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Old street map of Tarnowitz / Tarnowskie góry required. Can anyone help?

4 Mar 2013 /  #1
Afternoon all.

Some time back I requested a map of koingshutte/Chorzow and "The other" was very helpful in this.

I've now traced my family to Tarnowitz in 1943. Does anybody have an of street map of this town that they are willing to share?

Thanks for any help

Kind regards

13 Mar 2013 /  #2
Hello Bernie:

I am currently doing research on my family in Tarnowitz as well. I live in the US and am planning a visit there. My grandfather was councilman of the town and my grandmother is from Koenigshuette.

I would like to talk to you more in person. Where do you live and how can I contact you in person? Do you have a personal email address?

Looking forward to your reply,

OP Bernie1979  
3 Apr 2013 /  #3
Good afternoon Carmen

Search for me in Facebook Chris Brylka (leicestershire) and send me a message and I'll see if there is anyway I can help you.

This site was very helpful in obtaining a copy of an old map of Konigshutte and I have also managed to obtain copies of orginal certificates by contacting the archives in Czestochowa for the region m family came from (Guttentag/Dobrodzien) and also my Grandfather and Great Grandfather worked in Konigshutte and I managed to obtain marriage certificates feom the registry office in Chorzow or the Katowice archives (for chorzow) if more than 100 years. Less than 100 years then you will need someone in Poland who can obtain the copies on your behelf with a "power of attorney" as Polish law will not post offical documents less than 100 years to an address outside of the Polish border.

LDS church (family search) also have a good archive on the records. Tarnowitz Catholic church records are available on their site for free, but not Chorzow/Konighsutte.


10 Jan 2014 /  #4

My father was interned in a concentration camp in Chorzow called ***********. Have you heard of it? If so do you know what part of town it is located in. My email is dubielfamily4@gmail .

Thank you,

Dan Dubiel
Paulina  19 | 4558  
12 Jan 2014 /  #5
My father was interned in a concentration camp in Chorzow called ***********. Have you heard of it? If so do you know what part of town it is located in.

It would be helpful if you'd given the name of the camp instead of stars.
I'm not sure if you mean Bismarckhütte camp (Auschwitz branch) or Polenlager 209 (Polenlager Königshütte).
I suspect both don't exist anymore.
Bismarckhütte camp was liquidated in 1945. I don't know if any buildings remained but apparently this was the location (the star on the map of Chorzów on the right):

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Old street map of Tarnowitz / Tarnowskie góry required. Can anyone help?Archived