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Kuczynski family: Looking for Coat of Arms

17 Aug 2007 /  #1
Any suggestions to find my family's coat of arms? Kuczynski would be the surname. Of course, I can search the web but how do I know how accurate the results are. That's about it.
17 Aug 2007 /  #2
looks damn easy to me, found this one and four other pages with the same design on the 1st search :O)
19 Oct 2007 /  #3
my mothers name was Kuczynski .She was from Brooklyn
RysiekK  6 | 38  
23 Sep 2010 /  #4
Merged: Has anyone ever heard of my uncle...Janek Kuczynski?

He was an Olympic wrestler in the 60's for Poland and a medal winner! He was a great man that just passed recently.

Just curious if he was known in Poland .....
McCoy  27 | 1268  
23 Sep 2010 /  #5


At the age of 74 years died in Gdansk Jan Kuczynski , one of the pioneers of freestyle wrestling in Poland , the Olympian from Rome ( 1960) , finalist of the World Championships (1958 , 1959) . He was also a physical education teacher , coach, judge, activist .

He was born on January 7, 1935 in Vilnius. A graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education (1976). Eight- time national champion in classic style and free , in which he won in 1955 in the capital city of the academic title of world champion at the Youth Festival .

For outstanding sports achievements he was awarded , among others, Gold Cross of Merit ( 1976) and Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Officer and Polish Polonia Restituta (1986).

RysiekK  6 | 38  
24 Sep 2010 /  #6
Dziękuję !!!!

To był mój wujek! Moja mama straciła go, i 2 innych braci w 3 tygodnie !

RIP Wujek Janek

Please, keep to English Language in this thread. Thank you.

I cannot believe I used an S in Kuczynski! My mother is laughing ....which is great! She is so proud of her brothers!

Poland...it's in your blood...and I am proud to be Polish and always will be!

Thank you for the links...any other comments appreciated... He was a man I always looked up to. He visited the US for a few months, as did his wife. They were a married couple that could not stand being apart, true love is what they had. His wife ( my ciocia) was VERY ill just before Wujek Janek's death and he was beside her the entire time. She was only home for a few days after extensive heart surgery, that she barely survived. Wujek then died during breakfast at home with her. He did not suffer, Which I thank God for! I am proud of my family and what they have done for Poland ( LONG story) and cannot wait to move there to spend the rest of my life. I am lucky to have my cousin coming shortly to discuss the transition. He knows me well and, knows my love of Poland! I look at the pictures of me as a child in Poland visiting Babcia Antonia...and I appreciate my heritage and the history of my family. Well I promised to make the Bigos when my cousin arrives. He taught me to make it "properly" last vistit a few months ago. Looks like I'll be cooking for 3 days :)

And it was so hard for my mother ...we received a call EVERY week for 3 weeks ...one brother ...after another ...had passed...I cannot imagine her pain! I take care of her and will be bringing her to Poland, which is her dream!

I lost 3 uncle's that I loved and spoke to often. My heart still cries when I think of them.

Sorry to ramble...

I can speak and read Polish ....but I spared you my poor writing skills...for now :)

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
25 Sep 2010 /  #7
KUCZYŃSKI: topo nick from Kuczyn or Kuczyna; root-word kuczeć (to squat down in old Polish)
RysiekK  6 | 38  
25 Sep 2010 /  #8
Just wondering ...are you refering to wrestling,squatting and the name ?

Thanks for the breakdown of the name ...
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
25 Sep 2010 /  #9
No, the name emerged centuries ago, so the fact that your ancestor was amongst those who inherited it was a coincidence unconnected to his wrestling career. If you met a bloke named Bakerfield, you woudln't ask him if he bakes bread for a living or lives in a field, would you? Unless you wanted to be a poor man's comedian!
RysiekK  6 | 38  
26 Sep 2010 /  #10
I realize that the name has been inherited through history. It was just unclear to me if you were insulting him/the name or, just give me a bit of fact concerning the name.

If they were some facts for me to know ...thank you !

If not...well ... you should be able to understand how someone would feel concerning an insult on their family name.

I wish you the best, and hope I misunderstood your comment!
Maybe we can meet in Poland soon and discuss this in detail!

Thinking good thoughts...wishing you the best....

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