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OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Dec 2015 /  #61
KOSZYKOWSKI: root-word koszyk (basket); probably topopnymc from Koszyków or Koszykowo (Basketville); Pielesz c-o-a:
10 Oct 2016 /  #62
I don't know much about genealogy but have always been curious. Once when I told a polish professor what my maiden name was, he said, "Oh, an aristocratic name". And ever since then I've been curious. My father's grandparents came from Warsaw and settled I think in New Jersey but I can't be sure. But after reading all the posts about peasants adding the 'ski' suffix maybe that's what happened but I don't like to think so. I went all through school in the south with my name and it may sound funny but I'd sure like to think there's a chance there's royalty in my family because in my book my Grandfather was a King! Thanks for tips on websites to check out too.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Oct 2016 /  #63
There were two gentry (szlachta) lines amongst the Rychlińskis. For more info please contact me.
wojciechmak  - | 1  
14 Oct 2016 /  #64
I have an extensive list of noble families from Galicia, now Malopolska.
It's all handwritten about a 100 years ago, so I can't put it here, but I can check if the last name is on the list for free.

Most of these names have extensive nobility court files from years 1887-1855 that I have access to.

For Rychlinski there are nobility court files of the following:

Rychlinska Agnieszka de Wiszniewskie
Rychlinskie de Franciszka v. Korbecka
Rychlinska Salomea
Rychlinski Stanislaw

If you need more info just message me at:
26 Oct 2016 /  #65
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2016 /  #66
GUMIŃSKI: root-word gumno (storage shed where harvested grain was kept prior to threshing; also the adjacent area where grain was flailed).
25 Nov 2016 /  #67

It's great to see so much knowledge in this forum. Would anyone be able to offer any information on my surname


Many thanks

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Nov 2016 /  #68

REKOWSKI: toponymic nick from one fo several localities called Rekowo. Seven szlachta (gentry) lines belonging to the Abdank, Bojcza, Dorzym, Rakowski and Trzy gwiazdy clans plus an own-name clan/coat of arms.You can see 9 different versions thereof at:

3 Dec 2016 /  #69
Hello, i would be happy if anyone could help me with my surename. Keblaitis i do understand that it's lithuanian, (don't quite understand how to convert it back to how it should be written in polish) but my grandfather told me that it's old and comes from Poland or somewhere near Lithuania. Anything will help. Thanks!
gumishu  15 | 6228  
4 Dec 2016 /  #70

it does not resemble any modern Polish word of Slavic origin - the nearest thing I can think of is chełbać which means more or less to swing, rock or also wobble
Ironside  50 | 13046  
4 Dec 2016 /  #71
Keblaitis i do understand that it's lithuanian, (don't quite understand how to convert it back to how it should be written in polish)

Kełbowicz, Kęłbowski ....... no idea - ask someone who knows Lithuanian.
8 Mar 2017 /  #72
My German mother had the family name von Wryzc Reckowsky. The family is originally from Rekowo, then as forestry officers from Borntuchen near Bytow and eventually ended up in Berlin during WWII. I have seen other family names in the family treevariously Reckowski, Rekowski and even Wryzc, Writz, Fritzen, Wryzca. Does anyone have a access to a book of the family history.
MrComric  4 | 26  
9 Mar 2017 /  #73
Just to mention it, but I'm a resident from the Kingdom of Belgium and we have some recognized Polish noble families too, to give an example:

* the mother of our Queen was Anna Maria Komorowska, Countess d'Udekem d'Acoz.
We also have a real noble family that was recognized into our own nobility:
Swiatopelk-Czetwertynski, this is a family that came to Belgium with their noble letters and applied for admission into the Belgian nobility. In 2007 they were accepted with the title of Prince and Princess.

Ps.: As my fiancée is a linguist, she told me that the suffix -ski mostly refers to people from the nobility, as Poland was one of the countries with the highest number of noblemen per capita. Exceptions are for people who have a patronyme: Markowski, Janowski, ... But note that some of these surnames are used by noble families! An example is the family 'Jakubowski', which is a family with the title of baron.
5 May 2018 /  #74
I am looking for information on two family names. My grandfather was born in Vilna, with the family name of Pielecki (in the USA Pieleski). My grandmother was born in Galicia, and her Austrian passport listed her family name as Kapala. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
8 Sep 2018 /  #75
Hi there. I am interested in finding out more about our Polish side that immigrated to New Zealand in the 1870's. Johann Wiski arrived 1875 travelling from Hamburg and gave his residence as Grobowo, Posen (Poznan).

Also the families of Noffke and Albertine Birr (Lebork, Pomeranian Voivodeship).

I am wondering regarding the meanings of names and any links/websites etc or other information that I might be able to research.

Thank you
Ironside  50 | 13046  
8 Sep 2018 /  #76

It looks like that name had been cut to fit anglophone ability to pronounce it. Either done by your Johann or by immigration official or both. Could be is a real name but that would not a very common or a typical name. I'm not an expert. Polonius doesn't post here anymore.

Grobowo, Posen (Poznan).

Grabowo Krolewskie - you can google it.
Josef p  
22 Feb 2019 /  #77
My family name is Petelski.
I would appreciate any help on tracing this name.
Thank you in advance.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133  
22 Feb 2019 /  #78
Can we stop this stupid ski discussion.......it means nothing anymore......and no,you are certainly not of noble blood just because your name ends in ski.....
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #79
"-ski" could be a mark of nobility as well, but it's also a very Jewish-Polish or other Jewish-Slavic suffix.

No dear, today we call it cultural appropriation.
Josef p  
23 Feb 2019 /  #80
Not interested in nobility. Just interested in family history before the migration to Australia. As an english speaker, I am not sure how to go about family search in Poland.
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #81
cultural appropriation.

Absolutely, and its a real problem.

For example: listverse.com/2017/01/03/top-10-nazi-collaborators-who-were-jews/

Top 10 Nazi Collaborators Who Were Jews

- Jozef Szerynski did not like being a Jew. After fighting in the Russian army during World War I, he tried to distance himself from the Jews by changing his birth name from Josef Szynkman to Jozef Andrzej Szerynski.

- After overseeing two mass deportations that caused the deaths of 254,000 Jews, Szerynski committed suicide using cyanide in January 1943.

So there you go. And this guy isn't even ranked number 1 on the list!

Some of the worst perpetrators of WWII atrocities were self-loathing Jewish collaborators cloaking themselves with Polish names.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / POLISH NOBILITY NAMES IN -SKIiArchived