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Looking for relatives of Vincent Sowinski, Poland.

Deborah Sowinsk  1 | 1  
14 Jan 2009 /  #1
Any relatives of Vincent Sowinski of Przeworsk,Poland. DOB 4/28/1894. Came to US to live. Looking for distant relatives. Would like to come to Poland. Thank you, Deborah Sowinski Hill

Any relatives of Joseph Witczak of Zalesie,Poland. DOB 2/2/1894. Came to US to live. Looking for distant relatives. Would like to come to Poland. Thank You, Deborah Sowinski Hill
markskibniewski  3 | 200  
20 Aug 2009 /  #2
There are 360 Sowinskis on nasza-klasa. It is possible one may be related to you.
sowa1  - | 1  
4 Oct 2011 /  #3
Merged: Sowinski - Searching for relatives in Poznan, Poland

I am searching for relatives in Poznan, I don't really know where to begin. My Grandfather Antoni Sowinski was in the Polish Navy and arrived in the U.K. on board the either the Piorun or the Grom. He was born roughly around 1918 in Poznan and came from a family of eight children some of his siblings names were Max, Franya and Michael.My Grandfather's brother Michael or Max owned a shoe factory in Poznan. My Grandfather passed away in 1988 and therefore we have very limited information about our long lost relatives. I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to begin a search or even if any body has any information on my family in poznan.
teresa55  - | 46  
7 Oct 2011 /  #4
There are 54 people with name Sowinski in Poland.
In Poznan only 2.
23 Apr 2016 /  #5
My grandfather Josef Sowinski migrated to Aus after the war, he has passed now but I know he left a sister in Poland. His fathers name was bolectaw and mothers names Alexandria, would absolutely love to find out more or meet any relatives.

Jessica sowinski

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