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Polish person's average height?

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
2 May 2010 /  #121
Your ignorant claim that 5'9" is definitely not the average for Americans probably had something to do with it. I apologize if I sounded a bit hateful...

Fair enough, I re-read it and see how it could've been perceived that way, not my intention.

I get measured on the good 'ole weight/hight scale but also some newer machines that looks like laser point markers, can't explain it well enough. When I was getting out of the active duty I thought about a sting flying for Japan Airlines and did their "astronaut" medical at the Mayo Clinic; I ended up joining the Guard instead but their results were the same.

I don't know but military is very picky when it comes to their tests. Heck, just the color vision test is a nightmare for some, more than 25% fail their test (less than 3% of women - would explain why what's blue to a guy becomes indigo or periwinkle to a woman ;)

Either way, I don't know the statistics but those are my perceptions.
10 May 2010 /  #122
I'm a bit taller then 6. Average for male is about 5'9" and for female about 5'4" I think. But who cares.
mikepasek  - | 3  
21 May 2010 /  #123
im 3rd gen american and am very short(5'8" or 172 cm) comapred to others my age(20) im half polish and half german. I hate it cause people think im 16 years old. am i normal to polish standards?
Vanilla  - | 6  
23 May 2010 /  #124
1.The Dinaric Serbs(185 cm on average)
2.The Dutch(185 cm in young men,172 cm in young women)

Very interesting! Thanks!

But Dutch are said to be growing faster that any other population in the world!

For USA I am sure that the average height for women is 163 cm and for men 176 cm because there are tables for that.

France: average 162 cm for women - 172 cm for men (not 100% sure, will have to check).

Women are said to grow faster today than men (hormones?, certainly yes for the progesterone if taken young, more sportive way of life? yes, better food? yes, women were not eating to feed the hungry husbands and straving kids... not eating meat etc...)
24 May 2010 /  #125
Bratwurst Boy

I would like to give you some 'empirical' data from my close environment, so you maybe wont doubt statistics offered by Wikipedia and other sources.

I am, like you can see from my nickname, female, and my height is 184 cm. My best male friends are all taller than 190 cm. My aunts , born in 40's are 176cm, 177 cm and 174 cm. My mother is really short, 171cm, so i want use her as an example:)

People from Dinaric area are really in average very tall, both male and female. There are small differences between Dinaric origin Serbs and other Serbs who have in average less cm's.

Greetings from Belgrade,
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
24 May 2010 /  #126
I am, like you can see from my nickname,

Ha...tell that "Skotja", "Szarlotka" or "Mare Garea"...for me they are all girls (after their nicks)....
24 May 2010 /  #127
Very original Spitzname, Bratwurst, respect:)

Now, a quote from THE BEST german (prussian??) Band....


"To short, to tall
Doesn’t matter, one size fits all
Zu gross, zu klein
Der Schlagbaum sollte oben sein
Schönes Fräulein, Lust auf mehr
Blitzkrieg mit dem Fleischgewehr
Schnaps im Kopf, du holde Braut
Steck Bratwurst in dein Sauerkraut"

At least, regarding my nickname, you know how slavic names sound in Nominative.

Not to go away from the polish topics, for nation who brought up one Leszek Kolakowski I have only positive thoughts and feelings.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
24 May 2010 /  #128
Very original Spitzname, Bratwurst, respect:)

Thank you but it was one of the PFers who gave it to me as I was all new and fresh here...I liked it!

Now, a quote from THE BEST german (prussian??) Band....


YEAH! :)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 May 2010 /  #129
My mother is really short, 171cm

What a land.
13 Jun 2010 /  #130
where people eat and live healthy are heigher.eat standard is very much linked with the standard of living in cuntry.nomad and livestock people are heigher,like in dinarid mountains.croatia-176cm,south croatia-179cm,slovenia-178cm,montenegro-180cm,nederlands-181cm,germany -178cm,italy-174cm,france-175cm.

more you go east and south are people smaller.
Ogien  5 | 237  
7 Jul 2010 /  #131
For the record, 172 cm is not quite at the 5'8" mark.

Also, that is not considered very short. Maybe you're shorter than what you're saying? Either that, or the guys in your particular area are just really tall.

Average height for a white American is about 5'9.5" which is around 176/177 cm.
Swedish guy  
19 Aug 2010 /  #132
Hi everyone! :)

I'm a guy coming from the North Europe - Scandinavia, to be more precise: I'm from Sweden, one of the world's tallest everage-height-country (maybe top5 ?)

and the thing is: I have moved to Poznan here in Poland and the first thing I noticed is that: Polish guys are not that much shorter than the Swedish guys.

I'm 180 cm and to be a Swedish, I'm pretty short because most of my friends (young ppl), they are kind of 190 cm tall.

It's quite normal for a young guy to be 185 cm in Sweden. My girlfriend's father is almost 2 meters tall so everytime I meet him, I feel very short hahaha

So my conclusion is: If the everage height for Swedish young guys is: 183 cm

The Polish young guys should be like: 181 cm

If you want to talk about old ppl, then I don't know because they have their own category for me.


And about the girls? Young girls I mean.

Hmm, most of the young girls I've seen here i Poznan is like: 170 cm, some can be a bit shorter but otherwise, they are standing tall at 170 cm.

It can be different in other places in Poland I guess

So I can only compare Sweden and Poland.

Swedish ppl are definitely taller than the Norwegian, Danish and Finnish and ofc German

But I'm short to be a Swedish tho :/
20 Aug 2010 /  #133
Average height for women is 168 cm. Don't know how many inches is it. Its from 60s statistics still used fot clothing industry.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
20 Aug 2010 /  #134
Average height for women is 168 cm.

that's an average?
that's just gigantism ...lol
20 Aug 2010 /  #135
that's an average?

yes there were antorpometric surveys in 60s and average women is 168 cm. I don't remember other measurments. We can be only taller than that now :)

that's just gigantism ...lol

gigantism? I'm 168-170 cm tall (depends on day time) and I don't consider myself as a tall person.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
20 Aug 2010 /  #136
Swedish ppl are definitely taller than the Norwegian, Danish and Finnish and ofc German



Country av male height av female height

Sweden 1.779 m 1.646 m

Germany 1.810 m 1.670 m

Norway 1.797 m 1.672 m

Finland 1.800 m 1.660 m

Denmark 1.803 m

It seems every one of the aforementioned countries is taller than Sweden... ;)
21 Aug 2010 /  #137
@Bratwurst boy,

eeeehmmm, so you compared young ppl from other countries with Swedish older-man?

What a douchebag

If you want to correct others, don't fail then!

Sweden 1.815 m (5 ft 11 1⁄2 in) 1.668 m (5 ft 5 1⁄2 in) 20–29 Measured 2008 [56]

I talked about young ppl, and not older ppl, so learn to read and don't post anything with older ppl here.

I rest my case.
21 Aug 2010 /  #138
Bratwurst Boy

One question to you:

Who do you think will have the best opportunity to be tallest?
The elder generation or the younger?

And what will happen if you compare these two groups? Of course the younger will be taller than the elder and that is just logical.

It is not cool to post misleading statistics, it's called: "You have failed"
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Aug 2010 /  #139
I have written that average female height in Poland is 167 cm,in CR 168 cm,in Serbia 168 cm,in Sweden 170 cm and in Netherlands 172 cm.This comes from my local observations.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12020  
21 Aug 2010 /  #140
eeeehmmm, so you compared young ppl from other countries with Swedish older-man?

It is not cool to post misleading statistics, it's called: "You have failed"

Yeah...you are correct of course...swedish men are known for whithering away from their average height later in life....they get tiny! One has to look down if looking for an older man.

How could I forget that!!! *slaps forehead* And as everybody can see Swedes are so NOT "definitely taller" than Norwegian, Danish, Finnish or "of course" Germans.

Older or younger...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
21 Aug 2010 /  #141
Bratwurst Boy i think Swedish and Miroslav are the same person and are trying to gang up on you :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Aug 2010 /  #142
It's quite normal for a young guy to be 185 cm in Sweden.

I am 1.86 and I'm an average length guy in the Netherlands. My brother is 2 metres. Two friends of mine 2.01 and 2:05 metres, a cousin 1.97 metres. Girls are on average somewhere around 1.75 metres. But then again, the Dutch are the tallest ppl in the world.


M-G (tiens)
Jeanne d'Arc  
21 Aug 2010 /  #143
For me, I'm from France and therefore, not so tall, just 174 -.-

But I have been in Germany, Norway and Sweden and also some other countries like Italy, Spain and so on

As I could see (just normal observations), the Swedish seemed to be tallest and then came the Germans or the Norway (Norwein or how do you spell it?). The Italien were a bit taller than the spanish I think.

Hmm, and I would love to go to Holland to see how tall they are :-) and also the polish because this thread is about polish people, am I right?
Ogien  5 | 237  
25 Aug 2010 /  #144
What's interesting is that Americans were the tallest back in the WWII era. Nowadays, a lot of Europeans are taller than us which is probably due to nutrition.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
25 Aug 2010 /  #145

What's interesting is that Americans were the tallest back in the WWII era. Nowadays, a lot of Europeans are taller than us which is probably due to nutrition.

Nutrition? Probably due to Latin immigration. Also northeasters are short by American standards.
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Aug 2010 /  #146
The point is that US white Caucasians are shorter than their euro equivalents and there is explanation for that.
Natasa  1 | 572  
25 Aug 2010 /  #147
But then again, the Dutch are the tallest ppl in the world.

According to wikipedia they are not.


" ....In the late nineteenth century, the Netherlands was a land renowned for its short population, but today it has the second tallest average in the world, with young men averaging 183 cm (6'0 ft) tall and in Europe are only shorter than the peoples of the Dinaric Alps (a section largely within the former Yugoslavia), where males average 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) tall. The Dinarians and the Dutch are now well known in Europe for extreme tallness...."

Netherlands 1.808 m (5 ft 11 in) 1.678 m (5 ft 6 in) 20+ Self-reported 2008 [45]
Netherlands 1.843 m (6 ft 1⁄2 in) 1.702 m (5 ft 7 in) 25-34 Self-reported 2008 [45

Dinaric Alps 1.856 m (6 ft 1 in) 1.710 m (5 ft 7 1⁄2 in) 17 Measured 2005

Like it matters...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Aug 2010 /  #148
Polish people must be the tallest because I can't tell you how often I've heard the expression, "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot Pole". :)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
25 Aug 2010 /  #149
"I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot Pole".

Hahahahahahahaha! :D

This will be finding its way to the Funniest Post of the Day thread!
Ogien  5 | 237  
26 Aug 2010 /  #150
Nutrition? Probably due to Latin immigration.

I thought immigration was the reason too until I read in the article that the study did not include Americans of Asian or Hispanic descent.

Americans were the tallest for hundreds of years until the 1950s. This is the time when the Dutch and others surpassed us.

During the 1700s, American men were on average 2 inches taller than British men.

Also northeasters are short by American standards.

Where the hell did you get the idea that people in the northeast are shorter than other Americans?

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