEZAM database.