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Wojtczak family from Poland - Need translation genealogy docs please

HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
27 Jul 2015 /  #1
Terribly excited to have found some handwritten marriage and death notices online relating to my grandparents and aunt. I can make out most of what it says, but could do with a bit of help/confirmation of what I think it says. Is there anyone who would be so kind as to translate them for me? Cheers, Helena

First one. "It happened in Lublin on 4th December 1942 (in the presence of?) Wanda Konieczna, the wife of a fitter of Helenow and Bronislawa Wojtczak, nurse of Lublin, (and ?) the day before (?) at 2 o clock died in Helenow Marian Konstanty Wojtczak master brickmaker, widower of Marianna Naj, aged 57, born of Konstanty and Bronislawa Marcinkowska,married (?) Wojtczak, born in Elizowa (something?) Helenow, After (?) Marian and Konstanty Wojtczak" and the rest I cannot decipher.

Looker  - | 1129  
27 Jul 2015 /  #2
(in the presence of?)

It's good. After this is the word 'pełnoletnie' = 'of legal age'

(and ?) the day before (?)

and declared that the day before...

małżonków Wojtczaków

married (?) Wojtczak

For me it states that Konstanty and Bronislawa after their marriage became Wojtczak's

born in Elizowa (something?) Helenow, After (?) Marian and Konstanty Wojtczak" and the rest I cannot decipher.

Not in Elizowa, rather Elizówka instead, so:
born in Elizówka, Dyś Parish, residing in Helenów, the local parish. After learning (przekonaniu się = convincing literally) of the death of Marian Konstanty Wojtczak, this act was signed, after reading to the gathered people.

U.S.C. - Urząd Stanu Cywilnego;
Civil Registry (and some signatures):
Fr. ..., Wanda Konieczna, Bronisława Wojtczak.

My translation may not be perfect, my English likewise...
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
28 Jul 2015 /  #3
That's great Looker, thanks. I will try the 2nd and 3rd ones when I have some time.
30 Jul 2015 /  #4
Third letter on right.

This is the gist of the translation:-

It happened on 27th May 1940 at 10 o'clock in the presence of these adults ( of legal age ), Stanisław Michalak? from Lublin and Zygmunt? Konieczny from Helenówa, a fitter.

They say at 4 o'clock today, Maria Wojtczak ( nee Najów ) died in Helenówa, the place that she lived. She was the wife of a palacza? ( sorry, don't know what this is ). She was 46 years old, and the daughter of Tomasza and Franciszki ( Najów ) from Czyżgów.

Maria was born in Hrubieczów. She left behind a widower husband Marian Wojtczak.

After learning of the death of Maria Wojtczak, this act was signed after reading to the aforementioned people.

I'm not a native speaker, so maybe someone else can do better, but hope this helps.
Looker  - | 1129  
31 Jul 2015 /  #5
My small corrections on what Chemikiem translated above:


It should be 'Helenów' (although the name 'Helenowo' is also possible)

the wife of a palacza?

the wife of a stoker

the daughter of Tomasza and Franciszki ( Najów ) from Czyżgów

the daughter of Tomasz and Franciszka ( Naj ) from Czyżów


OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
1 Aug 2015 /  #6
Thank you SO MUCH for your help.

My dad said his grandmother's surname was Czyz, so could "the daughter of Tomasz and Franciszka ( Naj ) from Czyżów" in fact be 'the daughter of Tomasz Naj and Franciszka Naja, born of the Czyż family' ?

"Stanisław Michalak? from Lublin". It looks like Michalak in the text but the signature of Stanislaw at the end is not Michalak. can anyone read it correctly please?


The middle one is giving me the MOST trouble. Here is what I can work out.

It happened in Lublin 3rd March 1935 at 3pm .... of full age ... Jacob Skawinski worker ... Helenow... and Stanislaw Sruslak ... marriage between Zygmunt Konieczny, bachelor, age 22, son of Antoni and Elżbieta of Jez...? married name Konieczny... nd Wanda Aurelja Wojtczak ... age 21... daughter of Marjan Konstanty and Marjanna Naja, married name Wojtczak, born ... family... living at Helenow..

(the rest is a total mystery)

Signed Zygmunt Koneiczny and Wanda Wojtczakówna.

I really need your help on this one. Thanks :-)
Looker  - | 1129  
1 Aug 2015 /  #7
'the daughter of Tomasz Naj and Franciszka Naja, born of the Czyż family' ?

Yes, you have probably right here.

It looks like Michalak in the text but the signature of Stanislaw at the end is not Michalak

It's hard to judge from this signature, but one can safely assume that's a Michalak either - as it states in the text.

3rd March 1935 at 3pm

at 1pm - trzynasta in Polish is 13:00 or 1pm

.... of full age

'....' - for me it's (in Polish): 'Wiadomo czynimy że' - most likely irrelevant to the rest of the sentence

[...] at 1pm, in the presence of full of age witnesses: Jakub Skawiński - worker in the Helenów brick factory, and Stanislaw (Szuszlak? or Szunlak?) - fitter, both Lublin residents, today it has been concluded religious (ecclesiastical?) marriage between:

Zygmunt Konieczny, bachelor, a fitter, post office worker (?), age 22, son of Antoni and Elżbieta of Jeziorski family, married name Konieczny, born in Kobiele Wielkie parish, living in the Helenów brick factory, local parish,

Wanda Aurelja Wojtczak, unmarried, age 21, daughter of Marjan Konstanty and Marjanna Naj, married name Wojtczak, born and live by her parents, Helenów brick factory, local parish.


The rest soon if no one other responds.
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
3 Aug 2015 /  #8
This is going to sound pretty stupid but I have to ask! I have forgotten where online I found those records! Can anyone tell me?

Panic over! I found it! familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KBY9-6FZ
"Stanisław Michalak" ~ could this possibly be a variation of Michalski? I found a Stanisław Michalski in the family.

I'm really struggling with this one ... can anyone please help me?

I've worked out that in 1918 Waleria Naja b1893 in Hrubieszow to (unmarried?) Franciszka Naja, married Jozef Feliks Wils, b 1893, brickmaker in Helenow. Witnesses Marjan Wojtczak and Franciszek Szymanski. After that it gets too hard for me. It seems to have a lot more to say than just a marriage. There is something about a son called Roland but I have no idea what that is about!

Looker  - | 1129  
3 Aug 2015 /  #9
I'm really struggling with this one

Edward £omiński - Witness

It was in Lublin 24.11.1918 at 5pm. In the presence of adult witnesses: Marjan Konstanty Wojtczak - the brickworks manager, and Franciszek Cymański - salesman, both living in Lublin, today the marriage has been concluded, between Józef Feliks Wilde (Wild?), bachelor, a locksmith in Helenów brickyard, local parish resident, age of 25, born in the county town Sereth, Bukovina region, the son of Józef-Franciszek and Anna from Halbgewachs family, married name Wilde (Wild?) and Walerja Naja (not Naj as we misinterpreted before), unmarried, seamstress from Helenów brickyard, local parish, age of 25, born in the village of Teresówka in the Hrubieszów parish, daughter of unmarried Franciszka Naja. This marriage was preceded by three announcements at 9, 17 and 24th November this year in the church of local parish. The new spouses declare that they do not established any prenuptial agreement. Also they have stated that their son Roland born in Nowa - town in the Zamość parish in 27.02.1915, who has been begotten by them in cohabitation before the wedding, in this act of marriage they deem him as their own child, and according to the act # 291 of Polish Kingdom Civil Code they consider this child as legitimate, and lawful (?). The religious rite was complemented by us [...]

Almost all - probably bit clumsy translation as I was in rush.
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
3 Aug 2015 /  #10
LOOKER that is extremely helpful! I would never have been able to do this without you!

I have others which I am unable to work out. I hope you don't mind helping me some more. If there is anything I can do for you (checking English, etc) please do ask.

I have two relating to a lady that my (late) father told me is my great-great-grandmother.


  • death_maria_lis.JPG

  • marianna_piatek.JPG
Looker  - | 1129  
3 Aug 2015 /  #11
checking English, etc

You may point out some of my English mistakes and errors, I'm sure there's a lot of them ;)

Now due to lack of time I will give just a dry translation, less literal. If you'd have additional questions to it just ask.

First page.

It was 29.11.1938, 11am. Present were: full of age Agnieszka Michalak, the wife of a turner, and Kazimiera Wójcik from Lublin - wife of a workman. They both announced that at 28.11 this year, at 7pm, Maria Lis has died in Lublin - a workwoman, age 72, widow of Jan Lis and born in Bełżyce parish, Lublin resident, daughter of Kajetan and Małgorzata maiden name Barabasz, married name Piątek. After the announcement of the Maria's Lis death, this act was signed by us and second witness illiterate.

The Registrar (name not clear)
Agnieszka Michalak
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
3 Aug 2015 /  #12
Fantastic! Thank you so much. Do you mind doing a few more? I found some more today ... so exciting for me, as I have NEVER before seen any documents relating to my family, till I found that familysearch.org site a few days ago. A huge pity my father has died, or he could have done the translation.

Many years ago, my father drew for me a family tree, and it's so exciting seeing documents relating to the people on it! And sometimes, a signature of someone!

The Marian Wojtczak who is often mentioned as the brickyard master or manager is my grandfather.

I would be very happy to point out your errors in English. (I am a professional author, book editor and proof reader!) Do you mean when you make these translations?

Looker  - | 1129  
3 Aug 2015 /  #13
I am a professional author, book editor and proof reader!

Great! But wow, I'm in deep trouble now :)

Second page: (it's much more harder to decipher this..)

Opole, 18.02.1866, 2pm. Tomasz Piątek(?) appeared, farmer from Wrzdów(?), age 22, Mateusz Kręcisz(?) age 40 and Jan Biesiąd(??), farmer from Wrzdów, he (Tomasz) showed us a female child and announced that she was born in Wrzdów this year at 3am by his wife Katarzyna, maiden name Zagozdon(?), age 21. On holy Baptism celebrated by the priest Franciszek Biernacki(?) to this child was given the name Maryanna (old spelling of the Marianna name), and her godparents were Piotr Zagozdon(?) i Franciszek Piątków(??), act this presented and to illiterate witnesses read, and then signed by Administrator.

Supervisor of the Registry files Fr. Franciszek Biernacki
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
4 Aug 2015 /  #14
"Great! But wow, I'm in deep trouble now" . Oh no, I just wanted to assure you that my English is correct.

Many thanks for the new translations. I have some questions!

1. We have Stanislaw Michalski and Stanislaw Michalak. Are these two versions of the same name? He and his wife Agnieszka turn up a few times, so I assume Michalski is a form of Michalak.

2. Why did you change Szymanski to Cymanski?

3. Piatkow = Piatek?

4. Kazimiera Wójcik is female? Not Kazimierz Wójcik?

5. the wife of a "palacza = stoker". Very strange! In earlier documents he is a brickyard manager or master. Seems odd that by 1940 he is demoted to a mere stoker.

Many, many thanks once again!


Next document for translation.

It happened in Lublin on the 27th Sept 1922 at 10am. Kazimierz Czyż and his wife Franciszka Czyż ..... that yesterday at ? o'clock afternoon died in Lublin Jan Czyż, two days old, born in Lublin the son of Kazimierz Czyż and his wife Franciszka of Lis, married name Czyż .... to Gmina Syrnik....

OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
4 Aug 2015 /  #15
This one might be impossible as it seems to be in Russian. I have a Russian friend but her English isn't very good.

I know this is the marriage of Kazimierz Czyż and Franciszka Lis on 19th January 1913 in Lublin. He is 20; she is 18. His mother Karolina Wróblewska and his father Szymon Czyż. Her father is Jan Lis and her mother Marianna Piątek.

If anyone can add any more detail to the above, I would be very grateful!

Looker  - | 1129  
4 Aug 2015 /  #16
Stanislaw Michalski and Stanislaw Michalak. Are these two versions of the same name?

The text above clearly shows Stanisław Michalski. Michalak is entirely different surname in Poland, but it's also possible that it was misspelled before.

Why did you change Szymanski to Cymanski?

By my mistake - my bad, apologies. Surely it is Szymański.

Piatkow = Piatek?

It also bothered me, that's why I gave two '?' signs - but now I see what I misinterpreted:

and her godparents were Piotr Zagozdon(?) i Franciszek Piątków(??)

It should be Franciszka (female name) Piątek!
So Piątek=Piątek now

Kazimiera Wójcik is female? Not Kazimierz Wójcik?

Yes, only Kazimiera is a female name. Kazimierz is a male 'equivalent'

the wife of a "palacza = stoker". Very strange!

Yes, but I'm only trying to translate what I see, don't know history of your family. Double check of the all names and surnames and analyze this :)
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
4 Aug 2015 /  #17
Thanks very much, Looker. I'm just querying in case there looks like a mistake or ambiguity on the original. For example palacza might have another meaning. (Like conductor could be of an orchestra - or a train!)

I can see that "palacza" is like "palić", to smoke.

The "Agnieszka and Stanisław Michalski" and "Agnieszka and Stanisław Michalak" thing certainly is a mystery, too :-) Seems impossible and yet stranger things have happened.

Many thanks! This is so exciting for me!
Looker  - | 1129  
4 Aug 2015 /  #18
Next document for translation.

Kazimierz Czyż and ...

Kazimierz Czyż janitor and ...

Franciszka Czyż ..... that

Franciszka Czyż both full of age, from Lublin and announcing that yesterday at 5pm

married name Czyż .... to Gmina Syrnik....

... Czyż both belonging to Syrniki(?) municipality (gmina) [...]

or example palacza might have another meaning.

I don't know any other meaning of 'palacz' like this connected with fire and smoke (of course not the cigarette smoker - palacz is a profession, occupation - making warm :) )

The "Agnieszka and Stanisław Michalski" and "Agnieszka and Stanisław Michalak" thing certainly is a mystery, too :-)

Oh... I denied myself in my reply to you:

The text above clearly shows Stanisław Michalski. Michalak is entirely different surname

I switched the surnames - not any mention about Michalski - only Stanisław Michalak appears in the text as far as I remember. SORRY!
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
5 Aug 2015 /  #19
... Czyż both belonging to Syrniki(?) municipality (gmina) [...]

Could it be Serniki?

Looker  - | 1129  
5 Aug 2015 /  #20
Could it be Serniki?

Yes, it could be - according to wiki:

Serniki (dawn. gmina Syrniki)

Polish surname ending -czak - WOJTCZAK = ALBERTSON?

The Polish surname ending -czak is a typical patronymic suffix, used to indicate who somebody's fatehr was. It can apply to both Christian names (Jakubczak = Jacob's boy) and professions (Kupczak = the merchant's son).

Statistically Wojtczak is the most common, used as it is by nearly 10,000 people in Poland and meaning Wojtek's kid. The English equivalent might be Alson or Albertson.

By contrast only 12 people in Poland sign themselves Wójtczak (son of the wójt /hamlet mayor/.
OP HelenaWojtczak  28 | 177  
6 Aug 2015 /  #21
Thanks, Looker.

It's so frustrating that some documents are online but not others. I can't find most of the crucial documents like birth records, so I have now reached a brick wall with my research. I wonder whether going to Poland will help.

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