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Anyone live in this area (former Germany) -any info on birth records for the early 1900s

MartAnthony  2 | 38  
9 Jan 2011 /  #1
was...Kunersdorf, Schlesien, Germany
now...Brzezia Laka, Wroclawski, Dolnoslaskie, Poland abtout . 15km east of (was called Breslau) 2010 called Wroclaw
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
10 Jan 2011 /  #2
yes, the area was german

there are some old records in wroclaw, but that's as much as i know.
OP MartAnthony  2 | 38  
10 Jan 2011 /  #3
Yes I know it was german but I think the town is still there and there must be a church. And I am sure i have the new name right.

Brzezia Laka, Wroclawski, Dolnoslaskie, Poland .. about 15km east of Wroclaw.

I am looking for records from 1890 to 1920. My great grandfather was a ranch forman in this area. And had about 10 kids who I am sure were born here but it would be nice to have records.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
10 Jan 2011 /  #4
I am looking for records from 1890 to 1920.

Look in Germany because Germans took what they could, blueprints,plans, maps, records or destroyed!
You have better chance there!


Or you can ask there :

Rzym.-Kat. Parafia p.w.
św. Mikołaja

Brzezia £ąka
ul. Kościelna 12
55-093 Kiełczów
tel: 71/314-82-70
19 Jan 2011 /  #5
Brzezia Laka is on my way home. Let me know how I could help you. Tom
21 Feb 2011 /  #6
My grandfather was born in Jankowo, Germany or Poland? One record shows Germany, and another shows Poland. Has anyone ever heard of this town and where is it located today?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
21 Feb 2011 /  #7
Look in Germany because Germans took what they could, blueprints,plans, maps, records or destroyed!

If you lived, let's say in Warsaw and your town would be about to be occupied by the Germans or the Russians (or anyone at all), wouldn't you take what's yours with you?

I bet you would.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Feb 2011 /  #8

take your pick
OP MartAnthony  2 | 38  
4 Mar 2011 /  #9
Brzezia Laka is on my way home. Let me know how I could help you. Tom

I am looking for info on Schikora born from 1890 to about 1910 in this area. I know them lived on a ranch near this town.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Anyone live in this area (former Germany) -any info on birth records for the early 1900sArchived