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Polish great grandparents (Lacinski, Latkowski, Laczynski, and even Watkofosky)

moralslacking  1 | 1  
25 Apr 2012 /  #1

I'm new here so forgive me if this post isn't perfect...I'm trying to trace my Polish roots. I have some info, records etc. The surname changes spelling on different documents and I don't know which one is correct anymore...I have a fairly good amount on my great grandmother, my great grandfather is a bit or a mystery still. I know their marriage date, her death date, I have her naturalization papers-which btw has her ship and date of arrival but I *cannot* find her, not sure if I am doing something wrong-I have some census records and a couple of other things.

His name has been spelled 3 ways so far...Lacinski, Latkowski, Laczynski, and even Watkofosky. His first name is Joseph, passed away April 12, 1941 in NY. He was born in Feb 1893.

Her name has been spelled several ways also, Victoria, Wiktoria, Wiktorje, and her surname has been spelled Stempkowska, Stenpkowska, Stanpkowska...I just don't know which is correct, I don't speak any Polish. A document says she is from Ciechanowo, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland...She was born May 4, 1895 and passed away Jan 1978 in Levittown NY.

There were 5 children; Celia b. 1914, Catherine b. 1916, Helen b. 1918, Regina b. 1922, Jane b. 1923 and Stella b. 1926 all in NY.

I have attached a few files I hope will help. If anyone can give me any info at all it was be so greatly appreciated, even if it is figuring out the *real* last name...I've been working on this for months now and can't get past this. Thank you so very much, any additional questions I would be happy to answer.


I have several files such as naturalization papers, census, arrival etc. I cannot post them here for some reason? I tried a few times to no avail...They have a lot of info, if someone wants to take a peek I would be glad to email them to you... Thank you again for taking the time to read this :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Apr 2012 /  #2
Ciechanowo, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland...She was born May 4, 1895

Strange as that area was German until 1945...
OP moralslacking  1 | 1  
25 Apr 2012 /  #3
Ahh! The only reference to Germany I have come across is her departure to the US. She left from Hamburg...All the other locations state Poland...
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
10 May 2012 /  #4

£ACIŃSKI: from łacina (Latin); It is possible that this was an attempt to spell £ączyński strictly by sound and it came out £ąciński

£ĄCZYŃSKI: topo nick from £ączna or £ączno

£ATKOWSKI: topo nick from £atków

WATKOFOSKY (???) probably WATKOFSKY -- an attempt to phonetically respell £atkowski for the benefit of Anglo-manglers..

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Polish great grandparents (Lacinski, Latkowski, Laczynski, and even Watkofosky)Archived