People with red hair are alien life forms....the governments are trying to keep it secret....but some of us know the truth...
Red Hair - recessive gene from Poland?
musicwriter 5 | 87
23 Jan 2010 / #62
My paternal grandfather (1863-1928) was said to have auburn hair. He was from the part of Poland between Poznań and Bydgoszcz (at that time Prussian Empire). My father (1897-1965) had black hair. They were not very tall, say, 5'7" and had broad shoulders. My hair is
chestnut brown.
chestnut brown.
Feb 7, 10, 19:35 - Thread attached on merging:
Do Polish women like red hair?
I'm new to this but I am curious to know.
Im 21 and from Dublin, Ireland and I work with mainly Polish men and women, all very friendly people.
Most of the workers there are from Eastern Europe, mostly Polish and theres only 3 other Irish people working there, so we're out numbered.
Anyway...I've got short red hair and I am wondering if the polish women there like it because I find them all very attractive so would having the red hair increase my chances?!
Ive got my eye one one girl there in particular, she's hot! But im getting mixed signals off her, I caught her staring a few times in an intriguing way but I don't know if shes liking it or not. She doesnt speak english to well either so I can't exactly ask her.
So basically in the red hair ok?? =)
Do Polish women like red hair?
I'm new to this but I am curious to know.
Im 21 and from Dublin, Ireland and I work with mainly Polish men and women, all very friendly people.
Most of the workers there are from Eastern Europe, mostly Polish and theres only 3 other Irish people working there, so we're out numbered.
Anyway...I've got short red hair and I am wondering if the polish women there like it because I find them all very attractive so would having the red hair increase my chances?!
Ive got my eye one one girl there in particular, she's hot! But im getting mixed signals off her, I caught her staring a few times in an intriguing way but I don't know if shes liking it or not. She doesnt speak english to well either so I can't exactly ask her.
So basically in the red hair ok?? =)
Red-haired Pole
25 Feb 2011 / #64
Hi Jampat,
well, I'm a Pole living in Poland and I've got red hair. I know at least a few red-haired people in my area.
Although the hair colour is very rare in Poland, you can see some red-haired people here and there.
My parents haven't got red hair but my grandma (from my mom's side) had a red-haired brother and a cousin. My grandma's parents didn't have red hair. It seems, it is quite right that the recessive red hair gene skips generations.
So you must have got the gene from the both sides of your family :)
well, I'm a Pole living in Poland and I've got red hair. I know at least a few red-haired people in my area.
Although the hair colour is very rare in Poland, you can see some red-haired people here and there.
My parents haven't got red hair but my grandma (from my mom's side) had a red-haired brother and a cousin. My grandma's parents didn't have red hair. It seems, it is quite right that the recessive red hair gene skips generations.
So you must have got the gene from the both sides of your family :)
It appears that the red gene was possibly neanderthal interbreeding:
My Grandma says there was never any red hair in her family, and my Grandpa is not sure about the Polish side. Is it possible that I got the recessive gene from Poland?
i told here already that Celts were Proto Slavs.
and, from where Celts started their European journey? From what is today`s Poland and from Germany- from what was once land of Northern Serbs (and western Poles) but was later germanized
I am Scots-Irish with red hair :) Not so uncommon :)
20 Aug 2011 / #68
The red hair population is declining but there are are government plans to gather all red haired people in a compound and make them breed to protect the gene.
I am Scots-Irish
as a Scot-Irish you are 100% Polish
Are you sure? ;)
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
21 Aug 2011 / #71
There's a crowd of Orthodox Jews in my town at the moment, here on holiday from London, and there are noticeably alot of red heads among them. Just an observation..:)
Red haired people can not be trusted.
I have heard so many Poles say that regardless of where they are. Makes me laugh but every stereotype has some truth!
Nickidewbear 23 | 609
21 Aug 2011 / #74
The redheads are likely Poland-born or Poland-based Jews. Remember, both Jacob and Esau had red hair. Also, my granduncle Francis Anthony "Red" Czarnecki had red hair; and he and all four of his brothers are ethnically Jewish (although he and one of the brothers have been no longer with us for a while).
i would remind you that Jews played significant role during the era of slavery, when Slavdom (especially on the west of Slavic world), was often target of slave hunters from the west of Europe. On a trade markets from allover the western Europe, Jews provided fresh Slavic slaves to itself and to the far eastern markets.
Not to mention that since the Roman Empire, Jewish traders established their colonies on Baltic and intensively chooses to marry Slavic woman, which they preferred and considered good for insemination.
Not to mention that since the Roman Empire, Jewish traders established their colonies on Baltic and intensively chooses to marry Slavic woman, which they preferred and considered good for insemination.
Jacob and Esau had red-hair? Any photos as proof? ;)
Jacob and Esau had red-hair?
crossed my mind
What was hair of Moses- Moshe Mordecai, known as Karl Marx?
Never met him, Crow ;)
sure. i suppose, you aren`t from those circles
/one never know on the Net/
/one never know on the Net/
I won't sidetrack the discussion so about the thread. My bro's wife has blonde hair and my bro, red. Their first child has red hair and the second, blonde (I think). I've only seen the second one when he was as a baby. I've seen a few Poles with red hair but not as many as in Scotland.
I've only seen the second one when he was as a baby. I've seen a few Poles with red hair but not as many as in Scotland.
once when red-hair genome arrived in Scotland (which was not populated until particular branch of Proto Slavs after Ice age finished, didn`t populated it, bringing red-hair genome there), that genome founded somewhat isolated environment on island. That`s why you have more red-haired people in Scotland then in Poland. In Poland, red-hair genome intermixing (mostly with blond and brown hair from light brown to the dark brown). BDW, i heard that brown hair coming from a red-hair genome (or the opposite- red-hair genome inherit from brown-hair genome), some kind of variation
I won't sidetrack the discussion so about the thread.
i concur
Still, it would be very interesting to know what`s the color of hair of Angela Merkel`s husband.
That's more than credible, Crow. We undoubtedly have Pictish traits too. I can see the connection between shades of brown and red. Merkel's husband? Sb was silly enough to marry her? ;)
That's more than credible, Crow.
yes. i know what i talking about.
We undoubtedly have Pictish traits too.
and as i said, Picts were Sarmats, or to say Proto Slavs
Sb was silly enough to marry her? ;)
da. Very important man. Man of enormous influence
When we talk, while discussion develop interestingly, i would also likes to know what was hair of that Zimmerman, you know that one who was very involved in the start of WWI, who wrote ultimatum to Serbia and presented it to the Austrian throne. See, i ask because one other Zimmerman. Warren Zimmerman was Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1989 to 1992. He was USA ambassador to Yugoslavia in time when Yugoslavia collapsed, last USA ambassador to Yugoslavia.
But, what i want to tell you, that Zimmerman who wrote ultimatum to Serbia and that way practically initiated WWI, was uncle of that other Zimmerman, Warren Zimmerman. What was their hair, i constantly asking myself. i mean, interesting family. All about them is interesting, so even hair
They couldn't have had red hair then, Crow ;) (Zimmermans)
Picts were Sarmats?
Picts were Sarmats?
Picts were Sarmats?
yes. i gave link about it in some other thread here. After all, go google that
They couldn't have had red hair then, Crow ;) (Zimmermans)
i think that they couldn't. In any case Hapsburg's were not (aren`t) red-haired
Ah, I remember you writing about it Crow, yes.
see? Shake your head pane brate
Shake my head? Why would I want to disagree? ;)
Ah, I remember you writing about it Crow, yes.
here it is
/i know, you are lazy to search for yourself/
fathers of the Picts were Sarmatians
Source: from a book - Pictish Warrior Ad 297-841, by By Paul Wagner, Wayne Reynolds, PAGE 7
Book is available online:
furthermore, investigate this (historical traces of Celts/Gauls inevitable lead you to conclusion that they were Sarmatians, in fact- Proto Slavs >
Celto/Slavic Similarities, by Pavel Serafimov
Podobn osti med galšèino in slovanšèinami; pp. 82-116, Conference series Origins of Slovenians, Ljubljana, Jutro, 2006; [Article located in Conference proceedings, Ljubljana, 2006, in Korenine/Origin/Herkunft]
ABSTRACT: Combined analysis of languages, historical sources, burial types,
architecture and religion reveals that a part of the Gauls called also Celts
were in fact a Western Slavic branch consisting of different tribes who
inhabited the lands of ancient France, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, etc.
architecture and religion reveals that a part of the Gauls called also Celts
were in fact a Western Slavic branch consisting of different tribes who
inhabited the lands of ancient France, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, etc.
see >>
Our name, Sarmatia, a poetical name for our land of Poland, can be traced back to 200 B.C., when the first Slavs were called Sarmatians.
Source: Sarmatian Review XVIII.2: Letters
Shake my head? Why would I want to disagree? ;)
well, what to tell you
While in case of Zimmermans or even Hapsburgs, we can`t be sure, in case of Mrs. Madeleine Albright- former USA Secretary of State, you can`t deny (looks to me) her red-hair genome. Let me remind you, its that lady which was in WWII, altogether with her family saved by Serbians but she later in 1999 rewarded Serbians with bombardment. Lady Albright was first USA hawk that insisted on open attack against Serbians. Can you imagine? Her obligations to certain interests were obviously more important then her respect to the people who saved her family- Serbians. If you want to know more just go google my pane brate.
You know I am too lazy? How do you know?
Oh, I know about Madelaine Albright. She is a despicable woman. If she has natural red hair then she should permanently dye it.
Oh, I know about Madelaine Albright. She is a despicable woman. If she has natural red hair then she should permanently dye it.