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Genetic difference between Poles and selected others.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 Sep 2009 /  #31
Genetic difference between Poles and selected others.

What do you think it means to be genetically different?
The usual racist remarks, a swastika and all on the first page.
It will all end in tears.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Sep 2009 /  #32
What do you think it means to be genetically different?

Wanted to point out that there is really no much different. And that we are all one race... The Human Race!

a swastika

In many cultures its regarded as a symbol of peace and harmony. Untill it was demonised by the Germans in WW2

It will all end in tears.

I firmly believe that there will be smiles everywhere... one day... very soon!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Sep 2009 /  #33
Genetic difference between Poles and selected others.

Wanted to point out that there is really no much different.

Lodz_The_boat, you chose a strange title.

How different are we Poles from:

1. Germans
2. Iranians (Persians and Medes)
3. Indians (As of India in Asia)
4. Africans
5. British (the anglo-saxon)
6. Chinese

Try chimps.

The human and chimpanzee genomes differ by just 1.2% between the coding genes.


In many cultures its regarded as a symbol of peace and harmony. Untill it was demonised by the Germans in WW2

It was a WWII swastika, don't play innocent.

I firmly believe that there will be smiles everywhere... one day... very soon!

Not on this thread.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11853  
21 Sep 2009 /  #34
Untill it was demonised by the Germans in WW2

Na ja....that is not quite correct as the Nazis used it even for their party as symbol.
It got demonised by the enemies of the Nazis actually...

But these little differences are not that important to a Lodz, aren't they!

Wanted to point out that there is really no much different

What's wrong with being different? Viva la diversity anybody?
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Sep 2009 /  #35
being different?

being diverse and being different is different
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Sep 2009 /  #37
In a colorful garden, there are flowers of all colors. All these beautiful flowers therefore constitute this diverse garden! ... However these flowers are not different as opposed to each other...they are all afterall ... FLOWERS...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Sep 2009 /  #38
being diverse and being different is different

Diverse people are different from different people who are not different from nondifferent people.

In a colorful garden, there are flowers of all colors. All these beautiful flowers therefore constitute this diverse garden! ... However these flowers are not different as opposed to each other...they are all afterall ... FLOWERS...

In colorfull orchard there are trees, all these trees are beatifull and constitue a diverse orchard and then they start talking to me about the universe and finally i know that LSD shot was worth the money.

How about we cut on the botanical analogies?:)))

It got demonised by the enemies of the Nazis actually...

There is so much wrong with this statement despite it being right, its awesome :))

And to add something of value, Poles are among the last more or less pure slavic strain, various Russians, Ukrainians, Belariusians etc have a strong finno-ugric line in them while genetic research proved something interesting, Poles remain more or less a coherent "pure" genetic strain since they migrated here, despite the wars and the diversity of the Commonwealth.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11853  
21 Sep 2009 /  #39
its awesome :))

*bows proudly*

....I worked on this gem all night...
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
21 Sep 2009 /  #40
I like looking at Koreans aswell :)

For a second there, I thought I was cruising past one of southern's post, but it looks like we have another Perv on the forum! Good on ya LTB!
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Sep 2009 /  #41
but it looks like we have another Perv on the forum! Good on ya LTB!

Looking at a preety lady is not being pervert...but drooling all the time and behaving extremely ridiculous is.

By am a straight heterosexual male...lol!
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Sep 2009 /  #42

Swastika was a sanscritic symbol of power which meant that it was shared by all indoeuropeans.
In ancient Greece they used the swastika with the rotation to the right which is the good one.(it symbolizes the good).Hitler chose the swastika with rotation to the left which symbolizes the evil.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
21 Sep 2009 /  #43
How different are we Poles

Genetically there's hardly any difference. Cultural difference? Send a German baby over to Poland to be raised by Polish parents and you'll get a little Pole. Send a Polish baby to Germany, and you'll end up with a little German. It's all about education and how kids are brought up. In the end there is no difference.
Svenski  1 | 159  
21 Sep 2009 /  #44
Some weeks back, National Geographic aired this documentary (in the US) and the results of their scientific study. It was really interesting!

National Geographic - Genetics

Atlas of the Human Journey
Prickiewicz  - | 20  
21 Sep 2009 /  #45
the swastika with rotation to the left which symbolizes the evil.

The left still symbolizes evil.

Send a Polish baby to Germany, and you'll end up with a little German.

A little German with a heart.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
21 Sep 2009 /  #46
A little German with a heart.

That's a ... how can I say this politely ... pretty f*cked-up view ...
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Sep 2009 /  #47
I like this post.

But perhaps even more striking, Myers said, is how similar humans are to each other. Some 90 percent of the genetic variation occurs within populations, not among them.

"That turns out to be very profound, because it's not like we've got these 51 populations that are different species," he said. "We're really, really close to each other."

In fact, there's no single genetic marker that identifies a person as French or Japanese or Papuan. Rather, patterns of thousands of these little markers within the group distinguish one population from the next.


Thanks Svenski ... now the thread seems so much more lovely... like that garden that speaks of unity, peace, love ... triumph!...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11853  
21 Sep 2009 /  #48
That's a ... how can I say this politely ... pretty f*cked-up view ...

He even has the fitting nickname: "Prick"

southern  73 | 7059  
22 Sep 2009 /  #49
Send a German baby over to Poland to be raised by Polish parents and you'll get a little Pole. Send a Polish baby to Germany, and you'll end up with a little German.

Yes,but the German will dring beer and the Pole will prefer vodka.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
28 Sep 2009 /  #52
Considering Poland must have shagged a fair bit of Europe in its history, and likewise been involved in some homeland inter-ethnic shagging (Scots, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, Lithuanians, Old Prussians, Mongolians, Gypsies etc), how do you actually define a genetically ethnic Pole (as opposed to a culturally ethnic Pole)?

Insert (ooer!) any other nationality in that question.

Oh, and aren't Aryans supposed to have come from India? Bloody foreigners!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Sep 2009 /  #53
How different are we Poles from:

1. Germans
2. Iranians (Persians and Medes)
3. Indians (As of India in Asia)
4. Africans
5. British (the anglo-saxon)
6. Chinese

I answer:

1...Germans: Poles have a slightly larger penis, smaller brain capacity in terms of mechanical ability.
2...Iranians: Poles have large penis, similar brain.
3...Indians: Poles have larger penis, larger brain, but less 'cunning'. Both are extremely cheap.
4...Africans: Poles have smaller penis, larger brain, but slightly less rythmnic ability.
5...British: Equivalent penis/brain capacity, but British are better shop keepers.
4...Chinese: Poles have larger penis, slightly larger brain, but less developed brain capacity in areas of economics and manipulation.

bryan45777  1 | 5  
29 Sep 2009 /  #54
I would be interested in knowing the gentic connection between Poles and others ethnicities.My guess would be Austrian, Scythian, Scandinavian, Roman.The U.S. is along way from genetic blend, IMO, but few are 100% ANY ethnicity ,unless naturalized citizens who immigrated same-gen.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
30 Sep 2009 /  #55
In Europe, R1a is found primarily in the eastern part of the European continent, with the highest frequencies among the Sorbs (63.39%), Poles (56.4%),[14] , Russians (50.0%)[15] and Ukrainians (54.0%.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
30 Sep 2009 /  #56
Whats with you and penises Joe?
Ironside  50 | 12824  
30 Sep 2009 /  #57
Please dont get racist here. Instead give your fare remarks.

you are an idiot
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
30 Sep 2009 /  #58
No. People are... who can turn anything into a racist thread.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
30 Sep 2009 /  #59
Whats with you and penises Joe?

Well, I have one myself you know...Anyway, don't take things so seriously...I make a 'naughty' joke.
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Sep 2009 /  #60
.I make a 'naughty' joke.

I wonder about ass capacity.

I think Poles are as close to Indians as milk is to sh1t.

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