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Polish person's average height?

reza_risky  1 | 4  
22 Sep 2011 /  #181
I guess when the good lord was passing out height, I happened to be standing in the wrong line :(

I love that WRONG LINE... haha :D :))
30 Sep 2011 /  #182
you wrote that the dinaric serbs are the tallest people, but I'm sure u were thinking about the dinaric alps people(croats, bosnians, serbs and montenegros). the talest of them are the croats then the bosnians, montenegros and the serbs. all other nations in the world are shorter of this nations.
Natasa  1 | 572  
30 Sep 2011 /  #183
Dinaric Alps is written on Wiki, but we both know hercegovac that means Serbs :))
They constitute the large majority of the Dinaric population, and more Serbs have dinaric origins in general population of SRB than it is the case in CRO.

So, in average, the tallest are people from Dinaric Alps, meaning: 1. Montenegrins, 2. Their relatives Serbs. Croats won the bronze ;)
Max  - | 3  
15 Nov 2011 /  #184
I am 6'2" and my Father was 6'4", and in my circle of Polish friends they are mostly over 6'
jochemczyk  1 | 35  
1 Dec 2011 /  #185
Oh MY GOD you are all SO interested in hair colour,nose sizes,skin tone, head shape,height. WHY ??? Im finding some of the topics on here really scary.I am having my eyes opened to the possibility of lots of willing participants taking part in another holocaust.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
1 Dec 2011 /  #186
Im finding some of the topics on here really scary

So true it is such a bizarre experience to log on PF, just a glance at the topics makes you wonder how fcuked-up Poles really are (which obviously is not an entirely fair observation, as the most of neo-nazi-commie slavic supremacist present here don't come from Poland), shame really, but this is entirely up to mods and admin what they want this forum to be... evidently they want it to be a gutter tabloid.. well so be it, tabloids do sell after all... it's just sad that this has to be asociated with Polish...
18 Dec 2011 /  #187
Merged: Is a height of 181 cm considered short in poland?

I think Poland has a lot of tall guys. I am 181 cm male. Is it too short to be attractive to polish girls?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
18 Dec 2011 /  #188
You would be taller than average in Poland. I'm 181 and taller than most.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
18 Dec 2011 /  #189
I think Poland has a lot of tall guys. I am 181 cm male. Is it too short to be attractive to polish girls?

Poland's full of men around 170cm. If you're worried about your height, don't be. Or you could always stick to dating Kylie types lol :)
18 Dec 2011 /  #190
god I love polish girls. they are so feminine and different from american girls. i want to get married to a polish girl
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Dec 2011 /  #191
Keep on masturbating, dude.

Yes. My friend is 190cm and simply has no interest in short men.
18 Dec 2011 /  #192
polish girls are hot and feminine which is very differerent from western girls who are mostly unfeminine and/or fat
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
18 Dec 2011 /  #193
Yes. My friend is 190cm and simply has no interest in short men.

yeah, but she's a giant!! lol

polish girls are hot and feminine which is very differerent from western girls who are mostly unfeminine and/or fat

Here we go again, more generalisations. Where I live, there are many Polish women, and they are average at best. None can compare to my last Polish ex.

Where I work, the Polish women are amongst the least attractive of the women in their age group. The English women are by far the hottest.

But most of the idiots who post these inane threads are only looking for a skinny woman with no a**, because they aren't big enough to deal with a big behind - hence the predictable "fat English women" insults :D
18 Dec 2011 /  #194
it is not like that. i'm not saying english women are not hot, however, in my opinion, they lack the feminity and elegance of the polish woman. see in the west, girls don't like being feminine. they think feminity makes them weak and inferior. also many polish girls have big round ass and boobs
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Dec 2011 /  #195
i want to get married to a polish girl

You are romantic.
MD90  - | 1  
18 Dec 2011 /  #196
i'm 180cm female. is it good?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Dec 2011 /  #197
it's neither good nor bad. most are shorter, some are taller.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Dec 2011 /  #199
who ? the male where the thread is merged or the female at the bottom of the page.
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Dec 2011 /  #200
Several Polki are 1.80 and above.But the tallest in the slavic kingdom are the Cesky they reach giraffe dimensions.
blackadder  1 | 114  
18 Dec 2011 /  #201
Dinaric Alps is written on Wiki, but we both know hercegovac that means Serbs :))

Ah,again Serbian race supremacy...Crow is that you?

The Dinaric Alps or Dinarides form a mountain chain in Southern Europe, spanning areas of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo,[a 1] Albania and Montenegro.(7 countries).

They extend for 645 kilometres (401 mi) along the coast of the Adriatic Sea (northwest-southeast)...
No Serbs on Adriatic sea as I recall...
Madzia22  - | 72  
18 Dec 2011 /  #202
polish girls are feminine

I can meet you in person to proved you wrong :)
Ironside  50 | 13064  
18 Dec 2011 /  #203
three feet four inches while wearing the top hat !
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
18 Dec 2011 /  #204
This is my problem too. I'm 182cm in shoes.

However, I won't go out unless I'm wearing these:


Natasa  1 | 572  
18 Dec 2011 /  #205
Several Polki are 1.80 and above.But the tallest in the slavic kingdom are the Cesky they reach giraffe dimensions.

I doubt. In my latest class of all classes I fruitfully attended so far, out of x girls, 100% were taller than 170 cm, 50% taller than 175 cm, and 3 were 180 and taller.

It was not a circus, nor sport event. It was one of those science geeks gatherings. Those who sit all their lives. Yuck.

I bet on my girls.
SCH12  - | 3  
25 Nov 2012 /  #206
I am from Uruguay I have polish ascendation in the part of my dad family. My dad is 1.92. Unfourtanley, I am only 1.76 as a resault of my mom heigt (italian ascendation) which is 1.64, I hope my childs get my dad genetic. The other uruguayns of polish ascendation that I met (%50 jews) were 1,79 in men and 1,68 for women (young peolple), considerably more taller that the average height of young people here in Uruguay, which I would say it is about 1,74 in men and 1,62 or 1,63 in women. (The average height of uruguay is consierably smaller beacause in this boring country most of the people are old).

Have a good one
13 Feb 2013 /  #207
Polish people are very very tall, but I have met some short ones. I think Baltic and Germanic people (especially Dutch) are even tall.

I am a female Albanian from Kosovo which is part of the Diranic race. I'm only 166-68cm tall but most females over there seem taller than me about an inch or two I'd say at least 168-170cm. My brother is 184cm tall most kosovo Albanian men are similar to him, some are even taller, like a visitor we had yesterday he seemed at least 4-5 inches taller than my brother.. BUT we also have very short Albanian men in Kosovo who come around 164cm. When we went to meet my long distant cousins in Eastern Kosovo we met an old lady there who was lovely she seemed taller than my mum as least 173-4 who knows how tall she was when she was young, her husband who is suppose to be my long distance uncle... was even taller than her...This man and women are very very old now.... There as also a handful of Albanians who are very very short. I think the Serbian people are even taller than us.

The highest dinaric mountain peak is in Albania which is called Maja Jezerce.

All Albanians kosovo-Albania Serbs Bosnians Montenegrins Croatians belong to the Diranic Group.

I don't think Dinaric people are the tallest, I would say Baltic and Dutch people are the tallest in Europe. But every where you go there are short people and tall people. I have never met a short lithuanian or dutch in my life.
Natasa  1 | 572  
14 Feb 2013 /  #208

There is nothing to think about. It's a fact.
14 Feb 2013 /  #209
Slovenians are also part of the dinaric race. I have been to all Dinaric countries... And Slovenians seemed the tallest.
Natasa  1 | 572  
14 Feb 2013 /  #210
Nope. I am 183 cm, origins Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.

I know this area well. Montenegrins are the tallest in average.

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