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Looking for people (or relatives) who have shared my mother's WW2 experiences

BGallard  1 | -  
13 Jan 2010 /  #1
My mother has quite murky past, but I am trying to build up a picture that would explain some of her later behaviour. I know that she was Polish and had to leave German occupied France, where her father had been working. I suspect she was Jewish, but was never prepared to admit it. Like many others she and her family went through Hendaye, then onto Lisbon and Lorenço Marques, where they boarded a boat for Mauritius. As far as I understand it, they went there because of family connections, but it is also clear that they were working for British intelligence, though I am not sure what this involved. I know that this is a fairly unique story, but I am anxious to speak to anyone who has themselves experienced at least a part of it, or more likely has a friend or relative who might have.

Any leads gratefully received.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
13 Jan 2010 /  #2
but it is also clear that they were working for British intelligence, though I am not sure what this involved.

how do you know this ?
have you been here: nationalarchives.gov.uk
Peter  3 | 248  
14 Jan 2010 /  #3
Is it hearsay or do you have some "proof" to confirm your belief that she work for British Intelligence?

My father served during WW2 was was believed to have been involved in intelligence activities. He was at the University of Lwow in 1939 and (like a lot of Poles) was fluent in German, Russian but he also spoke English, French and some Spanish. A lot of his friends and co-workers suspected he was involved with intelligence but that's all there was.........suspicion, no proof.
12 Dec 2010 /  #4

Loking for descendants of Edward and Michalna Rudnicki from Ludipol area. Children included Franciszek Born 1929 and Janina

Franciszek Rudnicki born 1912
Peter  3 | 248  
13 Dec 2010 /  #5
Do you know if they emigrated?

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