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Koch, Kostbar, Kormann surnames from Paproc - Can someone tell me where this is Poprotz, Poland?

20 Feb 2011 /  #1
Can someone tell me where this is now (what is it called now?) or where it was in 1930's. I have family that were from here.

jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Feb 2011 /  #2
Check out Paproc. There's a place called that in Wielkopolska and also in Podlasie. But gien the Germanicized spelling Poprotz, the Wielkopolska one is more likely. Both have Wikipedia pages.
OP Winnipeg  
20 Feb 2011 /  #3
Thank you jonni,...Do you know where I could find any birth records or christening records from this area paproc?
My grandparents surnames were koch and kostbar
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Feb 2011 /  #4
I'd try the Parish Church, assuming they were Catholic. If not, the records office in the nearest big town might be the best bet.


Be careful - there may have been quite a few places called that.
OP Winnipeg  
20 Feb 2011 /  #5
I found this page:
sggee.org/research/parishes/parish_histories/WarsawDiocese/PaprocParis h/PaprocResearch.html

There is a paproc parish map 1939
It shows Koch on one map but my grandfathers name was Julius, that one read Johann could be a brother maybe.

I think this is the area jonni you have been really helpful as this looks like it was a german settlement

Ok thanks,...they were Lutheran

When I went to the Paproc parish page on the sggee.org site
it listed a village called:
Groß Paproć

I think I remember seeing this on my uncles obit in the paper
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Feb 2011 /  #6
KOCH: German or Yiddish for cook

KOSTBAR: German ior Yiddish for precious, costly, valuable
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
20 Feb 2011 /  #7
"Koch" and "kostbar" are both not yiddish but only boring German....

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Feb 2011 /  #8
Then what is Yiddish for cook and precious?
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Feb 2011 /  #9
קאָכן און טייַער
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Feb 2011 /  #10
Transliterate into Lation alphabet, please!
jonni  16 | 2475  
21 Feb 2011 /  #11
My dictionary came up with 'kucher ' and 'teier '. There may be other variants - there are several dialects of Yiddish.
9 Dec 2014 /  #12

I'm searching for the Family Kostbar, too. I know they lived in the area of Paproc.
my grand grandfather's surname was Kostbar, his first Name was Johann. He was born in Paproc and he married in Paproc his wife Adele Kormann.

Can you help me or someone else to find out more Information?!


Merged: Searching for the family Kostbar and Kormann in the area of Paproc, Poland

I'm searching for the Family Kostbar and Kormann. I know they lived in the area of Paproc/Königshuld.
My grandfather's surname was Kostbar, his first Name was Johann. He was born in Paproc Male (1894) and he married in Paproc Duce his wife Adele Kormann in the year 1925. They lived in Kowalowka/Mecklenburgl I think until 1939.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Dec 2014 /  #13
There are two neighbouring villages in NE Poland's Podlasie region called Paproć Duża and Paproć Mała.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Koch, Kostbar, Kormann surnames from Paproc - Can someone tell me where this is Poprotz, Poland?Archived