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Looking for REM family

jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
15 May 2011 /  #1
Am looking for Rem family from the Lubartow area. My father was Stefan Rem born in 1919, his father was Michael and his mother was Ludwicka Lizynski (spelling is a guess only). My father had limited memory of his home due to time spent as a POW, have military documents etc but not prior information to ww2. He had older sisters and brothers.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
15 May 2011 /  #2
REM: derived from first name Remigiusz.
teresa55  - | 46  
16 May 2011 /  #3
There are 21 people with name " Rem " in Poland
town; Kielce- 13,
Katowice 4,
Bielsko-Biala 2 ( it's my town)
Opole 1, Sopot 1.
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
17 May 2011 /  #4
Teresa thank you so much for that information. Would you believe that is the first piece of information we have had in a 30 year search. We being my brother sister and myself. My dad Stefan died in 1979 aged 60. I wonder if any of those people are part of our family, at least it gives me somewhere to start, I always have concentrated on the Lubartow bit of information. I think one of dads older sisters was named Wladyslawa as he has her on his army papers as next of kin.
teresa55  - | 46  
17 May 2011 /  #5
Hi Jessica
I have posted some queries on the Polish genealogical forums ( in Polish of course),
Now I'm waiting for answers.
If you want see; polishcitizen.info pl, or send me private mail.
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
18 May 2011 /  #6
I cannot thank you enough Teresa for your help. We cannot read or write in Polish making it impossible to communicate with anyone in Poland in their native language. It is wonderful that you speak english and can give us some help.

It is a real shame that the REM family have not come forward. In 30 + years to find not a trace is very sad. We have so much to share with them.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Jun 2011 /  #7
LIŻYŃSKI: root-word probably lizać (to lick); most likely originated as a topo nick from some such locality as Liza, Lizawy or similar.
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
21 Jul 2011 /  #8
THERE MUST BE SOME REM FAMILY OUT THERE WHO KNEW MICHAEL AND LUDWICKA FROM THE LUBARTOW AREA. If only I had sat and talked with my dad when he was alive. Maybe I could have discovered a bit more information, alas 35 years ago I was young and silly. If only computers were at our fingertips then like they are now, I could have showed dad his beloved Poland, and maybe learnt more myself.
teresa55  - | 46  
21 Jul 2011 /  #9
Unfortunately, in Poland no one responded to the Genealogical Forum.
I'm so sorry.
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
22 Jul 2011 /  #10
Thank you once again for helping. I must admit after 30+ years of searching I am losing interest in finding them, a shame as there was probably so much we could have done for them. Thier loss. The red cross told us years ago that they would not respond as they feared we wanted something from them, alas, we wanted to give but now I am getting to old and tired to continue the search. Again thank you for your help. Take care.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
22 Jul 2011 /  #11
Having a rare surname like Rem can be a boon to family tracers because there's a good chance you are related to all or mostt of your namesakes in some way. Think of the problem a Nowak (200,000+ users) would have if all he had to go on was the name.

You migth check with a reliable genealogist who may be able to help you such as:
Iwona Dakiniewicz at genealogy@pro.onet.pl
22 Jul 2011 /  #12
How about finding out their number in a phone book and giving them a call :D
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
27 Jul 2011 /  #13
Thank you for your advice
DJDunda  1 | 10  
27 Jul 2011 /  #14

If you are going to try and reach out via phone, you might as well try and reach out via Facebook....it is a lot cheaper. I found my family in the Ukraine by reaching out to a family in Poland who did some leg work for me. Since then I have used facebook to send messages and inquiries. I have found a ton of relatives.

All you need to do is a Family name (Surname) Search. I did one for your family facebook.com/family/Rem-Per/1#!/family/search.php?q=Rem (just cut and paste into your browser. Then click on people until you find the someone in the correct town/country. Send a message and cross your fingers. The worse that can happen is you don't get an answer.

Keep in mind that you will get 24 names per page, so you have to keep hitting the next page arrow at the bottom. I see at least 192 people with last name Rem. Do not get discouraged if you see a lot of them are from countries other than you are interested in. All it takes is one person in Poland to respond and everyone on Facebook is there to try and connect with people....so someone will respond.

Good luck!
teresa55  - | 46  
29 Jul 2011 /  #15
I have received one ansver, but it is not your familly

"Rodzina Rem zamieszkała w Kielcach wywodzi się od rodzców Ignacego i Franciszki Rem ,którzy mieli dzieci: Władysław, Antonina, Stanisława, Maria, Julia, Jozef (ur.1903.r).

Najstarszy syn Władysław i córka Antonina mieszkali w Dąbrowie Górniczej (nie żyją)
Józef i jego potomstwo mieszkają w Kielcach i okoicach Kielc. Józef ma dwóch synów Mariana i Jerzego ( mieszkają w Kielcach). "
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
1 Aug 2011 /  #16
Oh what a shame Teresa I know dad had a lot of older brothers and sisters but he never once mentioned names apart from Wladyslawa being his next of kin on his army papers.

So good of you to let me know.

Hi Dj
Thank you for that info, everytime I have tried I get my brother and sister here in australia. LOL. and pages and pages of Rem sleep and REM the singing groupl

I will try again though with your information.

I am working through this. I have found 2 in Poland and messaged them so fingers crossed they respond. Thank you for your help.
DJDunda  1 | 10  
2 Aug 2011 /  #17
I hope you are as lucky as I was. I found my relatives in Ukraine and awesome new friends in Poland! My fingers are crossed for you! Keep me updated!

Good Luck!!
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
14 Aug 2011 /  #18
I am afraid I sent 37 messages and did not get one reply. I even translated my message into their own languages as well. Guess the Rem's on my side died with my dad.

Very sad but have to accept defeat.
DJDunda  1 | 10  
15 Aug 2011 /  #19
Sorry to hear you have had no reply! Maybe it will still come, but after 2 weeks it is discouraging!

I was doing a quick look for Rem on the web and found this archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/PolandBorderSurnames/2002-08/1029732994. Do you know a Brent Seamer who must be a cousin (if not a brother) of yours? You have probably compared notes with him already, but he was doing the same search in August of 2002. Maybe he has found something already?

Do not give up completely! If the fates are kind, it will be just a matter of time before some other clue becomes available. It may be a few years, but there is always a chance that what you are looking for will get into Ancestry.com or somewhere else on the web.
OP jessicaoz52  1 | 8  
27 Aug 2011 /  #20
My nephew .. The Australian side is the only side of the family we have. Thank you for taking interest. Very kind of you.

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