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Przemysl, Poland? Kukura family

dsprinting69  4 | 6  
4 Nov 2011 /  #1
I have info that tells me Sadie (Prakseda) witkowska was married to stefan kukura. This Pryemysl is written next to stefans name any one have any ideas. Is that still Poland. Stefan was born 1882 Sadie 1887. Would love to know any info if someone has it. Sadie is listed as my GGGF's daughter but it makes no sense to me or anyone in the family. Erasmus Stasik is my GGGF. How confusing is this. If there is anyone out there that can help I would be grateful. I do know that steve and sadie married Nov. 24, 1908 I know there were a bunch of children. I have made contact with a widow of a Kukura child. In fact it was one of sadie and steves kids kids. ok hope someone can help.

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
4 Nov 2011 /  #2
This Pryemysl is written next to stefans name any one have any ideas. Is that still Poland.

Very much so, it’s one of the oldest and the most beautiful Polish towns but fast becoming a main tourist center in the Podkarpacie region.

The surrounding area has a lot to offer too, the castle in Krasiczyn is one of the most beautiful treasures of Renaissance in Poland, Piątkowa home to St. Demetrius wooden Greek Catholic church regarded as one of the most attractive churches in the Podkarpacie region just to name a few. Virtually a mecca for a history, architecture and nature buff. Wherever you’ll go you’ll see vast landscapes, nature at its best if you like less crowded places that is.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Przemysl, Poland? Kukura familyArchived