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Museum of Apiculture in Warsaw

LaisLewicki  1 | 2  
12 Oct 2010 /  #1

I'm hoping that perhaps one of you can point me in the right direction. Well, searching the web for my great great grandfather's name (Kazimierz Lewicki), I have found this website:

chronologia.pl/osoba-leka18470304u0-pl.html (just add the w w w, as a new member, I can't post links)

Count me as a hopeless otimist, but my grandfather claims that my Kazimierz Lewicki was a beekeeper who lived and died at around the same time as the one in this website and who lived in Warsaw for a while. So I thought that they might be the same person but I can not find any further information on this, as I do not speak Polish. I was hoping someone could find me some contact information for this Museum, if there is a museum out there still, or perhaps if someone could find me information on this Kazimierz Lewicki's family, such as wife's name or children's name. With that, I can easily affirm if he's the same man or not. I was hoping to get this information and maybe (hopefully) show this to my grandfather as a nice surprise.

Anyway, I appreciate any help you can give me.
12 Oct 2010 /  #2
There is wiki page about Stanisław Lewicki


"Stanisław Lewicki (born 1853 in Borodziłówka, died in 1933 in £awki, near £uków ) Polish national activist. He was son of Adam (fighter in January Uprising, owner of £awki and Rogale). He had brother Kazimierz Lewicki, famous bee-keeper and author of a few books, and two sisters Ludwika and Maria.

In 1892 he bought encumbered estate from his brother Kazimierz, of £awki near £uków."

If Kazimierz was born March 4, 1847 (died May 27, 1902, according to your link), it looks like he inherited their father's estate as an older brother which makes sense.

There is no Apiculture Museum in Warsaw. There is one outside of Warsaw but it need more research.
OP LaisLewicki  1 | 2  
12 Oct 2010 /  #3
I'll check into this information, thanks.

Perhaps it's best that I add a little more information about my family.

Kazimierz Lewicki married Helena Krupecka De Rogalla Lewicki (not sure about the spelling). According to my grandfather, they had four children: Kazimierz, Mieczyslaw(my great grandfather) and two daughters. Mieczyslaw joined the Russian Army a little before the Russian Japanese War in 1904, he was stationed in a war prison in Syberia and was awarded a silver medal with the face of Nicholas II. He came to Brazil with Kazimierz (his brother) in 1906, they arrived in Rio de Janeiro.

My grandfather estimates that my greatgrandfather, Mieczyslaw was born in the 1880's.

It seems to me that if my greatgreatgrandfather is indeed this famous beekeeper, than I would be related to this Stanislaw you send me the link to. I wish I had a better way to confirm it. (over the internet, I mean, being in Brazil limits my options a bit)

Thank you for your help, if you can find anything else, I would be really grateful.

I found an article on the Kazimierz Lewicki from the Museum


But I'm still very confused on this... I'm really starting to convince myself that there were two Kazimierz living in Warsaw at the same time working with bee-keeping. The article doesn't say anything about spouses, children or how he died.

My grandfather tells me that my Kazimierz went blind from a blow to the head, he fell of his horse or carriage. I believe he died a few years after going blind.
anabee  - | 2  
13 Oct 2010 /  #4
I found another Kazimierz Lewicki, who was a general in Russian army under the tsar
there's a photo of him here - mowiawieki.pl/artykul.html?id_artykul=492 but no mentioning of bees with him.

The beekeeping Kazimierz Lewicki is apparently a prominent figure in the history of the industry. There is a magazine devoted to apiculture, I bet they will have some expert on him. If you want I'll write to them and ask if they can point us to a more detailed biography of the beekeeping gentleman to confirm names of the spouse and children?

best, ana
jonni  16 | 2475  
13 Oct 2010 /  #5
You might try the apiculture museum near Poznań - they have some historical stuff. Here's a link to it - it's called the Skansen Pszczelarski in Swarzędz and one of my favourite museums.

OP LaisLewicki  1 | 2  
13 Oct 2010 /  #6

I would really appreciate it if you could write the magazine for me. It would be really helpful, I haven't found much on the personal life of this beekeeping Kazimierz.


Thanks for the link, I had already visited it and sent them an e-mail in English, hopefully they'll get back to me soon.
13 Oct 2010 /  #7
"W swojej działalności nawiązuje do blisko 130 – letniej tradycji polskiego muzealnictwa rolniczego. Jest kontynuatorem i niejako spadkobiercą powstałego w 1875 roku w Warszawie Muzeum Przemysłu i Rolnictwa, którego zbiory uległy niemalże całkowitemu zniszczeniu w 1939 roku."

On the page about history it said that this museum is a continuation of the museum established in 1875 in Warsaw, but the collection was mostly destroyed in 1939.
zenbor  - | 1  
29 Nov 2010 /  #8
Hi! I have a lot of information on the following Kazimierz Lewicki benches founder of the Museum of Apiculture in the baskets in Warsaw. Kazimierz Lewicki 1847 - 1902, married to Helena Krupecką 1855 -1 905 of their children Helena, Mieczyslaw, Jadwiga, Casimir. Kazimierz railway engineer who was married to Jadwiga Cichińską lived in Brazil . Their children and Wieńczysław-Casimir died in 1984 he was professor of physics in London. Is the family interested lady, if so please contact me?
21 Mar 2011 /  #9
By sheer accident I just found this series of blogs where you were looking for Kazimierz Lewicki -I am writing from Canada.
Stanislaw, Kazimierz's brother, was my great-grandfather. There was a statue erected a couple of years ago to commemorate his (Kazimierz's) work in Lukow - a town in the Lublin region of eastern Poland. I have a DVD of the ceremony as my uncle is a major family historian -(ie he films and photographs everything...) except that i dont have the equipment to copy it - yet...

Based on the information in all the exchanges I have read between you and your correpspondents this is definitely the same Kazimierz.
As for me - my name is Elzbieta (Becia) Lewicka - Chodkowska. My father, Zbigniew, was one of nine children of Adam - one of Stanislaw's sons and nephew to Kazimierz.

I was born in England in 1947 - in an army camp - my Dad had been in General Anders' 2nd Army Corps - and fought in the Italian Campaign. Mother had been in the Resistance and had participated in the Warsaw Uprising and sent to German POW camp before going to Italy in 1946 and there meeting our father. He had been captured in 1939 and imprisoned by the Soviets in Kolyma - one of the deadliest of gulags - 11 time zones east of Poland - nearer to Alaska (you can see his sketches of this period at the website address lewicki-diary.com - this website is not complete yet as I plan to include the english translation of his diary - but it will give you an idea of a forgotten aspect of history of Poles from WWII where over 1.5 million families and individuals were arrested under false pretences and deported from Poland and dispersed throughout Siberia. Under the pact in 1941 between the Allies where Stalin switched fronts, an "amnesty" was granted - and those Poles that could manage it made their way to Uzbekistan where the POlish Army was being formed - and ultimately evacuated to Iran and Iraq. But maybe you know of this? Most of us who immigrated to Canada in the 1950's (and many to the USA and South America) were products of the war in Europe.

I wonder how did you come to be interested in this family history? Do you have any relatives in Canada or the US? It seems to me I once met a Krzysztof Lewicki who had come to Canada from South America in the 60's with his family but I am not sure.

I would love to hear from you further as I am sure would a huge network of us cousins both here in canada - but even greater in Poland. Wow a South American connection - that is really something! My email address is bchodkowski@yahoo.ca.
29 Aug 2011 /  #10
Hello, Becia and Lais,

I am interested in Lewicki family because my great-grandfather's sister, Maria nee Gutt, in 1850 married a Stanislas Lewicki aged 34, Rogalla coat of arms, son of Walenty Lewicki and Joanna Fleischmann, owners of Regow near Kozienice.

The sister of that Stanislas was Katarzyna (Kathrine) who married Edward Plewinski. I don't know of any other children of Walenty and Joanna, but it doesn't mean they had only two.

So far it doesn't match with your line of the bee-keeper Kazimierz and the politician Stanislas. But Maria Lewicki (nee Gutt) had a nephew - Jan Stanislas Gutt (1871-1932) - who was educated by Kazimierz Lewicki at the bee-keeping courses in his Apiculture Institute in Warsaw in the beginning of 1890s. Then, Kazimierz Lewicki sent Jan Stanislas to Serbia as an expert in order to train the serbian peasants in bee-keeping. And that may be a coincidence, but it may also be that Kazimierz's father, Adam Lewicki, and Maria's husband, Stanislas son of Walenty, were brothers...and possibly Kazimierz and Jan Stanislas were Maria Gutt's nephews from different families?

So, could you please verify whether Adam Lewicki, who was your Stanislas and Kazimierz's father, was a son of Walenty Lewicki and Joanna Fleischman, or was it a quite different branch of the Lewicki Family?

Best regards,
Tom Gutt (tomgutt@gmail)
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 Aug 2011 /  #11
LEWICKI: form Hebrew name Levi

GUTT: from German/Yiddish meaning either good or a grange (manorial farm).

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