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Polcinske Pulchinski - just one branch of my family I am researching

11 May 2007 /  #1
I am researching another branch of my family in the U.S. with the last name Polcinske. We have relatives that use the spelling Pulchinski. In searching ellisisland.org and familysearch.com - the Mormon site, I have not been able to find any useful information.

Is this last name or a variation of it familiar to anyone? I am not familiar with the immigration patterns of Poles in North America. Is it possible that there may have been a migration through Canada and into the U.S. - and if so, are there any useful search engines out there for researching?

Thank you to anyone who can shed any light!
jcsm  3 | 88  
12 May 2007 /  #2
Immigrants from all over Europe did come through Canada to get to the US. The archives of Canada does have some databases, but first have you tried using Steve Morse's site & searching variant spellings & sould-alike & partial spelling? Are you sure that they came thru EllisIsland? There are/were other ports that are not online. Do you have this family on census records that narrows down when they arrived?

Familysearch.com online records are just records that have been submitted by their members.

If you would like to provide more detail information, I will see what can be found on the net.......You can do this here or by emailing me (through profile).

1st names & year of births for parents & children & where the settled in the US.

Also, go after US records for your Polcinskie family members.
OP dorothysgirl  
13 May 2007 /  #3
Thanks for you post. I am not familiar with Steve Morse's site - but will check it out. I am in the initial stages of obtaining family records. I plan to obtain my grandmother's birth certificate during an upcoming business trip and from there will work on obtaining death certificates for her parents once I get more definitive spellings of names, etc. I am fairly certain that both her parents were born in Poland - and it is likely that they came via Canada. I will definitely be in touch via email once I have more to go on. No need for anyone to be on a wild goose chase until I know more. Thanks again!
21 May 2007 /  #4
Hi Dororthysgirl,

I have some Pulczynskis in my family tree. Beginning with Franz/Frank married to Anna Bojankowski in about 1878.

Feel free to email me with more information via the link in my profile, and I'd be happy to help out.
28 Jun 2007 /  #5
Hi KlopotekPrjct

I have been researching the name Bojankowski for some time now. I just registered on the site, so I can email you directly yet. I would love to get in touch with you about Anna Bojankowski in your family tree.

You can email me directly at cohens4@gmail

Looking forward to hearing from you
stephen cohen
freehold, nj
vasil  - | 1  
7 Mar 2008 /  #6
Hi, dear collegues!
One of the branches of our family goes to Norbert and Jan Pulchinski. They lived in 19th century near Warsaw. Jan Pulchinski was betrayed to Russia after the Rebellion of 1863. He died in Moscow.

I am very interested in every information about them in particular and about this noble Polish family in general. Please write me!
19 Jan 2010 /  #7
Hello, I'm very familiar with the last name Pulchinski because I AM a Pulchinski. I've tried to do some research, and I believe that one of the branches of my family (Felckowski) is from West Prussia (A modern-day part of Poland)
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
19 Jan 2010 /  #8
PULCIŃSKI: Pulchinski does not exist in Polish and represents an attempt at phonetically respelling Pulciński for the benefuit of potential Anglo-manglers in the USA. It probably originated as a toponymic nick from Pulczynów, Pulki or Pulsze. The Polciński spelling also exists, but both names are extremely rare.

KITZMANN: German or Yiddish; in dialectic German a Kitz was a kid (baby goat) or fawn (baby deer). There is an unrelated noun Kitzel meaning urge, desire, etc. A Kitzler is a clitoris. How those terms could be linked up with “mann” is a good question.
caprice49  4 | 224  
20 Jan 2010 /  #9

It could be Pokinski
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
11 Feb 2010 /  #10
The surnames Pułczyński and Pulczyński also exist in Poland.
22 Feb 2010 /  #11
I am from Canada, My grandmother was a pulchinski from Wilo Ontario, a small polish community in Canada She was the youngest of a large family. I have a listing of her family and parents. if you would like this email you can contact me.
PatrickV  - | 1  
22 Feb 2010 /  #12
My Grandmother was a polchinski from Wilno Ontario Canada
She was the youngest daughter of Casmire Polczynski ( Charles)and Marcyanna Konopacki
I have more genealogy info if you would like.
visinski P  
2 Aug 2010 /  #13
Hello from Renfrew Ontario Canada
My grandmother Martha Pulchinskie from Wilno Ontario
She married Joseph Visnski aka Wisinski aka Vicisnki depeding on where you looking .
Her Father was Casmir (Charles) Pulchinskie
If i can be of any help with the Canadian connection let me know
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
3 Aug 2010 /  #14
PU£CZYŃSKI, PULCIŃSKI, PO£CIŃSKI, PULCZYŃSKI and probably a few additional variants all exist in Poland. The -ski ending is usually toponymic so look for places such as Połczyn, Pulczynów, Połczyna, etc. as likely soruces.
deaphry  - | 1  
11 Oct 2010 /  #15
my grandmother was a Pulchinski. I have no knowlege of any of her family - not even the names of her parents!!! I am not far from Wilno...please email me? theshiningmountains@hotmail
gkashuba  - | 4  
11 Oct 2010 /  #16
if you want to obtain a Polish Passport, i can help you, as i see from site that there is info on family from Poland.

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