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Polish genome - are you familiar with it

1 Jul 2011 /  #1
On 14 April 2003, a document was published , confirming the completion of sequencing the genome with 99% accuracy of 99.99%. Since that time it was possible to do more acurate research about our Polish ancestry by Polish researchers .

According to genetic researchers , today`s Polish people are a blend of Slavic type and Nordic type ,which makes them very different from other Slav people..

. Poles belong to the nations with the highest incidence in Europe, haplogroup A1 r1

Researcher Semino was first to show the relationship with so called “ kurhanowcami” R1a1 (their descendants are the Scythians and Sarmatians later)

According to the Polish population of DNA tests, conducted at Warsaw Medical University in 2004, there is no obvious genetic stratification between the different descendants of the Polish population . Today the Poles have a similar genome, with a uniform admixture of genes of many nations.

Individuals of Polish nationality are more "genetically related" to each other than members of other European societies, where there are often greater differences between regions

In the second half of the tenth century, appears on the Polish territory a large number of Scandinavian warriors. Scandinavian influences during the early Polish state are clear and have been proven by researchers. Through these influences , the Poles were strongly distinguished from kinsmen from the east.

This influence of Nordic tribes on Polish Slavic tribes resulted in phenomenon that the northern parts of Poland are inhabited by people with lighter hair, eyes and skin color, as opposite to south, where the darker skin complexion and darker hair are dominating.which was caused by Roman Empire inhabitants moving to southern parts of today`s Poland..

Variety of anthropological types occurring in Poland before 1939 were mainly:consisting of the Nordic type, the Mediterranean, Alpine type and type Armenianoidal .

The most popular type occurring in the post-war Poland is a mixed type so called .- Subnordic

According to measurements made in 1955, in Poland, bright hair is characterized by 55.9%, and light colored eyes by 72.4% of the population.

Using a scale of Martin estimated the incidence of blue eyes (categories 16-12) to 45-50%, dark (categories 6-1) in approximately 20% of the people.

Hair color blonde (AP categories Fisher scale occur in approximately 20-25% of individuals, the darkest hair (the very black ) occur in very rare native Poles.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
2 Jul 2011 /  #2
Poland is likely Proto Nordic. The Nordic Phentoype has only been in Scandanavia about 3,000 or so years.
While Corded Nordics were in Poland, Russia & Ukraine long before that.

The Igenea genetic test said Poles were the most Teuton in Europe. Apparently Poland is 60 percent Teuton by genes but Germany is only 25 percent Teuton.

That pretty shows that Proto Nordics / Germanics started in Poland.

The Nordic Influence is not strong what so ever Poland.
There is low I1 haplogroup in Poland.

Poland is only 6 percent I1 haplogroup. While Sweden is 37 percent I1 haplogroup.

On the other hand Poland is 56 percent R1a & Sweden 22 percent R1a haplogroup & Norway as about 28 percent R1a with 35 percent R1a in some areas.

So Nordic Scandanavians are more mixed with us than we are with them

Czech Republic has nearly double I1 haplogroup of Poland
With 11 percent of Czech Republic having I1 haplogroup.

Which I think shows that the I! haplogroup in Poland is mostly Pre Nordic times.

Even Serbia has 6.5 percent I1 haplogroup higher than Poland.

Russia only has 5 percent I1 haplogroup & Ukraine even lower at 2 percent I1 haplogroup.

So, To me this supports that Vikings had almost no impact on Slavs & That most I1 haplogorup in Slavs is I1 haplogroup that was in Slavic Nations before Vikings & even maybe before Scandanavians went to Scandanavia.

I1 Haplogroup did start South of Scandanavia. It is still in debate to where it came from.
First they thought Ukraine & Now the most recent research says that Iberia is where I1 haplogroup started from.

But, I have personally always believed that I1 haplogroup likely started in the Eastern Alps near Slovenia, Austria & Czech Republic.

As the direct relative of I1 haplogroup is I2 haplogroup common in the Balkans. With the highest total Haplogroup I being in the Balkans.

The First Nation to have more I1 haplogroup than I2 is Austria. Czech Republic also does.

So, To me it seems likely that I1 started in the Eastern Alps.

Then I1 haplogroup is indeed quite high in Eastern Germany at abnout 19.5 percent. North Western Poland does have quite high I1.

But, It seems mosto f that I1 is Pre Viking times. Although a little Viking Mixture is likely. Just not much.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jul 2011 /  #3
Poles are a slavic variation close genetically to Ukrainians of western Ukraine.They have also a 10% east german teutonic mix.
Poles are very close genetically to each other due to inbreeding and the fact that their land has very few mountains and other physical obstacles to separate polulations.Czechs and Ukrainians have way more diversified features due to mixing.The polish experience is that you feel you are among the same people all the time.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
2 Jul 2011 /  #4
There are differences.
Here is a video of the Kołobrzeg Sunrise Festival

Here is a video of Base music club in Krakow

You can see that in the Krakow ones the Poles have longer noses & generally longer faces & a little darker features.

Most of the ones in the Krakow Base club would be classified as Noric, Dinaric & Pontid phenotypes.

While most of the ones in the Kołobrzeg Sunrise Festival would be classified as more West Baltic, Neo Danubian phenotypes.

But, All & All it seems the Noric Phenotype is common in all of Poland. You see alot of Norics in the Kołobrzeg Sunrise Festival video too.'

Yeah, True Poles are the most homogeneous nation in Central / Eastern Europe. Poles are more homogeneous than Scandanavians are too.

It is interesting that Poles have remained so Genetically pure.

For example Lithuania is 42 percent haplogroup N but Poland is as low as 0 percent N haplogroup in some studies & I believe the highest showed 4 percent N haplogroup for Poland.

The study that put Poland at 0 percent N Haplogorup put Germany at 1 percent N Haplogorup

Russia also has high Haplogroup N. Between 14 & 23 percent of Russia is Haplogroup N.

Also other Eastern Europeans generally have a little Haplogroup Q but Poland has 0 percent Q Haplogorup. For Example the Ukraine is 5 percent Haplogroup Q & Slovakia is 2.5 percent Q Haplogroup & Russia & Czech Republic are 1.5 percent Q haplgoroup

Germany & Lithuania have 0.5 percent Q Haplogroup.

Also other Slavs & Germans have more J & E1b1b haplogroups than Poles. These haplogroups are more linked to Near Easterners.

It is also Interesting that Poland has higher R1a than other Nations in Europe.

My theory is Poland stayed Pure because R1a started & spread in Europe from Poland.
As genetic evidence shows Poland has the oldest R1a haplogroup in Europe. That Russians & Ukrainians & Baltic people like Lithuanians & Latvians get their R1a haplogroup from Poles.

So My theory is Poles at one time were spreading out.

Then when Later invaders came the invaders mostly Assimilated Poles. Germans assimilated more Poles than Germans stayed in Poland.
Most Germans went back to Germany after WW1 & WW2
But, Alot of Poles were Germanized & Thus there is more Polish genes in Germany than the inverse.

It also seems Tatars & Mongols also generally assimilated Poles & other slavs instead of mixing in. As Tatars & Mongols have some R1a Haplogroup like Slavs

Yet, Slavs have no C & O haplogroups like Tatars & Mongols.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jul 2011 /  #5
My theory is that there was intermixing only between Germanics and Slavs in Poland and not any other tribe.There were no Celts,no Mediteraneans,no Alpic populations.So the collision between Teutons and Poles in the military field was accompanied by a similar collision in the genetic field where some slavic characteristics subdued the germanic ones while some few germanic characteristics prevailed.The result is that a Pole looks more germanic than an Ukrainian or Belarussian(who look hardcore Slavs) but considerably less germanic than a Czech(who also has a celtic mixture which cannot be hidden generally the Czechs have many layers and proclaim what suits them but behind the one layer(germanic) you find the other(slavic) but the Poles are sturdy and monolithic Slavs which is not bad.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
2 Jul 2011 /  #6
Having just returned from my travels in Poland, I can concur with the above statement, it strongly fits into my observations whilst traveling in Poland. I found this observation somewhat surprising, because i didn't think that there were any obvious differences, and instead i thought the population was going to be somewhat uniform in appearance across the whole country.

You can see that in the Krakow ones the Poles have longer noses & generally longer faces

I found the opposite to be the case, i found that the features I have highlighted you describe were more prominent in Northern Poland (not necessarily the longer noses but certainly the longer faces)
millen05  - | 1  
2 Jul 2011 /  #7
This can be wonderful for families who live far away from each other as it means you can actually see the face of the person you are talking to and converse in a fuller way than merely just by telephone. As it is free it should also drastically reduce your mobile phone costs as you will no longer need to run up large bills keeping in touch with loved ones.

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
2 Jul 2011 /  #8
A great suggestion, someone should put it into practice(:
OP Monia  
2 Jul 2011 /  #9
I never thought about those differences, and like you I thought that the Poles everywhere look the same. Although I must admit that a few people from abroad have asked me about similar differences they have noticed .

Now, as I wonder, however, these differences are. I noticed that in the south of Poland there is much higher percentage of people with dark complexion, and on the North it is rare. While on the north a large number of Polish have blond hair with fair skin,

Warszawa is difficult to determine, because during the war they were all expelled and then returned not necessarily indigenous population, only those who wanted to come. Kraków remained with the indigenous people so it's easier to observe.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jul 2011 /  #10
There are regional differences in Poland but they are difficult to explain.People in Krakow look the same as people in Lvov.People in Katowic look very close to people in Ostrava.People in Wroclaw look completely different from Katowic and they must have come from another region maybe more east.

People in Poznan have similarities to people in Berlin and in Gdynia they have the Baltic element.
However in Krakow there are many students from all over Poland so the place is not representative for the indigenous population of the region.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
2 Jul 2011 /  #11
Genetic distance from Poland:

Genetic cluster:


DNA tribes of Poland:

  • They put us very close to Russia in this one.
OP Monia  
2 Jul 2011 /  #12
Southern , could you stop to create some of your theories.

Whether in the article that I wrote, refers to a Germanic elements in the genome of Polish ? The term Nordic refers to the Nordic tribes from the Scandinavian peninsula, which ravaged the northern regions of Polish lands mixed with indigenous peoples, and therefore there is a significant Nordic pedigree in our genome .

We are not interested here about your Czech , Slovak and Ukrainian experiences coming out mainly of your dreams . This is really boring .
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jul 2011 /  #13
You don't have any specialized knowledge about genetics.Prove that scandinavian(nordic) DNA is not germanic.


Nordic race does not even exist scientifically. So you need first to have some knowledge about genetics before jumping into conclusions.
OP Monia  
2 Jul 2011 /  #14
read my posts , I mentioned about Nordic tribes , who said race ?
2 Jul 2011 /  #15
Individuals of Polish nationality are more "genetically related" to each other than members of other European societies

Say what??? Are you saying that Poles are more inbred than other European nations?

I could have expected that from Rebirth, Noimmigration or maybe Sobieski... but you Monia? Dissapointing...
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
2 Jul 2011 /  #16
Because R1a is oldesti n Europe in Poland. Alot of R1a genes left & spread from Poland but not many other genes went into Poland.

The evidence supports that Poles were actually the Aryan Kurgan people who spread Indo-European languages.

so, It seems that during the Neolithic time period Poland was a dominant area. in Europe
2 Jul 2011 /  #17
So, let's sum your research up!

1. We're inbred:

Individuals of Polish nationality are more "genetically related" to each other than members
of other European societies

2. We were shagging all those other tribes' chicks (and ours at the same time),
whilst not many foreign guys were shagging our chicks:

Alot of R1a genes left & spread from Poland but not many other genes went into Poland.

3. We are the real Aryans:

Poles were actually the Aryan Kurgan people who spread Indo-European languages.

4. Polish cavemen ruled the neighbourhood:

during the Neolithic time period Poland was a dominant area. in Europe

2 Jul 2011 /  #18
4. Polish cavemen ruled the neighbourhood:

A similar situation persists in the Zawady district of Poznań to this very day.
2 Jul 2011 /  #19

That's probably the population on which Monia and PolskiMoc conducted their research.
2 Jul 2011 /  #20
Nice summary, torqi!! We rock ;)))

as I'm too lazy to go through all the posts
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Jul 2011 /  #21
Nordic tribes were not nordic because there was no nordic race.They were basically germanic because there exists germanic race or subrace or whatever.Nordic is just a variation of germanic subrace common in cities like Hamburg.I guess Hitler was familiar with all this stuff.
legend  3 | 658  
2 Jul 2011 /  #22
I can say this though... Poland is one of the most homogeneous countries in Europe.
OP Monia  
2 Jul 2011 /  #23
A similar situation persists in the Zawady district of Poznań to this very day.

You described it in a very funny way , I really had a good laugh. :):):)
2 Jul 2011 /  #24
<bows floridly>

Always a pleasure :)
OP Monia  
2 Jul 2011 /  #25
Polish cavemen ruled the neighbourhood:

Isn`t it something ? Polish cavemen machos from a stone age ;) .

Now I am going to be so proud of Polish men , they knew how to do the certain things .

Ps it was not my research , Polish DNA researchers from Uni of Warsaw did it :) .
TheOther  6 | 3600  
3 Jul 2011 /  #26
Polish cavemen ruled the neighbourhood

They still do... ;)
OP Monia  
19 Jul 2011 /  #27
That is a good thing too since genetic variety is associated with strong immune systems.

Not only with that , but also with better look , ha .

Long time ago, it was confirmed that in isolated communities, people are more ugly.
30 Jul 2011 /  #28
As I've been reading through a few threads and comments on here one thing came to my mind. A lot of people are somehow denying their Slavic origin or trying to prove that the Poles are a mixture of Germans and Slavs and whatnot. I came across a few comments saying there was a strong Nordic influence, too.

I did some research and Poland seems to be a fairly homogeneous nation in terms of race and haplogroups. About 60% of Poles share the R1A haplogroup which makes Poland the most Slavic country in Europe. The number of Nordic and Dinaric haplogroups are rather insignificant among the Polish people. As for the "germanic" haplogroup R1B, there is a strong genetic line between Poland and Germany - Poland being predominantly R1A. Czech Republic, on the other hand, lacks this strong genetic line between Germany and Czech Republic making the Czechs the least Slavic nation in Europe, with only 34% belonging to R1A haplogroup. What I'm trying to say is that being a Pole is nothing to be ashamed of, there is nothing wrong with brachycephaly and a flat head /as I learned on here is often a sign of a Pole/. There is nothing wrong with the Polish language, Poland is a beautiful country and the Polish culture has brought a lot of masterpieces throughout the history.
OP Monia  
30 Jul 2011 /  #29
This influence of Nordic tribes on Polish Slavic tribes resulted in phenomenon that the northern parts of Poland are inhabited by people with lighter hair..

Read this and there is nothing wrong with such fenomenon . Did I make any critical comments ?
There are influences from the north and the south , right?

I am proud to be Polsh , no matter what genes are predominant in my body , thank you Mom and Dad , lol. Do you think that anyone cares about it , anyway , me not :).
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Jul 2011 /  #30
You have wonderful genes in Poland.

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