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Origin of surnames Szmul, Doner and Szubert

TAK1730  1 | 13  
4 Nov 2017 /  #1
I have these surnames in my family tree, all from the Łódź area. Thanks in advance.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Nov 2017 /  #2
Szmul is derived from a Jewish first name Szmul (Samuel).
The other two are polonised forms of Schubert (from German -shoemaker) and Donner (from German- thunder). Both used by people of German and Jewish origin.

Łódź was pretty multicultural in the past.
OP TAK1730  1 | 13  
4 Nov 2017 /  #3
So does that mean that my Szmul ancestor was a Jew?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Nov 2017 /  #4
I really don't know. I have never heard it used as a surname. As a first name, only by prewar Jews.
You would have to check their birth records etc.
In fact, Szubert and Doner might have also been used by Jews. Or Germans.
But Szmul is yiddish.
OP TAK1730  1 | 13  
4 Nov 2017 /  #5
It doesn't say much in their birth records.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Nov 2017 /  #6
They might have converted. The surname is still used in Poland according to moi krewni.pl. it's hard to say if all people with this name are Jewish.

Are the birth records prewar?
OP TAK1730  1 | 13  
4 Nov 2017 /  #7
The records are from the 1800s.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Nov 2017 /  #8
Don't they state the religion? Are they in Polish or English?
OP TAK1730  1 | 13  
5 Nov 2017 /  #9
No religion is stated.
jon357  72 | 23529  
17 Nov 2017 /  #10
In fact, Szubert and Doner might have also been used by Jews.

Doner can be a Jewish name. The (very nice) family who run Double Two are called Doner. Not sure if they came to Yorkshire from Poland or elsewhere though.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Origin of surnames Szmul, Doner and SzubertArchived