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Polish person's average height?

Ironside  50 | 13064  
26 Aug 2010 /  #151
Where the hell did you get the idea that people in the northeast are shorter than other Americans?

from northeasters dwarfs ?:P

trener zolwia  1 | 939  
26 Aug 2010 /  #152
Where the hell did you get the idea that people in the northeast are shorter than other Americans?

It is true. We're all midgets here.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
26 Aug 2010 /  #153
The Dinarians and the Dutch are now well known in Europe for extreme tallness...."

So am I, i'm 197cm , brother is 185cm, cousins 190cm, 188cm, 191cm, and the youngest one 19yr old is 197cm, might outgrow me. my father is 182cm.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
26 Aug 2010 /  #154
The dinaric Serbs are extremely tall because they come from breeding of ancient Macedonians who were very tall with Slavs.We should not forget that Slavs have some of the tallest nations in Europe like Czechs(3rd tallest nation),Serbs,Croats and Poles.
27 Aug 2010 /  #155
In Europe, the Scandinavians, the Polish, Germans, Czechs, Serbs are the tallest one.

The frenchmen, Italiens and especielly the Portugals are the shortest

How is the russian then? Are they taller then the rest of their neighbours?
8 Apr 2011 /  #156
I am 183cm,I have spent quite some time in Poland since my long time gf in polish plus theres a lot of polakows in the UK. I have always had the impression that I am average for the polish height. among brits and spaniards i feel somewhat tall, so I think the western european average for young people must be around 178cm
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Apr 2011 /  #157
Well ... in my view...

The taller the man the better :)
The shorter the woman the better :) ...

Easy equation ... lol ...

Average good height = 175 cm for the man; 165 cm for the woman

For man, the more the bonus ... for woman the less the better (not lower than 150 though :D ) ...

Well ... but all these are stereotype crap ... heart doesn't work like that :)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
8 Apr 2011 /  #158
The taller the man the better :)
The shorter the woman the better :) ...

Statistically that would lead to "shortening" of the society. The kids from tall fathers and short mothers are usually somewhere between.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
8 Apr 2011 /  #159
And no need for the woman to kneel....;)

Now I must take my mind out of the gutter :/
Marynka11  3 | 639  
8 Apr 2011 /  #160
Or just need to get laid :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
8 Apr 2011 /  #161
The missus has been away on holiday with the kids for the past week, but she is back tonight :) EXCITED :)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
8 Apr 2011 /  #162
Well, all I can say: enjoy!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
8 Apr 2011 /  #163
Average good height = 175 cm for the man; 165 cm for the woman

This isn't 1945 Lodz, 175cm is short for this day and age. A girl would look great at 175.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
8 Apr 2011 /  #164
Statistically that would lead to "shortening" of the society.

No... not really. I've seen tall parents give short (average) kids, and short parents give taller kids. Its about nutrition and some gene effect from past generations aswell. You cannot really decide these things beforehand.

And no need for the woman to kneel....;)

Umm ... actually it makes the woman look somehow more cuddly :)

I am not saying anything against any height ... just posted a view ... so lets not take it that far.
Ogien  5 | 237  
9 Apr 2011 /  #165
175cm is short for this day and age. .

I don't know. Maybe slightly short but most girls would consider that a decent height for a man (it's 5'9" roughly).
Natasa  1 | 572  
9 Apr 2011 /  #166
This isn't 1945 Lodz, 175cm is short for this day and age. A girl would look great at 175.


Pennboy you are wise as usual ;)
Lodz, I was 175 after elementary school.

I don't know. Maybe slightly short but most girls would consider that a decent height for a man

I heard some story about some Chinese guy, who lived trough hell, extending his legs, surgeons succeeded to make them 12 cm longer, and his words of triumph after that torture :" Now when I'm 162 cm nobody can say that I'm short".

Everything is relative.
In Asia 175 cm can be giants height.
In most of the Europe probably causing some problems.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
10 Apr 2011 /  #167
175cm is short for this day and age.

I guess I'm considered a midget then. ;)

I heard some story about some Chinese guy.

I've seen stories like that, too. They literally can't get jobs if they're too short. They get their legs lengthened in order to work and make a living.
beckski  12 | 1609  
10 Apr 2011 /  #168
I guess I'm considered a midget then

I'm the shortest female in my family at 5'6
Ogien  5 | 237  
10 Apr 2011 /  #169
In most of the Europe probably causing some problems.

I don't know about MOST of Europe but some particular parts of Europe, yes.

In America, a 5'9 man (175 cm) will definitely do just fine.
southern  73 | 7059  
10 Apr 2011 /  #170
Yes,Americans are a bit shorter than western and eastern Europeans this is true.
reza_risky  1 | 4  
19 Sep 2011 /  #171
I thought that you are generally about 170cm. !
teflcat  5 | 1024  
19 Sep 2011 /  #172
Throughout the 1990's I taught summer school in England, and every year I saw the visiting Japanese and Chinese kids get taller and taller as their diets changed from fish and rice to meat, meat meat. Does tall=better?

beckski  12 | 1609  
20 Sep 2011 /  #173
Does tall=better?

In some cultures taller & lighter complexion are considered better.
legend  3 | 658  
20 Sep 2011 /  #174
I am 6ft (roughly 183cm if I remember).
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
20 Sep 2011 /  #175
almost every polish male i see in toronto measures 5'10"-6'

most females 5'6"-5'8"
beckski  12 | 1609  
21 Sep 2011 /  #176
most females 5'6"-5'8"

The scale above includes myself. Even taller with high-heels. No midgets in my Polish family :)
Natasa  1 | 572  
21 Sep 2011 /  #177
most females 5'6"-5'8"

beckski: The scale above includes myself.

I'm taller than you. Tanananaaaaaa :P :P ;)

But you have big , bigger and biggest boobs, I think that is somehow more relevant? :(
loc_kanika  - | 19  
21 Sep 2011 /  #178
This question reminds me of this video- liveoncampus.com/wire/show/3053983 dedicated To Every Polish Person!
beckski  12 | 1609  
22 Sep 2011 /  #179
I guess when the good lord was passing out height, I happened to be standing in the wrong line :(
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
22 Sep 2011 /  #180
The scale above includes myself. Even taller with high-heels. No midgets in my Polish family :)

I've met one polish girl in my old job, who stood at 5'1"

her name was Basia :D

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